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What’s good Saito Nation, hope y’all missed me. I’d like to accredit my fellow journalist Kingston for bringing me out of hiding for this one. . For some context, due to some issues between him and myself, he CALLED ME TO HIS HOUSE and told me to leave him alone. . and keep his name out of my mouth. And I’ve been doing so! Gracefully! Thankfully! TRUTHFULLY! He also said he would pursue a vice versa. . which I see he has not kept his word on. All of a sudden, he now wants to discredit me for claiming to be attacked? I don’t think so. I never know what can happen in confrontations, so I tend to record almost every one I get into. . just in case I need it. . for times like this. . LOL! Here’s a voice recording of the mentioned conversation:

[!] The clip started off with light. . yet heavy breaths, most likely coming from that of a female. The breathing was a bit loud, due to the device being rather close to the source. [!]

SAITO: “Like you said, you don’t want to interact with me anymore after this conversation. . and as I said. . if you can’t handle being in my circle, you don’t have to be in it. You act like you’re the only person I do or say ‘not nice’ things to? What do you want. . an award or something?”

KINGSTON: “No, I wanted you to not insult me and get mad at me twenty-four-seven.”

SAITO: “Tough. . shit. . ? Like, I’m sorry - I don’t know what you want me to say. You should know what Asa goes through on a daily basis with me. If anything, someone could say I treat her worse than you.”

KINGSTON: “Oh, I just wanted to tell you all of this, really. But since I am done with that now, goodbye. Please don’t talk about me and I won’t talk about you. Okay?”

[!] A pause ensued. . along with a bit of ruffling, finally ended by. . [!]

SAITO: “Okay.”

KINGSTON. “Goodbye, shoo.”

[!] The sound of a door closing was heard. . which began an awkward silence on the recording. After about five seconds, Saito is heard screaming: “FREEEEEEDOM!!! WE WON!” And the faint sound of a high five, before the recording was finally ended. [!]

Anyways. . let’s get into the nitty gritty right? Another day. . another cheerleader complaint - we get it. I understand some of us cheerleaders can be rather bitchy and what not on a day-to-day basis, it’s not like we ignore it. But let’s also explore the fact that we’ve been given this title of being aggressive and uptight. . but whenever we try to be. . y’know. . NICE. . the stereotype is immediately smacked back down onto us!! These harmful stereotypes can also affect the genuinely. . NICE. . cheerleaders that wouldn’t even hurt a fly. Everyone makes assumptions and automatically paints them in a bad light due to the ‘‘terrible’ reputation that the cheerleaders have on their heads.

You never know what’s going on in someone’s life. For example, I would like to say that I genuinely have a lot of good connections with people in Karakura. Along with that, just because someone puts up a certain front. . or a certain way of being perceived. . it doesn’t display the full extent of their character. Some people have things that they don’t like to be judged on at first glance. . so sometimes they may toughen up a bit to be perceived differently.

As for the situation with Kodo. . WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? A quote from my past article LITERALLY writes: “A certain male footballer decided to choke me out in his team house’s bathroom just a few weeks prior to writing this. He didn’t only basically try and knock me out by attempting to cut off my circulation for a few moments. . he dislocated Eagle Ruiz’s jaw. . ON THE SAME NIGHT!!” No where in the article did I make any mention of him going around attacking people. I detailed the attacks of myself, Eagle Ruiz and Sparks. Once again, I said that MYSELF and the other women (+ CLAUDE) present were attacked. . so yeah, WOMAN BEATER. . HE BEAT US FOR NO REASON!!! I never said Kodo specifically was going around beating people, the article was about SPARTANS AS A COLLECTIVE. This ‘misinformation’ that I supposedly shared. . IS NOT MISINFORMATION?!

The whole ‘Misinformation and Kodo Senjustsu’ section in his past article only CONFIRMS the fact that Kodo did something to myself and the other ladies, and PROVES that Kingston himself is the one who is spreading false information.

1. Sparks was not there on the night of Kodo and I’s encounter.
2. If you don’t know how to read, just let the general public know.
3. If you didn’t UNDERSTAND something, let the general public know.

Side note, I can perfectly fend myself. I’m sure many people can attest to that. . but against that burly Spartan? I know I would’ve got my shit rocked. . and I could feel my life flashing before my eyes when he put me in that head lock. . so yeah, that’s EXACTLY why I started screaming for help.

[!] Kingston is pictured here having. . a good majority of his hair shaved off. [!]

Now for Kingston himself. . it looks like he so desperately wants to pick a fight since it seems like he has nothing else to talk about except the cheerleaders. He’s the same person who claimed that he ENJOYED being beat up by the football team, but didn’t want to admit it!! (HE ADMITTED IT TO ME LOL) At the time, I didn’t tell anyone. . because I respected his wishes and wanted to genuinely become friends with Kingston. But due to his disrespect towards me, and the information somehow getting out (AND NO I DID NOT TELL ANYONE) he tried to publicly embarrass me at our school’s football field. . which only resulted in HIMSELF being embarrassed.

Quoted from Kingston: “The cheerleaders have displayed, nearly daily, that they are willing to take any story and manipulate and twist it to make it paint themselves as the victims and their enemies as the monsters.” Is that not what his whole article did? HE tried to MANIPULATE and DISCREDIT OUR STORY. . to make the other side seem like a victim?

We left Kingston alone. . why is it so hard for him to do the same? I‘ve also tried for quite a while to be nice to Kingston. Yes, I can admit it’s hard for me to be nice in every aspect of everything I do. . because that’s not the kind of person I am. . But once Kingston stopped getting what he wanted, he got upset that things didn’t go his way and he wants to act like we’ve been targeting his every step since we met him.

It’s actually CRAZY how he’s talking about all of the cheerleaders. . but at the same time, he couldn’t go ONE second without being in Asahise’s presence. . Did y’all know that he said he loved her only a few days after knowing her? YIKES. . !!! OH YEAH!!! Let’s not forget that when he walked up to her in the plaza and asked her for an interview. . he couldn’t even focus on the interview itself. . He was so busy making comments about how beautiful Asahise was. . It was awkward. Just get the interview over with and go home. .

I’d also like to mention that as a journalist, you should investigate both sides of a story rather than only getting ONE SIDE. Especially if you were not PRESENT for the situation that occured. I guess you don’t have to worry about that now. . right, Kingston?

As for his comment about Aubrey. . I did not know much about Ms. Grace, nor did I formally meet her before my time on the cheer team. . but I do think it’s cruel for her death to be debited or specifically blamed on any specific persons. Especially if it’s coming from a second hand account, rather than a first hand. If there is a deeper narrative hidden in what went on in that forest that night, by all means it should be investigated and Aubrey’s death should be avenged(?). Although, please let Aubrey Grace rest in perfect peace.

Some people really do need to watch their tongue. . ANNNNYYYWAAAYSSSSSS. . I think this was my longest article eeevverrrr. . ! So I sure hope you guys enjoyed it. . I’d also love to hear some of your opinions concerning the cheer team and literally everything else I mentioned in this article. But!!! Let’s keep in mind that. . one thing I know I’m gonna do is have my evidence babe. . so. . . RICKY. . WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY. . !?

That’s all she (me) wrote for today. . Hopefully I’ll see y’all around more. . BAIII!!! (baiii kingston. . :3) ⋆

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