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The Bobcat. The symbol of the high school. The mascot represents all of us high school students, but yet he always seems to be absent. A mascot who never seems to be there for the other teams, and is rarely even there for the football team. However, one man is stepping up. A man who is seeing to give the Bobcat title the honor and dignity it truly deserves. Bai Yun.
Bai Yun is a 12th grade student who has recently been gaining major attention around the school. He is looking to become the next Bobcat mascot, and judging by an interview with him, it seems many others would agree. Below is an interview with the man himself, and just from this you can see the kind of mascot- and person -he is and will be.

KK: “Alrighty! So to begin, may you state your name and grade and what you are currently aspiring to become?”

“Hello my name is Bai Yun. I am currently 18 years old and aspiring to become the next Bobcat school mascot. And overall change my life around for the better.” :BY

The high school mascot, the Bobcat, is pictured above. (Photo Creds: Me)

KK: “Now what makes you think you deserve to become the next Bobcat mascot?”

“There are several reasons I could go on about. But I’ll keep the important parts in focus. I want to encourage people, I enjoy supporting my fellow classmates and the sport members whether this is the football team or the basketball team. I think all sports teams deserve support and love. I love spreading school spirit and providing support to all these teams. Showing them kindness and heart that maybe other students have not shown. The school spirit is important in the rivalry between the Bobcat’s and Spartans and keeping it alive. This support would encourage and show support for one's team to push forward and prove they are indeed the greater side in the rivalry.” :BY

[A brief moment of silence followed.]

“I always believed that encouragement and support is an important part in someone pursuing their goals. And I would love to be the one to help push them to do great and really show their true talents. And even when they fail let them know that they did their best and that they should be proud of the effort they put in and should keep pushing forward even after falling over. I don’t believe someone should ever give up and that’s why I am here today. I want to encourage these people, my friends, to do their best at anything and I will always be there as their support and number one fan. I just love the thought of making people smile by being there and showing I care and support them and their goals and want to see them succeed at anything they put their minds to.” :BY

KK: “Truly inspirational, sir. Such a noble and.. Encouraging reason to become the mascot. And, quite selfless I must say. And the fact you would be willing to be there for all teams? Incredible. However, some may doubt it. Some will obviously oppose this change, so what would you like to say to those people?”

“Ah yes. There is always an opposing side to change. I understand that many would be opposed to this change, and I am willing to take backlash for it. But I must say change isn’t always bad. We have seen it around our city that at first we might not like change, but eventually overtime you will see that change can be positive. I mean in the nicest way possible, but the current mascot is not very present within the teams nor around the school. You can always run around the school, interacting with teachers, and talking to my fellow classmates. I have never been the type to quit or not love up to my promise. So you can have my word that I would never let these people down and would attend every game they might have." :BY

“I want to make every practice if possible [too]. That’s the level of support I want to show. Not be there just for these major games, but even the small practices that go unseen. But if then they still have doubt in me then that’s okay. Everyone is allowed their own opinion and I support them. Just remember that I think for everyone and not just for myself. I think as a team and as a group. I want to build the Bobcat spirit and make it feel lively with support. Show true love and compassion for every sports team member Everyone deserves support and encouragement, even if they don’t like the person at first or think they don’t need it.” :BY

KK: “And what about the rivalry? Are you prepared to face any adversity that may come along with it?”

"Of course. The rivalry is something truly amazing and interesting. I’m not one to turn away from challenges to difficulties. I embrace them and take on these challenges. And I believe this rivalry is another challenge I can overcome. I would love to show my support to the Bobcat side and my spirit that we our indeed the better side in the rivalry and encourage them to prove themselves. Whether it is football or basketball, they will always be reminded that they are the best of the best and no one else's opinion should matter to them. So those challenges I could be faced with will be overcomed and hopefully prove to everyone else I am able to do it. And everyone else can do the same as me because I am just another student going through these challenges.” :BY

KK: “Such a strong amount of school spirit! I must say, it is quite incredible just how devoted you are to this. Before we finish up, do you have anything else to say to the people?”

“Yes. I would like to thank you. To everyone in our school, whether Bobcat or Spartan, I wish you all to do your best everyday and I am always here to be your mascot and fan. I will always be here to support you through your struggles or hardships. I believe you all can accomplish your goals and pursue your missions in life. And to the people who doubt me, I can assure you, that I take this very seriously and care a lot about the spirit of our school. And even to teachers who might be feeling down, just know I see your hard work and appreciate it. You do so many wonders for our school. I would like to thank you for the time you have given me, kind sir. Listening to what I had to say and hope everyone understands I am here for everyone and not just the sport teams. I would like to thank Allen [Black] and Snoobs [Wigglesworth] for showing me this level of love and compassion to show people love and support. I wish you all the best. Much love to you all.” :BY

An image of Bai Yun at the football field. (Photo Creds: Me)

As you can see, the support Bai Yun has for the high school and teams is extraordinary. That is a man who truly wants to be there for everyone, and the fact he has the support of notable members of faculty such as Allen Black and even the new Vice-Principal! If that doesn’t say something about what kind of person this man is, nothing will.
However, what are the thoughts of the people? What do you all think of a new mascot? Well, I asked a few of you high school students and members of staff your thoughts on this idea. When posed with the question, “In one sentence, what would you think of a new person as the Bobcat mascot?” this is what you said.

Dani Morei - “Well, Bai Yun should be the one acting as mascot.”
Atlas Taylor - “Who is the current mascot?”
Hanai A. Seiko - “If the old person wasn't cutting it, then they need to go!”
Nogi Nakazawa - “I think fresh change would be great for the campus.”
Shin Hatake - “I don’t know the person playing it personally, but I’d be in support.”

As you can see, many support the idea. There were many who didn’t even know the current mascot or that we even had one. That is how absent they are. We need a mascot who is there for the people. There to support all teams no matter how big or small, one who will be there for all events. We need Bai Yun.
Change is needed. Bai Yun has shown and demonstrated incredible resolve and determination, and has shown to not only be a remarkable friend and student to many, but an outstanding person in general. Someone with his mindset, his grit, his courage, and his resolve will not just boost the Bobcat’s morale but it will also revitalize the role of the Bobcat.


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