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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | #1 | A Child’s Guide to Self-Distraction


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#1 | Self-Distraction.
Series created by THE child, Sayori Bell.

[ 21st of August, 2022 ]

The camera flickered open beside Sayori (S) in the school hallway, She began walking forward as the camera moved with her.. Sayori began talking in a Peaceful tone.

S : “Hey, Ever feeling overwhelmed by studies.. Toxic People.. or maybe even Self-Destructing thoughts? Don’t worry, You're not alone. Because I do too! These are some ways to Distract yourself from such problems. (Of course, You might have to solve them eventually.) But this is just taking a break and resting your head from it.”

The introduction then shut off, Returning to Sayori sitting beside- no. under a tree, in what seemed to be the back of the school. The view was rather.. Calming.

Method 1 ; Video Games
S :
“I know you students, and many others are troubled by a lot of stuff, Whether it’s personal or school related.. So! One of my favorite methods is video games. I like to collect everything that bothers me and throw it out the window. Then play a game. Because it gives your mind something else to work on, Either it’s finishing the tasks that the games give you or Creating and solving new things. This will keep you distracted for a good while, and might even give you a few positive emotions.”

List of personally liked Video Games :

Team Fortress 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
Fall Guys
God of War
Gang Beasts
The Sims 4
Portal 2
Super Smash Bros
Grand Theft Auto

S : “And that’s only half my page of video games.. If you ever want more just come up to me whenever I'm in town! I’ll hopefully have it in handy.”

Method 2 ; Doodling

S :
“Okay.. I can’t say much about this since my friends might show up and diss my art again, But i agree. I’m no good! And either way.. you don’t have to be good at art to doodle? Doodling is a good method when it comes to distracting yourself. It shouldn’t involve anything complex really. Maybe doodling your favorite character or a cute small penguin wearing a top hat. or even draw a smiley face in ways you couldn’t simply imagine! Expressing yourself in the method of art when you want to get away from the world for a while is just something I can't say no to. The mental state of doodling is between awareness and daydreaming, which makes it great for new, creative ideas. It relaxes you just enough that something in the back of your mind can come to fruition naturally. That’s a great way. Isn’t it?”

Method 3 ; The Correct People.

S :
“Personally, Once I've been through something horrible or am simply pissed off. Being with the right person wipes the negativity away in no time. When looking for the correct people to spend time with during your Bad times. You shouldn’t look for just.. a friend you know, or someone you see everyday.. No! It has to be those people that you know you can count on. What I'm grateful for is that I know my people. And they never fail to cheer me up! This could always be a family member, Or a friend.”

Method 4 ; Finding a new Hobby, Or Pursuing further in current Hobbies.

S :
“Hobbies are a great way to enjoy yourself, Especially when it’s a hobby you love. Sometimes, A person feels as if there’s no hobby meant especially for them. So that just means you should try, and try. until you find something that feels right! Some people pursue a hobby in sports, There’s Football, Volleyball, Dodgeball, Baseball, Basketball, …Cheerleading, Running and track! Our main school sports anyways. There’s also music, Tennis, and Skating, all kinds of skating! And then there’s Art too.. There are only so many things you could choose. These activities will drift your mind from problems for a little while.”

Method 5 ; Exercise.

S :
“Exercise is not only good for our mental state, but also our physical state. That’s why it’s never a loss to go out for a jog and clear your mind, Or stay at home, make yourself a nice meal and follow some yoga videos.. This could also connect to the hobby method! Which makes both of them equally alike.”

Method 6 ; Music.

S :
“Personally, Music doesn’t do the wonders for me because words express so much that i intertwine my problems with it. But i know that it’s completely different for others. Music is something that can disconnect you from the world and make you feel like yourself, So maybe it does help me sometimes. Maybe instrumental ones atleast! But to the point that you can’t even hear your own thoughts? That has to be helpful.”

Method 7 ; Sleep. (suuuuper popular)

S :
“Now THIS? This is my fucking jam. Sleep is a constant therapy to multiple people, It helps you rest your head and disconnect from anything that’s currently bothering you. It shows you that you can move to another world that doesn’t hurt so much. And.. while this is usually called a 'depression nap'.. I don't really see it that way.”

The clip ended, Moving to Sayori in her bedroom.. Sitting down on a bed- and the quality was kind of odd.. Recording from a laptop? really now?

S : “Hiya- As i was editing these clips, It came to my thoughts that.. Sometimes, Avoiding your problems can also hurt. The fact that you're running away from it and you know it’s still there, It can be frustrating. So I've got two methods for this problem. It- it’s not completely avoidable, But it’s reducing the problem.”


S : “For the first one.. We have- obviously, Letting it out. It’s okay to cry, It’s okay to talk to someone about it. And it’s okay to look for different paths to solve the problem correctly and in a healthy manner..! It shouldn’t always be a first instinct thing.”


S :
“Now, For the second..! We have therapy. Therapy is really good, I promise! It’s just like talking to someone about it except this person is someone you can really trust, They won’t give any information out and they will help you find a way out of your problem. I recommend Doctor Reina, She’s been an amazing help to me on my attachment issues. I'm also aware some people don’t even believe in therapy.. But have you tried it?”


S : “So, to the students and everyone else watching- I’m sure you’ll get through your struggles. But you can’t keep avoiding them forever, Alright? This is only the first episode of “A Child’s Guide to..” ! Today’s being ‘‘Self-Distraction.’’

Sayori smiled, Moving her hand towards the device as she almost shut the recording off- But she froze and exclaimed.

S : “Oh! And, The next episode will be featuring the Cooking Club leader!- Okay, Buh-Bye now~”

Finally, The Clip ended.

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