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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | Snow Storm in Karakura?


Level 15

Weather conditions and how they affect the school days

All four seasons have something to do with the weather conditions in Karakura, they are really unpredictable and can sometimes seem mysterious when you look up at the sky and notice when it suddenly starts to rain and then suddenly stops again after less than a minute and the clouds disappear.

Winter is the Worst Season in Karakura?

However, winter in Karakura is particularly splendid, the drop in temperature of up to -20°C can make your hands and feet freeze off as even snow can rise not just a few centimeters but up to a meter high. A lot of snow on the sidewalks naturally makes it unpleasant for every passerby, student, teacher or other person. The caretakers have more work to do outside to remove the snow from the paths to keep them clear. And so that no one slips, there is road salt for the entire courtyard, which is supposed to hold back the ice so that students don't constantly slip and fall on the ground. This could end badly depending on which person falls to the ground.

Winter Problem on School Grounds

There was also a case not long ago where every student who was outside the school building was called inside because there was no point in doing anything outside at all, no swimming for the swim team, frozen water, snow-covered volleyball courts and so on. Only lessons in the classroom and the sight of students even stuck in the one meter thick snow that was building up everywhere in Karakura. It wasn't just the snow, but also storms, fog and hail as well as thunderstorms that didn't exactly make the day any more pleasant. But there are always solutions.

What you should do to keep yourself warm!
If you are freezing outside, as the temperature drops again and again anyway, you should be smarter and find a place where you can keep warm. Whether outside or inside the school, warmth in winter is important for your health.

Here are some tips!:

Just stay in warm buildings
The school building is well equipped to keep you warm, especially in individual rooms and less so in the hallways as they are even open to the outside in places. If you are not at school, your home is enough or if you are homeless, FIND A HOME!

Drink and eat something warm
It is like the kind of warm energy that you build up in your body, it is important that it is healthy food otherwise you will end up like Kyoudo Chikara!

Wear warm clothes
For some reason you see people wearing little thick clothing and even walking around in summer clothes, which is really weird. In the end they still experience a frosty miracle. Warm clothing helps as insulation, simply remembered and said.

Just don’t make yourself a hero of the weather, you are a human, you can freeze.

- Hannah Vyronov -

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