Thank you for your feedback and responses.
We already planned to bring back a lot of what the Senior Leadership Team did during this year and 2021, and after the recent meeting we've had we've added new systems for factions which should improve events and other activities. A lot of the team also have busy lives and additional responsibilities which are more important.
Overall picking the right candidates to join the
Senior Leadership position isn’t an easy task, the cap is simply there to make it clear that we do not plan on adding additional members at that time, however, we have once again re-introduced 6 slots with our new addition to the team (Escuzme) as we endeavour to find a 6th member.
We have now begun a new rota system which slightly differs from the last which will be far less stressful for the team as well as bring more content and events to the players. If you have suggestions for school events, please contact any member of the team in DMs via Discord (KimiNoUso, Escuzme, MariaV, Tippie, or Customable).
For November, the planned events are as follows:
- Week 1: Model Student / Award Assembly
- Week 2: Careers and Internships market
- Week 3: Club-related event (To be determined)
- Week 4: Field trip (Location: ???)
The below responses are written/contributed to by the specific faction lead:
Sports Teams it is primarily the captains who have the upper hand in the activity and involvement of their team. As faction leads we try our best to pick a suitable captain who we think will contribute to the faction and will take initiative with their team. Every captain is allowed to host events, for their team or part of the school, which some already do quite frequently. Resetting teams is truly our last resort as it is very unlikely it will benefit the faction whatsoever. To help with the activity of sport teams the faction leads, at the moment of writing this Escuzme and Tippie, are working on a competition system for the teams, but we cannot guarantee this will improve the activity or that the captains will be able to get their team to participate on it, yet we think this will contribute to the activity. Keep in mind that things such as the rivalry will not be the same as it used to be back in 2020 and there is nothing we can do about that as the community has changed a lot from then, any team is free to roleplay against other teams of the other school on their own, only for flash events such as damaging team houses or school property related to that team OOC consent by the relative lead is required.
The pool for tryouts for
College Sports will always be smaller than the pool for Highschool Sports, this is due to the fact that highschool have a lot of new players which haven’t been able to participate in the exams yet. We, SLT, are letting more and more people into college and with the exams plugin nearly finished the frequency of when exams will be hosted will also increase and thereby allowing more players to experience college roleplay, progress, and try out for the college sport teams.
For the
College faction in general, the college part of the SLT team will be planning more college exclusive events and get activities college students can participate in such as internships back on track.
Council & Clubs will begin to actively host events every month based on a rota system created and organised by me; each club will have a provided time slot to create an event they are to host that month which may range from theme based or simple and fun activities; slots for Clubs have increased to 12 to accommodate this change. - Council does have the requirements to host their own events as long as they are not major events hosted specifically by SLT, the limitation is down to their own creative limits and willingness to present ideas to me, and it is actively encouraged within the faction; Council will have a heavy hand in the planning and execution in future dances and major SLT events, meaning they’ll may be hosting them with a lot of support from SLT.
Teachers & Professors (whilst not actively done in recent months) are encouraged to host field trips and custom classes with more interaction for players – especially those who are newer to SchoolRP. Classes are monitored from time-to-time to ensure they’re appropriate/interesting, however if you yourself witness a lesson which is entirely lecture and no interaction/fun then please report it to Tippie_ (for professors) or KimiNoUso (for teachers) and we will either re-train them ourselves or remove them entirely.