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SCHOOL NEWS REPORT | ZZ Broadcast #1 (Loss)


Level 10

[!] An ear-piercing staticity sound would blast over the radio, promptly interrupted by the sound of an annoying dude’s voice, kept to a hushed level as if trying to avoid nearby people from hearing him.
Hey, hey! Welcome to the first-ever ZZ’s Pirate Radio broadcast. I’m this pirate radio station’s one and ONLY host, Den, coming to you live from an undisclosed location somewhere in the school! The time is now whatever-time-it-is on whatever-day-it-is. I haven’t really been advertising this so I highly doubt anyone’s actually tuned in, eheheheh… Anyway, since nobody’s listening to this, I might as well use this broadcast to vent about the random shit in my life, amirite? Maybe my constant pain and suffering could help teach you what NOT to do. Learn from my experiences and learn well whoever’s listening, if anyone at all, m’kay?

Anyway, so my ma gave me her most prized possession recently and since then I’ve just been dreading what’s to come. People only really give up their possessions on their deathbed, right? So how come my ma’s giving me this right now?
It’s a telescope if you were wondering.
Well, the point is that she gave me something super important to her as if she was DYING, y’know? Ma ain’t gonna die EVER d-dammit, y’got it? I got to thinking, though, what would I do if anything bad happened to Ma? I know, I know, SUPER morbid thought to have about my mother but it’s important to learn how to deal with loss.

[!] The broadcast would go completely silent for a few seconds before once again being RUINED by the annoying dude taking a deep breath.
Here’s my personal guide on dealing with loss.

[!] An overly exaggerated clearing of the throat, not gross in nature but obviously facetious as if Den was trying to regain the flow of his OWN conversation’s mood.
Accept that it’s okay to cry. Bit of a weird starter, I know, but some dweebs looking in from the outside sometimes take this everlovin’ piss outta people going through actually serious shit. If anyone’s telling you how to feel about someone’s passing, just blank them, dude- Y’know what? No. This step isn’t just dedicated to specifically dealing with loss. It goes for EVERYTHING, m’kay? No matter how small or inconsequential it might seem to others, feel your feelings, dammit! Don’t worry about how other people might see you for crying or, hell, NOT crying. Whatever you feel, feel it 100%!
Swiftly moving onto step two…

Be nice to yourself. What’s the point of heeding step one and not taking shit from other people if you’re just gonna be a dick to yourself? It’s important that you take it easy to help process whatever you’re going through. And I seriously mean it! Take time off work, stay well-fed, make sure you drink enough water, exercise, and watch tons of trash TV. I heard that Euphoria’s pretty trashy, so go watch that! Anyway, it’s all good to treat yourself but don’t overindulge - That’s just as bad as not eating at all!

Know that you’re stronger than you look! Whether you’re built like a sentient brick wall or so scrawny that if the wind blew a bit too hard you’d snap, you’re stronger than you look. No, I ain’t talking about physical strength, I’m talking about mentally.

[!] A faint ringing of a bell could be heard in the background
Crap, I gotta go now…
Welp, this was fun! I’ve gotta head out now but for all of you’ze who wanna stay tuned, I’ve got a pretty good selection of music queued up for listening, aight?
See ya!

[!] NOW PLAYING: Mother Maybe by Kadhja Bonet


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