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Level 110

As you opened the report, a video would automatically play...

[The video started playing, showing Eichi Blackburn walking into the house.]

A purple haired woman (Eva), some weirdo with a hat (Mee), and a girl with some glasses (Lia) were at down at a table.

"Eichi! Demon summoning time. Join us or else."

The four of them sat down in their respective places around the table, preparing for the demon summoning.


An anxious face would be seen on Mee's face, though she did nothing about it. Lia began the ritual by putting a shot glass in the middle of the board before indicating for someone to ask the first question. Of course, Eva went first.

"I will go first. Demon, are you gay?"

The planchette that Lia was holding would move to "no" for a moment before focefully moving to "yes".

"AYO- Wait wait, Mr. or Ms. Demon... are you a female?"

The planchette moved to the letter "F" on the board.

"I guess that's a yes? Okay, okay! Let's go around asking questions maybe."

"Demon! Demon! Will Mee ever get to write a journalism report?!"

The planchette moved to the letter "L".

"L? Loser?"

"Haha! Loser!"

"Lia, your turn."

Suddenly, Asami Hasegawa appeared, which just made Eva yell at heer to come down and help with the demon summoning as well. Lia stared at the board, thinking of a question, reluctant to let go of the board.

"F B fucking I"

"Demon summoning time."

Lia looked at the board harder, thinking of the question "Are you trying to say L, bozo?"

The planchette slid to the word "yes".

"Damm... DEMON, are you single?"

The planchette didn't move, staying on "yes". However, Lia moved it to "no" anyway.


Lia stared at the board while the planchette shot glass remained on "no".

"I don't believe this shit, it's dead. It has to be single."

The planchette then. . . moved to "yes"..? Eva began to blush while Lia just continued staring at the board. While that happened, Eichi just asked the next question, still focused on Mee never writing a report.

"Demon, will Mee ever go to her journalism training or will she forever be a journalist without a report?"

Suddenly, the shot glass pointed at Eichi before flying off the board, directly at Eichi, knocking him down and shattering on impact.



"Isn't breaking that a bad sign or something? WAIT, how else are we gonna communicate?! I WANTED TO DATE IT!"

Lia simply shrugged... Suddenly, Mee was dragged back, into the hall at an alarming speed. But... what dragged her?


"Mee! Are you okay?"

Mee began trembling... When the ghost dragged her back, everyone began reacting. Eichi sat down, watching, Eva got into a fighting position with her fists up, and Lia got her TTS open.

"ayo ghost, throw me"

Lia got shoved back slightly as the TTS finished saying those words. Mee, pale and colorless, held onto the wall in fear.

"L bozo, ghost."

"I want to date her, Miss Ghost."

"What's going on?"

"We are summoning a demon, and I am trying to date it."

"You're stupid. And you're even more stupid."

Lia was shoved again, pushing her off her feet.

"I am trying to find a reason to laugh at Mee during meetings."

"Ghosts don't exist."

"ayo, ghost, do some vecna shit, you won't."

"I think the demon likes me, it hasn't done anything."

"I'm going to beat you up."


"go on, ghost, do it."

"Rip my shirt off, Ms. Demon, you won't."

Mee retreated into her special corner, leaving the scene for a while.

"Please don't."

"do it, you won't."

"I hope the ghost gets you, Eichi."

Suddenly, the ghost propelled Lia all the way into the wall and to the other room.

"God damn- Well there goes the wall."

"that was a weak ass throw!"

"The fuck."



Eichi Blackburn t-posed... to assert dominance!

"DO IT!"


Asami walked up to the t-posing Eichi, almost slapping him in the face- but didn't.


"You pay for the damages."

Eva suddenly collided towards the moving boxes on her right.

"Go full vecna. Do it. You won't."


"I see... you want to do it in the boxes? Ehh?"

"What the fuck. Guys, you realize you're all going to pay for the wall, and whatever gets broken in the boxes."

"go on, Do it. Do that vecna shit to Eichi."

"Yeah, Eichi got nothin'.

"Do it, you won't."

"Beat him up."


"I guess the ghost kink is boxes?"

"this is a weak ass ghost."

"I know right?"

The table they were sitting at suddenly topsided.

"Last time we summoned a ghost, 3 of us broke a bone and the other almost lost their pinky."



"hear that? Do cool shit for us."

Asami continued to try and open the window, though continuously failing.

"What the fuck."

"Damm, I guess you can't escape."

"Eva, is this your doing?"

"Welcome to hell, Asami... So Miss Demon... Do something... worse."

The lights would go out, the room in complete darkness.

"Another friend of yours broke my friend's bone last time- Do that or something. But not the legs, please not the legs. Well for me, leg."

"Eichi still isn't levitating!"


"Vecna that twink!"


"Whatever game you're playing, stop. You're destroying our house."

Lia looked at Eichi again, TTS'ing "VECNA THAT TWINK!"

"Honestly, Lia brought all the stuff, it's her fault."

Mee came out of her little hidey hole, still trembling.


"Are you gonna turn the light on or what?"

"I didn't turn the light off."

"Then who did it? Eva?"

"go on, ghost!"


"Eichi then."

"Yeah, Eichi did it!"

"I'll pick on the ghost like I do to Katsuhito Akihito if she does anything."

"Katsuhito Akihito? Wasn't it Katsuhito... Saiky?"

"Katsuhito Akihito. His mom married into the Akihito family or something."

"Whaaaat. He's like royalty now."

"Now he's got some weird name that rhymes. Haha, Katsuhitoooo Akhitoooo!"

"Invite them to the party."


"ayo ghost, go on,vecna someone!"

Asami tried to open the door, though it appeared locked. Eichi however, t-posed again. To assert dominance! Eva came towwards Eichi in full darkness, though it is full darkness so she ended up tripping onto Eichi. Lia proceeded to t-pose on Eichi, probably internally laughing at him. Suddenly, Eichi was pulled back from under Eva, into the boxes.

"wrong direction!"


Asami grabbed some salt from the drawers.


"A ghost?"

"I want the ghost to do something to me- this is boringgg."

Asami then proceeded to throw salt at random stuff in the room. Then threw some on herself.

"fine, vecna me, then. You won't. You can take an eye or finish off my vocal cords or something, I don't know."

"I am inviting Iroha. She likes demons I think."

"go on, vecna me, twink!"

"I don't think the ghost knows who vecna is..."

"If the ghost is true, I hope they hit you. Mee and I are safe. Bye."

"someone explain vecna to the ghost."

"I never watched stranger things."

"No you do, you want it to go Vecna on you."

"What a fucking loooser."

Asami... ran.

"MEE? Are you alright?"

Asami then upped Mee.

"aight so, ghost, Vecna is a fictional character that makes people levitate and hallucinate theirtraumas and stuff, and then breaks their arms and lgs. You can do the first part, but only take my vocal chords. I'm not using them. Or an eye if you wawnna be cool."

"Shut the fuck up, Lia."

(silent irony moment)

"go on, do it. do it to Eichi. or me."


Iroha knocks on the door and enters the locked door... SOMEHOW?! And then... the feed cuts!​


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