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School Faculty Apartment


Level 1
IGN: Crossbow5786
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: There should be a designated apartment or house for the school faculty, if we are going the route of apartments, preferably one for the Highschool Teachers, one for the College Teachers, and one for Other School Staff, if we are going the route of a house (like the Spartan Household), then only one is needed


Level 77
It's not realistic nor does it make sense. Think about it, do faculty at your school all live in one building together? I wouldn't think so. As well as this, on SRP most adults have their own family meaning they live in a tower / estate / apartment / penthouse. I don't really see how this would work at all. Another factor is that there is limited space on the map and this would just be a complete waste of building area.

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