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Accepted School Receptionist application | TcbIsSad_


Level 8

Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username:?

Do you have Discord?

Have you ever been banned (If yes when and why?):
I’ve been banned once about a year ago for not listening to a staff member. It was a couple days in of me playing on the server so I was new and was unaware. However, I have learnt from that and have not been banned again and don’t intend on getting banned.

What is your timezone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
At the moment due to online school, I have a lot of free time and am more able to play on SRP which I do. I am online every day for around 3-5 hours.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes I do. I understand that this role is important and being inactive will affect others roleplay experience, but I’lll do my best to be active as much as I can to perform my duty.

School Employee Role you are applying for:
School Receptionist

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
A receptionist would usually be seated at the front desk, near the school entrance. Some of the tasks they do include: helping any new students find their way around, answering any questions that students may have, to assist visitors, to keep an eye on the behaviour of students in the front corridor.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?
I've been playing on SRP for around a year now. Other roleplaying experiences include other roleplay servers such as VindexCraft and a roleplaying platform called "FiveM". I am well aware of role playing such as studentRP and romanceRP.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: (DENIED) (ACCEPTED)

What are your current role(s) on the server?:
12th grade


During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

I would first tell them off for disrespecting staff, in a gentle but warning tone. I will tell them to stop cursing and if they don’t listen, then I will give them a short detention after school. If they cause more problems, I will try to get the higher-ups to assist.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
I would go up to the students and firstly attempt to break the fight up. I will try to get the students as far away from each other as I can so that they don’t physically harm each other more. If either of them is hurt, I will try to get the school nurse so she/he can help with that. I would then give them both detention for fighting which is against school rules.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
I would go up to them if I am not doing anything else, and tell them to stop doing what they are doing as it is dangerous and could potentially affect others. If they do not listen to me, I will remind them again of their duty as a school employee and their role in the community. If continued, I will try to reach the head staff members in hope that they can assist me in this situation.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?
In the break room, Shiori would go to the coffee machine immediately, making a cappuccino for herself, asking her colleagues if they would want something too. She would then go and sit down on the sofa/chairs alongside her colleagues and start a conversation about her day. She would usually relax there before it was time for her to go back to her duty.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me would take the worksheet out of the students hand, taking it to the printer so she could photocopy it for the student and their friend. She would hum along to a song whilst the copies were being made.

/me would spray the area with a refreshing room freshener before sitting down in her seat, organising the items in front of her, since she liked to be organised.

/me would clear her throat slightly before facing forward at the student at her desk. “Yes, how many I help you?” she would ask before proceeding to assist the student in their needs.

In-Character Section:

Full Name: Shiori Byun



Academic Degree:

Year of Graduation:

Business Management



Shiori Byun was born into a small, tight-knit family in Karakura, Japan. She didn’t have any siblings, so was given the most attention from her parents. Her parents were cultured Japanese and were madly in love. Despite the years to their marriage, they still had a spark between them and would do a lot to maintain their affection and love for each other. Her dad was quite the romantic, and would seize any opportunity to take her out to dinner for example. Growing up Shiori idealised their relationship and therefore became a hopeless romantic. She would spend a lot of her time watching movies and reading intriguing books, expanding her knowledge of the wider world. But it also meant that it gave her something to compare her parent’s relationship to. Over time, she realised that she didn’t want love if it wasn’t as exciting and as committed as her parents’.

Throughout her childhood years, she was very committed to her studies. Her dad was quite strict when it came to education and had taught her from the start that to be successful in life, education is very important. She would set goals for her to complete on a monthly basis, after all, she was a very organised and punctual person. Her father was a businessman and she was always interested in his line of work, which led to her taking up a Business Studies class in highschool and she pursued this at College. She particularly enjoyed psychology which she studied in her spare time since her school didn’t offer the subject. She had built a foundation of psychological knowledge by talking to her mum’s aunt who was a psychologist for younger kids and researching different topics that took her interest in her spare time.

At school, she wasn’t the most popular and had trouble fitting in. However there was something at school that made the transition a bit easier - the male receptionist at the time. He was the second person she had talked to when she moved from Korea to Japan with her family. She was born in Japan but lived in Korea for the first few years of her life since the rest of her extended family lived there, including her mother’s maternal family. So when they moved back to Japan, she had to change schools of course. The receptionist was extremely kind and helped her settle in, showed around during lunch time so she could get used to the buildings and surrounding areas, he even let her eat lunch with him for the first few lunches, since she was finding it difficult to make friends as she had transferred in the middle of the year.

Later in her life, after having worked abroad in a girls school back in South Korea voluntarily, she decided she wanted to give back in honour of that one receptionist, by going back to Karakura High and working as the school receptionist.

Motivation for Joining KHS:


I've been playing SchoolRP for a year, and I have had an awesome roleplay experience while playing here. The community and the server itself are amazing. Now I think it's time to try something a bit different than the usual roleplay experience.


Throughout my schooling at Karakura, I have seen many different receptionists, and each of them have helped me in some kind of way. There was one male in particular who extremely helped me and I would wish him every time I saw him around. When I was new to the school, I was unaware about the different parts of the building and how to get to classes etc, and was having difficulty making friends. This male really helped me with this, and I believe that this is a common problem with many new students. I would like to help them, just as I was helped earlier in my schooling life at Karakura.

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment?
If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"): N/A however this is why I would like the opportunity, despite not having much experience in a school atmosphere, I believe I have a lot to contribute.

Why should you be accepted over the other applications?
Helping others has always been something I’ve done out of my own courtesy and will. Also, I am a highly dedicated person - when I put my mind and time to something, I will try to perform my role to the best of my capability. I am a good listener too and very patient, which will help me perform my job well.


Additional notes about your application:
Since I am applying for this role on an alt, my playtime is fairly low, however if you look at my main account TcbIsEvil_, my playtime is much higher and I am quite active. I hope this doesn’t affect my application in any way.

Do you have any questions?

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Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Congratulations! You have been accepted for School Employee at Karakura High School.

- Unfortunately the slots for the role you have applied for are filled at the moment, but I'd be happy to allow you the choice of another available role, please DM me on discord once you have read this and we'll discuss this further. @KimiNoUso#9999​

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