Level 3
IGN: alsxhn
DATE: oct 17
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think there can be school dormitory since it is schoolrp. Students can apply to live in dormitory with lower price than buying an apartment but the restriction is the roommates have to be distributed by school. And to my opinion there can be 4 people per room and they have their own desk and closets to put their own things (this should be minecraft chest) but having the same bathroom. This is the picture that gave me the idea. Can insert the bed down there. The desks can be put in the middle of the dormitory room or near the windows.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: There are always people talking in ooc chat saying they wanted to buy an apartment but there arent any available. I think the dormitory is kind of things that can make karakura more like an actual school and can solve the apartment shortage problems. The roommates being forced to rp with each other just like how reality works, like roommates are not chosen by people but need to interact with each other and have the responsibility of the whole room. I think it is kinda cool to create a dormitory thing and it can activate the rp things more since people should rp with their roommates.
DATE: oct 17
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think there can be school dormitory since it is schoolrp. Students can apply to live in dormitory with lower price than buying an apartment but the restriction is the roommates have to be distributed by school. And to my opinion there can be 4 people per room and they have their own desk and closets to put their own things (this should be minecraft chest) but having the same bathroom. This is the picture that gave me the idea. Can insert the bed down there. The desks can be put in the middle of the dormitory room or near the windows.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: There are always people talking in ooc chat saying they wanted to buy an apartment but there arent any available. I think the dormitory is kind of things that can make karakura more like an actual school and can solve the apartment shortage problems. The roommates being forced to rp with each other just like how reality works, like roommates are not chosen by people but need to interact with each other and have the responsibility of the whole room. I think it is kinda cool to create a dormitory thing and it can activate the rp things more since people should rp with their roommates.