Level 16
IGN (In Game Name): happystories
Previous bans: I got a unappealable ban from Im6 for Constant Harassment, Toxicity, and Collective Decision.
Describe your activity on the server: I would say I'm active alot. I get on from 4pm EST to around 11pm EST on school days and basically all day on weekends or breaks.
Do you have Discord? Yes I have discord its Scary#6442
Do you have a microphone? I do but I don't. I'm working on getting a cord for my Blue Snowball iCE. But right now I'm using my phone as a microphone.
List your current and past applications:
Delivery Application Accepted:
Cop Application Accepted:
What is your motivation for applying?: To have a fun time role-playing on the school roleplay server in a new way, and to help out the server. There are a few police officers online, so when I join the force I could possibly be really active.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: Yes, I do understand the Japanese Laws and the Basic Conduct.
What are the Police ranks?:
- Commissioner
- Head Lieutenant
- Vice-Head Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Head Investigator
- Investigator
- Investigator Trainee
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Officer
- Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: Police Officers swear to protect and serve the remaining citizens they have and represent. They are wanted by the government to enforce the law on people by arresting criminals and detecting and preventing crimes by saving the people.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?: Police are important to School RP because they help out people in need of an emergency, Needs of busting down drug dealers and/or weapon dealers also known as black market dealers.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?: Yes I acknowledge that I can be subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? What he's like on the and off the job? Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?: Akagi Yamamoto is quiet but strict a lot, He's standing at approximately 5'11 with the body mass of 198lbs. He has black hair from his brother Amano Yamamoto. Akagi gets his tasks done whenever there placed out for him or made for him. He does them as fast as he could and correct. Akagi is strict on his job to ensure the help of the citizens of Kurakara, Japan. As well as he helps out his co-workers on their confusion and on Math, Computer Science and English. When Akagi is off his job he helps College Students on the correct paths to end up pursuing a job and teaches High School Students on why to not do drugs, have weapons and the importance of safety if anything happens as well as giving them motivation for a better lifestyle. But sometimes Akagi Yamamoto can be strict off his job also he is Japanese from being taught japanese in Japan.
BACKSTORY: On August 25, 1993, Akagi Yamamoto was born in Japan. As well his other brother that came out was named Ajahi Yamamoto. Akagi Yamamoto had another brother named Amano Yamamoto. Soon after his father went off to a small war to help his country. Akagi's father sadly passed away in the year of 2001. Akagi's mother would be abusive verbally and physically. At there age of 6, they ended up going into foster care where a new family helped and raised him. At the age of 8, Amano was already a police officer Akagi ended up finding his job that he wanted to pursue in memory of his father and to be with his brother Amano. At 16, Officer Yamamoto would teach his little brother on ways of being a Police Officer in Japan. The end year of 2017, Akagi was in college perusing to be a Police Officer. In the end, in 2018 Akagi ended up getting out of college and turning into a Police Officer of Karukara, Japan with his brother Amano Yamamoto. Sadly Amano Yamamoto had passed away from being ganged up on by a group of gang members.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Akagi Yamamoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Aka, Akagi
Preferred Name: Akagi
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Catholic/Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Approximately 2- 5 Years.
Working Experience: 0 Years in Current.
Academic Degree: Associate's Degree and a High School Diploma
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminal Justice, Law, Physical Education
Minor(s): English, Mathematics
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Korean
Other notes: Hope you like my application!
Previous bans: I got a unappealable ban from Im6 for Constant Harassment, Toxicity, and Collective Decision.
Describe your activity on the server: I would say I'm active alot. I get on from 4pm EST to around 11pm EST on school days and basically all day on weekends or breaks.
Do you have Discord? Yes I have discord its Scary#6442
Do you have a microphone? I do but I don't. I'm working on getting a cord for my Blue Snowball iCE. But right now I'm using my phone as a microphone.
List your current and past applications:
Delivery Application Accepted:
Cop Application Accepted:
What is your motivation for applying?: To have a fun time role-playing on the school roleplay server in a new way, and to help out the server. There are a few police officers online, so when I join the force I could possibly be really active.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?: Yes, I do understand the Japanese Laws and the Basic Conduct.
What are the Police ranks?:
- Commissioner
- Head Lieutenant
- Vice-Head Lieutenant
- Lieutenant
- Head Investigator
- Investigator
- Investigator Trainee
- Sergeant
- Corporal
- Officer
- Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?: Police Officers swear to protect and serve the remaining citizens they have and represent. They are wanted by the government to enforce the law on people by arresting criminals and detecting and preventing crimes by saving the people.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?: Police are important to School RP because they help out people in need of an emergency, Needs of busting down drug dealers and/or weapon dealers also known as black market dealers.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?: Yes I acknowledge that I can be subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique? What he's like on the and off the job? Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future?: Akagi Yamamoto is quiet but strict a lot, He's standing at approximately 5'11 with the body mass of 198lbs. He has black hair from his brother Amano Yamamoto. Akagi gets his tasks done whenever there placed out for him or made for him. He does them as fast as he could and correct. Akagi is strict on his job to ensure the help of the citizens of Kurakara, Japan. As well as he helps out his co-workers on their confusion and on Math, Computer Science and English. When Akagi is off his job he helps College Students on the correct paths to end up pursuing a job and teaches High School Students on why to not do drugs, have weapons and the importance of safety if anything happens as well as giving them motivation for a better lifestyle. But sometimes Akagi Yamamoto can be strict off his job also he is Japanese from being taught japanese in Japan.
BACKSTORY: On August 25, 1993, Akagi Yamamoto was born in Japan. As well his other brother that came out was named Ajahi Yamamoto. Akagi Yamamoto had another brother named Amano Yamamoto. Soon after his father went off to a small war to help his country. Akagi's father sadly passed away in the year of 2001. Akagi's mother would be abusive verbally and physically. At there age of 6, they ended up going into foster care where a new family helped and raised him. At the age of 8, Amano was already a police officer Akagi ended up finding his job that he wanted to pursue in memory of his father and to be with his brother Amano. At 16, Officer Yamamoto would teach his little brother on ways of being a Police Officer in Japan. The end year of 2017, Akagi was in college perusing to be a Police Officer. In the end, in 2018 Akagi ended up getting out of college and turning into a Police Officer of Karukara, Japan with his brother Amano Yamamoto. Sadly Amano Yamamoto had passed away from being ganged up on by a group of gang members.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name: Akagi Yamamoto
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Aka, Akagi
Preferred Name: Akagi
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Catholic/Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Approximately 2- 5 Years.
Working Experience: 0 Years in Current.
Academic Degree: Associate's Degree and a High School Diploma
Year of Graduation: 2017
Major(s): Criminal Justice, Law, Physical Education
Minor(s): English, Mathematics
Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Korean
Other notes: Hope you like my application!
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