Level 5

At Karakura High School and Community College there is one day that is favoured above all the rest: Tuesday. Why you may ask? Well, as third period ends, and students jump from their seats, racing towards the cafeteria, I assure you there is only one thing on their mind. Tacos.
Taco Tuesdays are renowned far and wide, but ours is special, sacred even. Recently, the tacos in our cafeteria have become even better than they once were, and there is always one chef present on the scene: Daichi Matsumoto-Solas.
So in order to find out the secret

[!] As you clicked play, the recording would begin. School chef Daichi Matsumoto-Solas would be visible standing in the cafeteria kitchen.
Daichi Matsumoto-Solas:
[!] With a large smile, he’d waddle over to the sink, pulling out a pair of disposable gloves. Once he had put on his gloves, he’d walk over to the apron-hanger-thing, picking up his apron, he’d lift it over his head and let it hang on his neck, tying a firm knot on the back. He’d then make his way over to the fridge.

[!] Opening the freezer, he’d pull out a whole platter of taco shells. Placing them down on the bench, he’d lean down pulling out a tray, setting each taco shell on it with a reasonable distance. He'd pick up the tray, making his way to the oven and opening it, then placing the tray inside. He’d continue to close the already preheated oven, double checking that it had been set to 350 degrees fahrenheit. Pulling out his phone, he set a timer for 7 minutes.
[!] Once set, he’d make his way over to the cabinet, pulling out a pot. He’d then fill it up to the top with warm water, placing it atop a separate oven, he’d turn the stove on to begin boiling the water. He’d then go back to the freezer, getting out a bag of mince. He’d go to the microwave and put it on defrost. As he waited for the mince to defrost, he’d go back to the oven, as the 7 minutes had passed.

[!] Picking up some oven mitts, he’d open the oven, carefully pulling out the tray of taco shells. Once he made sure all of the shells were fine, he’d place them back in the oven, to keep the flies off them, and to keep them warm.
[!] Going back to the microwave , he’d open it up and take out the now defrosted mince. Heading back to the pot, he’d carefully tip the mince into the boiling water, giving it a brief stir. Once he’d finished stirring, he’d go back to the fridge, pulling out tomatoes, red onions, lettuce, and jalapeños.
[!] Once he’d pulled out a chopping board, he’d set the bags on the counter. Before he’d begin to cut, slice, and shred the ingredients, he’d pull out a large-ish bowl from the cabinet below him.
[!] He’d then pick up the lettuce, setting it on the chopping board, and beginning to shred it in a ‘fancy’ way. Once he’d finished, he’d tip all the lettuce into the bowl. Then he’d take the tomatoes and begin slicing them into small little bits, tipping them into the bowl as well, he’d continue to do the same for the red onions and jalapeños.

[!] Once finished, he’d go back to the pot, stirring it some more. Turning off the oven, he’d let the mince sit in the water. He’d then pull out a frozen container from the freezer, putting it in the microwave to defrost.
[!] Once the microwave had finished, he’d pour the sauce in the container into the pot of mince and stir it. “This here is so YUMMY! Tomato stuff that makes anything taste WAYYYYY better!”
[!] After he’d stirred all the contents in the pot together, he’d bring the pot to the oven. Opening it, he’d take out the taco shells, carefully filling each one with the mince, then artfully sprinkling the vegetables on top, finishing the taco!
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