I mean - yeah, this is pretty common enough to where people don’t often ask WHY it’s even that way but like, that’s exactly why I’m writing this! Some people in the school are WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY too confident in being like that and it’s like …??? What’s the reason? I mean, other than probable daddy issues ‘n whatnot. Also no, certain Spartans aren’t safe from this either JUST because I said ‘Karakura High’. Love you guys but PLEASE….
One of the BIGGEST parts of this whole thing is Onrain. Whiiiiich should be obvious; the internet is a great place to get stuff out or spread rumors…. Probably one of the reasons why Onrain’s kinda debated over the way it is. But that’s besides the point, I was looking at the site for the first time in ages and saw this post?? But like cheaters (even POTENTIAL ones) are insane anyways SO they definitely deserved the exposure…..
I can see why some people are rude because of people like THAT, don’t get me wrong. This is like one of the few times it’s excused I guess? Then there’s people who you KNOW ain’t excused from their horrendous behavior and those are the people that this article’s gonna be hugely about.
On that note, let’s get started with them. We ALL know at least someone in our educational life (and in general) that’s outright rude for no reason, whether it’s because of some self-proclaimed higher status or just because they have a stick up their rear. There’s really no denying it - there’ve been several people I’ve spoken with and a LOT of them seem to have issues with others. Team members, people in clubs, and even just regular students can behave in such a way and honestly, it’s just annoying, NOT cute at all. Sorry guys but you could always try and do that act somewhere else? Or just be nice - whichever is easier; probably not the latter knowing y’all.
There’s always someone who thinks they can do it better, and they just have to show it off in the middle of something too, like classes - when it literally wasn’t even asked for. Either that or, when they don’t get their ‘deserved’ attention, they pretend that they’re better than the one that’s literally showing them how to do things. And yes, this is directed to those people that are loud as hell in classes for no reason - rest in peace to the actually decent staff, by the way. If I was in these teachers’ shoes, I would have already been outta this school by now because HOW do y’all deal with it???
Like I’ve been to a few classes - obviously, I’m in college - and there’s a LOT of chaos usually in those classes. Like I won’t name names, but some people are too much for their own good. I get that you never really got the love and affection any normal human being needs growing up so you decide to take it out in a class but you’re almost like an adult. PLEASE act like it…. Nobody has the time to deal with somebody who doesn’t know how to keep their mouth shut or their hands to themself. Wasn’t that taught in primary school or did you just skip that entirely???
The teachers too, not to mention just overall faculty. There’s been a LOT of stuff that happened to them directly, such as literally balding the Chancellor and that one time the school literally caught on fire??? Pretty sure that was a freak incident but I’m almost certain there was more to play because it doesn’t just randomly happen like that. Moving on, there’s also how people behave to the faculty just on a day-to-day basis WITHOUT the freakishly chaotic and destructive stuff going on. I know one kid who straight up was just an absolute hellion to select SLT, again NOT naming names but you know who you are. I’ve heard a looooot of stuff about that and it’s like…. Damn. This school has issues, especially with the people trying their best to do their jobs here while dealing with a bunch of mentally exhausting students. It’s still a surprise how the adults still deal with this kind of stuff, honestly.
Anyways, overall? This school just needs to get its act TOGETHER bro…. Listen, I love chaos just as much as the next person but the overall rudeness and absolute lack of care for others is insane, honestly. But it’s not like it’ll just stop overnight which is the worst of it, but oh well. I’d LOVE it if it could, but for now we’re stuck with it.
One of the BIGGEST parts of this whole thing is Onrain. Whiiiiich should be obvious; the internet is a great place to get stuff out or spread rumors…. Probably one of the reasons why Onrain’s kinda debated over the way it is. But that’s besides the point, I was looking at the site for the first time in ages and saw this post?? But like cheaters (even POTENTIAL ones) are insane anyways SO they definitely deserved the exposure…..
I can see why some people are rude because of people like THAT, don’t get me wrong. This is like one of the few times it’s excused I guess? Then there’s people who you KNOW ain’t excused from their horrendous behavior and those are the people that this article’s gonna be hugely about.
On that note, let’s get started with them. We ALL know at least someone in our educational life (and in general) that’s outright rude for no reason, whether it’s because of some self-proclaimed higher status or just because they have a stick up their rear. There’s really no denying it - there’ve been several people I’ve spoken with and a LOT of them seem to have issues with others. Team members, people in clubs, and even just regular students can behave in such a way and honestly, it’s just annoying, NOT cute at all. Sorry guys but you could always try and do that act somewhere else? Or just be nice - whichever is easier; probably not the latter knowing y’all.
There’s always someone who thinks they can do it better, and they just have to show it off in the middle of something too, like classes - when it literally wasn’t even asked for. Either that or, when they don’t get their ‘deserved’ attention, they pretend that they’re better than the one that’s literally showing them how to do things. And yes, this is directed to those people that are loud as hell in classes for no reason - rest in peace to the actually decent staff, by the way. If I was in these teachers’ shoes, I would have already been outta this school by now because HOW do y’all deal with it???
Like I’ve been to a few classes - obviously, I’m in college - and there’s a LOT of chaos usually in those classes. Like I won’t name names, but some people are too much for their own good. I get that you never really got the love and affection any normal human being needs growing up so you decide to take it out in a class but you’re almost like an adult. PLEASE act like it…. Nobody has the time to deal with somebody who doesn’t know how to keep their mouth shut or their hands to themself. Wasn’t that taught in primary school or did you just skip that entirely???
The teachers too, not to mention just overall faculty. There’s been a LOT of stuff that happened to them directly, such as literally balding the Chancellor and that one time the school literally caught on fire??? Pretty sure that was a freak incident but I’m almost certain there was more to play because it doesn’t just randomly happen like that. Moving on, there’s also how people behave to the faculty just on a day-to-day basis WITHOUT the freakishly chaotic and destructive stuff going on. I know one kid who straight up was just an absolute hellion to select SLT, again NOT naming names but you know who you are. I’ve heard a looooot of stuff about that and it’s like…. Damn. This school has issues, especially with the people trying their best to do their jobs here while dealing with a bunch of mentally exhausting students. It’s still a surprise how the adults still deal with this kind of stuff, honestly.
Anyways, overall? This school just needs to get its act TOGETHER bro…. Listen, I love chaos just as much as the next person but the overall rudeness and absolute lack of care for others is insane, honestly. But it’s not like it’ll just stop overnight which is the worst of it, but oh well. I’d LOVE it if it could, but for now we’re stuck with it.
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