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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | School Success - Aysokia "Akiyo" Quintero


Level 15
Good morning, afternoon, evening, or night to all! Today, I bring a report suggesting ways to better concentrate during a school setting. All students at Karakura have many opportunities to become successful, and sometimes these opportunities can be brushed past, and not talked about enough. No matter how many times students are told, there will always be slackers who won’t be found dead in a classroom, so, how can you not be like the slackers? You can find out!

There are many beautiful study spots on the school campus, which already has a report on! Some of these places include media and club rooms, the school library, outdoors, and more! I suggest taking these study spots seriously, as it can be very useful in order to be successful in your academic classes.

First, it is important to make sure the room you choose is quiet, and clean. This can help you focus more on whatever you’re doing, as well as simply give yourself an eye-pleasing and comfortable studying environment.
You can study alone, or even with a small group of friends! However, make sure to stay focused.

We are all human, and are subject to challenges. Never be afraid to ask for help, from teachers, staff, or even fellow students and friends!

In addition, always offer help to those who seem to need it. You don’t need to be an expert, but any help is good help, and I can assure you people will appreciate it, I know I would!

You can also find help on the internet! However, make sure to find a trusted site.. No wikipedia.. Please…. Okay! The internet can be a huge help, as well as the library. The library and the internet both have help that's free to use, and you don't even need to be at school to study! Just make sure to return your library books… Before the librarians find you… Back to the topic! Never be afraid to ask for help, or give help!

Preparation is KEY! Be sure to bring a notepad, or even a couple sheets of paper, a writing utensil, and your listening ears to class everyday! Writing down what's happening can help refresh your memory after class, to be able to study from it! Writing will also assure you’re paying attention during such classes, which I know some of us lack . . And, it will make you look like the great student you are.

Using time wisely can be difficult, I know! But making sure to use your time correctly and effectively throughout the day can be a LIFE SAVER! We all know the feeling of when we just get home after a long school day and all we want to do is laze around on the couch and sleep! While this can be a nice way to spend your night, it is important to get all of your work done, if needed!

Making sure to do your homework when you can instead of scrolling your phone can be hard, but you’ll love yourself when you get home with nothing to do! In the very possible case this does not occur, you’re able to set a timer for the amount of time you work, then a small break to breathe, before finishing your work. I suggest putting on your favorite tunes and putting yourself in a quiet environment, even if it’s not home! You can study after school, at the park, beach, anywhere that you won’t get distracted at.

Thank you for taking time to read this report, and I hope it could help you in some way. Good luck with your work, you’ve got this!


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