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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Inclusivity and the Brain


Level 13
Inclusivity and the Brain
A report by Yozukinabahimetsu-Togomi Reiko

What is the importance of including those around you in your activities?

Let’s face it: at some point during our lives, we were all lonely — not physically, but emotionally. Though times like these pass, for some, the impact lingers, and their productivity is significantly and often permanently hampered.

Thus, this article emphasizes the importance of including others. Whether it be sports, friend groups, hobbies, clubs, or any other activity, including others can leave a lasting impact on both the individual and the group!

While walking through campus, the groups nearby clearly stick out to me. Although the majority are groups of friends talking amongst themselves, the occasional single student is standing all by their lonesome. I can’t help but think about how lonely they must be and how I can improve their day or include them in my activities. This kind of thinking is not only part of what helps me write reports but is also a simple part of being human.

It saddens me to have to write about how people neglect interaction with others if they aren’t in their friend group or part of some other activity already. It makes it difficult for people who are on their own to get started with clubs or school activities and harder still to make new friends.

Not only this, but studies have shown that being included has a profound impact on the brain. For example, studies by various universities have provided evidence that shared decision-making and integrated pharmacological and psychosocial treatments, tailored on subjects’ needs, might significantly improve the outcome of subjects with schizophrenia, supporting independent living and inclusion in the community.

But what does this mean?

This means that interacting with your fellow students and including them in your activities builds foundational support that fosters independent growth and even positive mental health!

So, next time you’re walking around school grounds and see someone sitting by themselves, go up to them and simply ask how their day is going! A simple interaction is all it takes to help yourself, those around you, and the whole school community!

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Level 0
I couldn't agree more. I was that lonely person when I first got to the school, but thanks to a couple nice people who approached me, I have a few solid friends I can hang out with regularly now.

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