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sccooob | KPD Application


Level 9
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
MAIN - 0207s
ALT - sccooob (applying)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I have no other faction applications.
Describe your activity on the server:
SRP is where I spend the majority of my time, typically I am online for at least eight hours daily yet it is usually longer than that. Since I am online SRP so much, I am very active in roleplay scenarios and events related to my participation in many different communities on the server. I am/was part of a sports team, racing crew, school club, shop, etc. that require active members; I am definitely one of those members. I am a very social person on SRP so I find that I am almost always talking to both new and old friends, giving me reason to be so active and enjoy the server.
What is your motivation for applying?:
Since joining the server, I have always respected KPD and the work they have done. If I wasn’t so new to roleplaying, I would’ve applied much sooner. However, I decided it was best to hold off and wait awhile until I apply so that I could better my chances. During the months that I have now played, I have had many interactions with KPD in various scenarios, mainly because of a reason explained in the next paragraph but there have been others reasons that have continued to have me interested in joining the faction such as some of the experiences my sport character has gone through involving KPD. Alongside my experiences, I also wish to branch out my involvement with the server with this new experience because of how organized KPD is while having exclusive roleplay scenarios.
From January to just a week ago, I have been a part of a racing gang. I am sure that KPD is well aware of this gang as these delinquents actively streetrace and use their pastime to bug KPD. Having been a part of this community for several months, I was dedicated and had climbed the ranks to be the right hand man in the gang, meaning I have seen a lot of what KPD does. Over the past month or two, I have found that GangRP and other delinquent activities my character was involved with has grown old and that I wanted to do something new. While being intrigued by the idea of applying for quite awhile now, I have decided to resign from my position so that I could shift my dedication to KPD.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
My knowledge of police work is limited, only knowing what I’ve seen from my previous experiences as well what I’ve read from the official threads. Police work on SRP include a very wide range of duties, as well as keeping track of an inventory of various tools that are both actual items and ItemRP’d.

Main Division Ranks, listed from highest to lowest:
Commissioner, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, Patrol Officer, Cadet

Detective Division Ranks, listed from highest to lowest:
Det. Superintendent, Det. Chief Inspector, Det. Inspector, Det. Sergeant, Det. Constable
KPD patrol Karakura in specific routes, looking out for any crime going on. This is one of the more common responsibilities that citizens see KPD act out on.​
Assisting Citizens​
Assisting citizens can be done in many different ways, ranging from basic desk work like bailing someone out to guiding them during natural disasters.​
Taking Reports​
Going along with assisting citizens, taking reports is another important duty that includes KPD working with citizens. No matter the type of report, KPD works together with whoever is on-duty to respond to reports given.​
Typically done when patrolling or from getting reports, KPD need to keep track of those who have committed a crime/possibly have and be on the lookout for them. Once a suspect has been found, KPD will place them into restraints and then custody to either finish out an arrest or they’ll go through an…​
Interrogation! Those who have been placed under detainment by KPD are questioned one on one to see if they are truly guilty of the crime they are suspected of doing and/or to see if any more information can be given about someone else doing a crime.​
When given the information to, and furthermore given permission, KPD are able to raid properties in search of confiscating illegal weaponry or arresting criminals in hiding.​
Inmate Care​
KPD are able to get inmates out of their cells in order to get some physical activity in. This can range from going to the inside gym or out to the yard to play some volleyball or fish. KPD also watches over visitations when requested.​

Item Name​
All Officers​
A simple steel tool/weapon that is used to apprehend criminals. It can be used in both self-defense and offensively when needed.​
All Officers​
A device that is used to measure how much alcohol an individual has consumed.​
Typically used when raiding properties, it can be used to pry both doors and locked containers open.​
Gas Mask​
All Officers​
Used to protect officers against pepper spray, gas leaks, etc. when needed.​
All Officers​
The most standard tool used to restrain criminals, used to prevent them from causing anymore harm. Can be resisted during arrest.​
Pepper Spray​
All Officers​
A spray that temporarily blinds whoever it is used on. It causes irritation to the eyes with its burning sensation.​
All Officers​
The waterproof radio is used by officers to allow easy communication across KPD.​
Riot Shield​
All Officers​
The riot shield is used by officers to protect themselves. It can restrict their actions depending if used defensively or offensively.​
Stun Blaster​
All Officers​
The stun blaster immobilizes whoever is hit for sixty seconds. Typically used whenever someone is being violent or trying to evade.​
Sergeants & Det. Inspectors​
Similar to the stun blaster, this immobilizes whoever is hit for two minutes. Rather than just immobilizing though, it makes the target unconscious. This can be used on both animals and humans.​

+ ItemRP’d equipment: Luminol Spray, Disposable Latex Gloves, Fingerprint Scanner, First-Aid Kit, Body Camera. These are all accessible to all officers.
+ Vehicles: Police Bike and Police Cruiser. Both are only given to Higher-ups.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Police is important to SRP for many reasons, one of the more prominent reasons being the amount of gang and criminal activities that happen. There needs to be some type of combatant to the numerous gangs running around Karakura which is where KPD step up. Besides just combating gangs, KPD helps with isolated criminal activities that happen throughout the city. Without the police in SRP, the city would be in complete chaos due to the large population who would have no one to fear giving repercussions for their actions.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

Yes, I completely understand that training is a requirement when I am online.​

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Jirō Uemara
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
37 years old.
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, preferring to be referenced as he/him.
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
JSL - Need to apply
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Jirō Uemara, a Japanese man who has been building his physique to be in the finest condition for over twenty years, stood at approximately 5’10 and 170 pounds. His muscular state was proudly shown off when wearing his day to day attire. The blonde, messy hair that sat on his head flowed barely past his nape. Although it seemed there was an attempt to keep the mess out of his face, there were typically a few strands sitting in front of his olive colored eyes.
Not caring much to have a real fashion sense, Jirō would always be seen wearing the most basic attire. All that mattered to him was whether or not he was comfortable and could easily throw a ball if he managed to get his hands on one. He naturally wore a subtle smile on his face, never seeming to be put off by much.
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Jirō has learned how to adapt to fit whatever setting he is in from joking around during offtime or, as some would say, ‘locking in’ whenever needed at a moment's notice. While being surrounded by good people, Jirō is typically comfortable to act as himself so long as it is appropriate. While being raised to be well-mannered, he does let some things slip on occasion. Overall, though, Jirō is never one to start conflict and is very easy-going.
There isn’t much of a shift in how Jirō acts when shifting from a casual to professional situation unless it was something that required a more serious demeanor. He’d remain polite, and if anything he’d keep his mouth shut to ensure he did not allow any unwanted comments to slide while instead focusing on those around him and the situation at hand.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Having been a part of a team for the majority of his life, Jirō greatly values and respects those he is set to work with. Believing that having a good connection with those he sees everyday, he strives to ensure that every team member, or co-worker in this case, that he interacts with is doing their best. If they are not, he will do his best to get them to be as close to that state as possible. With the understanding of how dangerous this line of work can be, Jirō believes that having a team that is reliable is vital for everyone's safety.
What's your character's backstory?

0 - 18 Years old
Jirō was the second born son in the Uemara household. While being brought up to be formal and business acquainted, Jirō felt he never truly belonged in the family business. Rather than learning all that his older brother had bothered with the business, he instead turned his focus towards sports, specifically baseball. Playing all throughout his childhood and teenage years, he became quite talented at the sport, enough so that his skill was brought to the attention of recruiters. During high school, a recruiter promised that if Jirō kept his grades up and stayed out of trouble, he’d be offered a spot at Hosei University. This university was one of the most prestigious universities in Tokyo, however, the main selling point of the offer was that Hosei held the most league championships within the Tokyo Big6 Baseball League. Not wanting to blow his chance, Jirō did his best to do as told and secured his spot on the university team by keeping up with his studies and staying out of any trouble. However, Jirō had met a girl during high school and ultimately ended up getting her pregnant when they were both seventeen. Not knowing what to do, but still wanting to have his chance at attending Hosei, he completely dropped the girl and ignored the situation. His son was born without his knowledge, and Jirō believed he wouldn’t have to deal with it any further until a few months later the baby was left under his care after his mother had abandoned him.
18 - 32 Years old
Being completely baffled by having to suddenly care for his child, Jirō turned to his older brother, Akinori, for assistance. As Akinori was already married and starting his own family, he agreed to take in Jirō’s son and raise him as his own so that Jirō could fulfill his wish of attending Hosei. Leaving his brother and son behind, Jirō took note from his older brother and decided to study criminal justice while playing collegiate baseball. Being away from his family was a sense of freedom for the young Uemara as he no longer had to worry about the family business or any of his past worries, giving him relief and privilege to do as he pleased in Tokyo. Graduating four years later with his Bachelors in criminal justice, he decided rather than using the degree he had earned, he’d continue his baseball career. Being recruited by the Hanshin Tigers, one of the best teams in the Nippon Professional Baseball Central League, Jirō played for this team for nine years. Just before beginning his tenth year with the team, he faced an unfortunate injury that required him to leave the team for the time being. Over the next year, he moved back home to be with his brother’s family while recovering from his injury.
32 - 37 Years old
Although wishing to return to the Tigers, he realized that at his age and with the injury it would be unreasonable for him to return to that lifestyle. During his recovery, he began to reconnect with his brother and finally meet the family he had created, agreeing to Akinori’s terms to keep the fact that he raised his son a secret. Jirō has been living comfortably on the funds he made from his many years of baseball but found he was often left with nothing to do. Living in Karakura with them, he made the decision to look into his next career options. Remembering his Criminal Justice degree, it was decided that the best course of action would be to apply to assist protecting the family he now greatly cared for.​

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, owning a pocket knife is illegal in Karakura. Being caught with one in your possession would result in being charged with possession of illegal weaponry, a felony.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
“There’s quite a few medical items that do not require a prescription, ranging from supplements, medical devices, etc.. Some supplements include multivitamins and melatonin. Some medical devices are a wooden cane, eyepatch, and glasses.”
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“If I were to see co-workers physically abusing an inmate, I would immediately check that my body camera is on while radioing for back-up and begin to approach the situation. Being aware that my co-workers are armed with the same equipment that I have, I would have my taser drawn while approaching. I’d attempt to intimidate the co-workers to stop their attack without the necessity of immobilizing them. If needed, I would tase them. Once they were no longer attacking, I would restrain the co-workers before moving to assess the wounds dealt to the inmate and get the proper care they need.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Upon seeing my co-worker being assaulted, I would immediately radio for backup. While making the call, I’d assess the situation, taking note of whether or not the assaulter is armed with any type of weaponry. I would approach the scene with my baton or taser, using either in an attempt to intimidate the assaulter while yelling at them to stop or else force would be used. If successful, I’d ensure any weapon was out of their reach and quickly restrain them so I could tend to my co-worker and get them any necessary treatment. If I were unsuccessful with intimidating the assaulter, I would do whatever needed to prevent them from inflicting further harm which would most likely involve tasing them. Once immobilized, again, I would quickly restrain them so I could tend to my co-worker.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“Once finding out that one of my co-workers is corrupt, I’d take the time to gather the necessary evidence of them having involvement with criminal organizations. I would ensure that what I have collected is sufficient, as I would not want to cause an issue in someone’s career from a false accusation. After I have sufficient evidence collected, I’d go to the appropriate higher-up within KPD, likely the commissioner, and make my full report. I would ensure that this co-worker receives the correct punishment for their actions.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“Immediately upon hearing the attempt I’d deny any form of bribery. Attempting to bribe an officer is a finable offense, meaning I would request the correct amount from them to pay for the fine. If they were unable to pay for the fine, I’d detain them and ensure that they get the appropriate sentence.”​
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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