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Level 72
School Changes

14 January 2025 / By Flay Ming-Akori​


Have you noticed something off lately? The school is slowly changing. From the walls being solid all the way to ceilings giving way; there’s a lot to discover when it comes to Karakura’s infamous school! Is this change staying for the better, or is it all temporary?

Have You Seen It?

Falling Through the Ceiling?!

In Miss. Mori’s classroom, Mr. Riggs RKOed her right in front of the whole class! It was glorious, but it left a large hole in the ceiling! If you were lucky enough to witness the event, you’d also remember the weird creaking sounds coming from the ceiling soon after Mr. Riggs returned up there. I wonder what he’s doing?

Don’t Converse at the Gate

The walls have changed, from large glass panels (how did they not break?) to solid matching walls. They look good, but they have much more privacy! They’re solid and make the school feel more prison-like. Harder to converse, besides the entrances of course. Noticing a lot more highschool aged people outside the gate. Either they’re ditching or SUSPENDED.

New Offices? Or Are They..

I was bored the other day and went exploring, finding new SLT offices! Not sure how long they were there, but they look great. Glad I don’t have to go inside though, I’m NOT a troublemaker. For those who ARE, however, it’s a nice place to get suspended in (don’t try it).


This isn’t a physical change, but they’re being really weird lately. They keep using 2020 slang words like “poggers” and it’s not good. And the sudden spike of homework too? Remember study time? Guess that’s useful now! They also disappear into the faculty lounge and shout for SLT a lot more lately. Speaking of SLT, what’s up with them?

Sudden Increase of SLT

Remember when I mentioned how assault gets you a detention and nothing else? Not anymore! Apparently, the number of SLT is increasing. It’s not like they’re newly hired, because they’re not (I think). They’re being a lot more involved with things and punishing people more than a simple apology letter. Anyone seen Principal Brown lately? I never realised how tall he is.

Is This It?

Is the school changing for the better? Are people going to graduate and become more than just wacky adults? Or is this temporary until a further goal is met? What is the end goal for the construction workers and staff working for Principal Brown?

School is more busy, for the better, and getting interesting. I sure hope this is permanent because if it was, my enemies can finally be struck down with a suspension slip!

What’s Next?

I wonder if there will be more changes as time goes on. Predictions are fun to make, so here’s a list:

Emergency Shelter: For Occult club when they get into witchcraft.

Destroy All Tutor Rooms: The tutor rooms and rows of weird looking computers are USELESS. Make them into pre-intern rooms! Mini news stations, mini KPD stations, mini courtrooms, mini hospitals, and so many more. Let us take them over and play around with tasers.

Library Is EMPTY: Let us write books for it, let us turn it into something that’s more than shelves of the same books over and over again. Pay us to make books, give us bean bag chairs and a giant fish tank!

ANIMALS: Give us class pets, I want a class pet. Put in some cages so we can stare at them and feed them random stuff we find, like a dropped onigiri or a head of lettuce from the garden place. Some people in school need to be taught compassion.



Level 12
ANIMALS: Give us class pets, I want a class pet. Put in some cages so we can stare at them and feed them random stuff we find, like a dropped onigiri or a head of lettuce from the garden place. Some people in school need to be taught compassion.

Yus please- Wait cages?

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