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Denied School Employee Application


Level 0
School employee role your applying for: Dinner-lady
How often do u log onto the server?: Mostly everyday i guess!
Do you have discord?: Yes!
Do you have a microphone? Yes!
Have you ever been banned, if yes when and why?: I got banned last map when i was new and i didn't realise that this certain person was a Senior Mod and he told me off for something and i didn't listen.
Can you ensure that you will often come on?: yes!
Do you recognise that you can be ICly fired?: Yes i do!
In as much detail as possible, describe the role of your chosen school employee: Well basically i have to help out at dinner make sure that everyone is happy. Also i guess i have to give the children who are on school dinner a basic meal to eat while it is lunch time.
Do you have any past experience in this type of roleplay?: Well i have roleplayed as lunch time but i see that there isn't any staff to give out the lunch. So i have a straight idea on what to do when to do it but no i have never experienced it fully.
What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: like i said i haven't had the full experience but i do know a basic idea!
Are you familiar with what your job does? If so, describe it: yes i am clear that i need to charge the children a reasonable amount for the certain foods and be polite as well as doing my job.
During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how do you react?: You would calmly tell the student to calm down if they will not i would get help from a near member of staff that is working!
You are doing a hazardous job requested by the School Principal, how do you react?: If it was very hazardous and I wasn't required to do it, I would politely ask why and how this would benefit the school. If I was required to do the job and it would benefit the school
Another school employee is doing something very dangerous on the job or acting out of order, how do you react?: I would polity calm the employee down and try stop them from doing what they shouldn't do.
[IC section]
Applicant Name:
Morgan J.
Chosen Job: Dinner-Lady
Motivation for Joining YHS: I have always went to the people who are upset when i am in school and i have made sure they went out of school feeling better. I loved talking to students while waiting for the periods to come.
Age: 17



Level 152
Hello @jellyfish,
After thoroughly looking through your application, I've decided today (19/09/2018) to come with a conclusion on your application to become a Dinner-Lady on Karakura High School. Below this said message, you'll find my view on this application and after my judgement.

- Poor detail in answers.
- Poorly formatted.
- I do not believe you're ready to be en-tilted with this job.

You may apply or re-apply for a job in seven (7) days. [26/09/2018]

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