Level 60
What do you think of when you hear the name Akihito? Perhaps you think of our (for the most part) beloved Vice-Principals Aoi and Shiroi Akihito. Maybe you think of Mike Akihito, a man who quite literally went out with a bang. Or maybe you even think about the company ‘Akihito Loans’ who offer money to the less (or more) fortunate people of Karakura’s business industry. It’s no secret that Karakura High is a privately funded school owned by the Akihito family, even our mayor Kiyoko Akai has admitted that she has little say when it comes to our education system here in Karakura.

Kiyoko Akai, via onrain’s direct messaging system.
Sadly, this means that issues with Karakura High are handled completely by the Akihito family, and those who they trust to make the tough decisions here at the school. However, I recently discussed an issue with Vice-Principal Shiroi Akihito that has been plaguing the school ever since I first moved to Karakura over three years ago: the roof is leaking.
It was the night of the Winter Formal dance when I walked into Aoi Akihito’s office, and to my surprise I was met by none other than Shiroi Akihito sitting in her palace. I sat down, feeling as if I was about to be publicly executed, and explained the issue that I felt was needing to be addressed. If you were not aware, over three years worth of a leaking roof, on any kind of wood, can cause severe rotting and even the collapse of an entire floor! Three years worth of rain and snow had been pouring into the top floor of Karakura High, and to my dismay, do you know what I was told?
“I had no idea.”
For well over three years, the leaking roof of Karakura’s School has managed to slip past the eyes of the Student Leadership Team, but also the teachers and other faculty of Karakura High. Or did it? Because one of the major leaks in the roof of Karakura High just so happens to be RIGHT outside the Vice Deans offices.

Lump of snow outside of the Vice-Dean’s offices
Your eyes do not deceive you, you are currently looking at a pile of snow sitting directly in front of a bench, just in case the heat on your feet needs a bit of cooling. Furthermore, you can clearly see the Vice-Dean’s office directly in front of the view of this lump of snow. If one were to walk outside of the office, facing the halls. All they’d need to do is take a slight left turn and see that Santa Claus has decided to bring the Christmas spirit INSIDE the school! It’s such a lovely thing to have this time of year, coming in from Chiharu-Yamatsumi’s wrathful blizzard, just to feel the gentle kiss of snowflakes touching your skin as you realize that there is truly no escape from the snow.
But what do our common students think about these issues? Well, to find out I was joined with Elyana S. Lavigne, a twelfth grade high school student. Since she’s on her way out, she should be able to produce some insight on her years of experience as a student of Karakura High
“So, Elyana. Were you aware of Karakura High's leaking roof?”
“Yes, I was aware of it!”
“Interesting, and about how many leaks in the roof have you seen over your four-year journey as a Karakura Highschool student?”
“I’ve seen a good amount! If I had to guess I’d say liiiike twelve? It rains a lot, I guess.”
“Good GOD that's a lot of holes! And why do you think they haven't been patched up yet? Surely someone has thought about buying a roll of duct tape and fixing it, right?”
“I mean, I’m sure people think about it, but nobody actually does anything about it! I’m sure SLT has larger issues to attend to than leaks in the roof, but I feel like they should care a little more about the building itself. Maybe they’re just concerned with all the screwed up students, though”
“So, what you're saying is that SLT has bigger fish to fry? I get that, but what if I told you that SLT didn't know about the roof leaking until something was said to them? Mind you, the leaks are on the same floor their offices are.”
“Well, I think it’s stupid and just flat out lazy at that point if it’s literally RIGHT next to where they work half the time and they haven’t done anything? I mean, can’t they get a student in detention to help fix it or something?”
“So, you're thinking that SLT should be using the resources they have, that being, MANY students that need punishment, and use them to fix the roof?”
"Yeah! If they really won't do it themselves, why not just have the ones who need punishment do it?"
“If you were in charge of the Student Leadership Team, what precautions would you take to fix the roof?”
"Well, I'd find out why the roof was leaking all the time first and then find the solution to it! I'd probably just get the rest of SLT to help me and then fix it up and change whatever was making it leak so that it can stop happening!"
"If you had to make a personal statement to the Student Leadership Team, what would it be?"
"Uhh.. Be more leaders and fix the roof! Not in a mean way or anything, though."
Elyana had some pretty good insight and opinions on how we can improve the school, especially using kids with detention as long as you believe in the tested true method of child labor. Jokes aside, Ms. Lavigne did play angel’s advocate a little bit as well. Stating that the Student Leadership Team has far more important things to do with their time than to fix the roof. However, she went on to say that it’s quite lazy that they can’t fix an issue especially when it’s quite literally right in front of them.
What do you think? Be sure to let me know by contacting me on onrain @FadedMoonlight, or give me a call sometime: (030)-477-4818
And as a final statement to the Student Leadership Team, is this truly what we are? All photos below were taken in different locations on the top floor of Karakura High.
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