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avie ♡

Level 50

Do you have an exam coming up? Maybe a quiz.. And you have no clue how to study for it? Well, my friend, you’ve come to the right place! I’m gonna be sharing some of my favorite study tips that are helpful and cheap. . cause you know I'm a broke college student. .



Okay, first of all make sure you turn. off. your. phone. I know your addiction to your phone is unhealthy but trust me, you using it while trying to study is gonna make you not remember anything. So, just power off your phone, lock it in your bathroom and don’t think of it until when you are done. Tell all your buddies online that you are BUSY!!

But, if you need your phone to study, then at least delete all your apps that may distract you while you are studying. So, Instagram or Snapchat or whatever other apps you know you are gonna check while studying. Once you’re done, you can just re-download them!

We love it! Personally, I'm a little too addicted to it. *cough* especially bts *cough*
Sadly, when studying it's not a good idea to be listening to music with lyrics, cause then you’ll end up paying attention to the music and not the actual studying. So, instead try listening to some classical music like Mozart or something with no lyrics. Whatever you like best! Also make sure your music is on a low volume setting. It's better to have it as a background sound, not the main sound!

Mmmm….. Food…. I love it! And guess what, It's good for studying too! While studying try eating HEALTHY small snacks, like nuts or fruit. Snacks like these will power your brain, keeping it alert! Also make sure to drink a lot of water. It’s kinda common sense! Also, did you know that water can basically fix anything. Want clear skin? Drink water! Want to lose weight? Drink water! Want someone to go away? Drown them! Great, right? I think it's pretty neat.

Aaaah, nothing better than the good ol’ fashion flashcards. This method is basic yet it's amazing, especially if you need to learn vocabulary for a language class or important terms for something. Luckily for you, index cards are sold basically everywhere for pretty cheap prices which is good if you’re broke. If you are bankrupt, don’t cry! There are many online websites where you can make flashcards online. No paper needed and it's completely free if you have access to the internet! Flashcards are also very easy to use, all you have to do is write the word on one side of the card and on the other side you write the definition. Easy right? To study you go through each one, reading the word or definition and saying the correct answer.

When studying, i'm pretty sure we all study in like four hour periods then by the end we end up not remembering anything we studied right? Well, that's because that way of studying isn't that effective. Instead try studying in 30 minute blocks. That way in between you take 5-10 minute breaks allowing your brain to process the information. This is better than to overwhelm your brain with information. Just make sure to not use your phone or watch TV in the small breaks. Do something more productive, like preparing more snacks or cleaning your room or something.

But don't get distracted. Make sure you are ACTUALLY studying and not goofing off. .which is fun but like you know, put priorities first. You can have fun while studying but make sure you are actually studying. You can play games while studying, that have to do with the material like a Kahoot or something. You can even quiz each other using flashcards.

Find what works for your brain. Everyone's brain is different which means what helps us succeed is different. For example, some people are visual learners while others just have to read the material to understand it. And some need acronyms or “clues” to remember material. For example, we all know PEMDAS right? Well, at least for me personally that helps me a lot when doing math. Basically, find what works for you. Try acronyms or making little jingles to remember the material.

SO YEAH! That’s just some of my favorite study tips. I have more if you want but these probably will help you guys the most!
Also. . don’t be like this meme. .actually study. Do not procrastinate!!
We love Jungkook but like you know, study!

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