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Accepted School Councillor Application. ✔

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IGN: VintageDreams
Role in School Council: Councillor
Expected activity (out of ten): 8
RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are):13
Previous Applications: I recently applied for School Mentor.
Motivation for joining: I've always taken an interest in the schools well being, i've also been told by a lot of people to apply which really motivated me, and i've also been told by my closest friend to apply, as I'm constantly telling her my thoughts and opinions on the school, and what ideas i have to improve the school.

What is the School Council?: School Council, is a group of students elected by there fellow classmates, to represent their opinions and raise issues with the Principal of the school. School Council must listen to all students ideas, and try to make their ideas happen or explain why they can't.
What happens in the School Council?: In School Council, you attend meetings to discuss and submit ideas you also discuss, problems within the school and how to solve those problems. You also discuss students opinions, and ideas, and you also attend meetings with the Principal of the school to talk about ideas, and problems within the school etc. You also have to help, and guide new students (show them where their classes are, explain the rules, give them advice etc) and you also help students who face problems, such as bullying, as school council isn't all about meetings.

You are a councillor, the chairman submits a awful idea, what do you do?: Me: "Its an okay idea, but can you explain it in more detail so me and the rest of the council will understand your idea, and maybe we could add to it to make it better", Chairman: "Well, i think a friendship bench would be good because, instead of looking everywhere for a friend you could just go to the place which has friend in the name, and you obviously won't be the only one there who's looking for a friend so it would be easier to make one",
Me: "I like it, we will submit your idea to the Principal immediately"

You submit a idea, everyone hates it, how do you react?: "Well, i guess its not the best idea i've came up with, but i have many more ideas that i would love to share" (I would react like this because, i don't want any controversy and I'm an accepting person, and if the whole group don't like my idea, theres no point arguing about it, as its a group decision what ideas, we submit to the Principal).

You have become the school president, what is your first speech: "Hello, i am your School President, I'm here to make your school a better place, If you have an idea or a problem, you can come speak to me anytime. I will listen to all of your ideas, suggestions and opinions, and i will try to make as many of them possible"

You fail to attend 5 meetings with the school council, how do you apologise? "Im so sorry, that i didn't attend 3 or is it 5 meetings, i've just been so busy lately helping out new students, i swear that i'll never miss out on any meetings ever again, how can i make up for the meetings, i've missed?"

You are being removed from your position, how do you react? "Well, at least i feel as if i done my job right, i helped students and thats what i intended on doing, i submitted multiple ideas, i made students ideas possible and i made them feel as if they had a say, so I hope that the new School Councillor, enjoys their role just as much as i did"

You are writing a letter to the school principal, how do you convince him to let you be this role?

Dear Principal,

I have written this letter, because i would love to be a member, of Yhs School Council, the role i would love to enrol is School Councillor. I want this role because, i believe that i can make our school a better place, i take a lot of interest in the schools well being, i also have the ability to listen, and if i become School Councillor, i will listen to all students opinions, ideas, and suggestions. I will also submit multiple ideas in meetings, and those ideas would realistic, as i want to improve the school, as thats what i intend on doing. I will attend all meetings that are held, and i will also help new students, bullied students etc. I hope that i receive this role, as its something that i've always wanted to do, i assure you, that if i do get this role i will do my job right, thank you for reading this letter.

Sincerely, VintageDreams
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