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Level 45

3/8/22; March 8th, of 2022.


So this is a slight recommendation for the school rules; specifically the one where you have to be in school grounds while school is in session. I didn't really get the concept of that, and I think you should be able to Skip School. But not without punishment. If you are seen skipping school by a Patrol Officer, you will get questioned onto why you are out of school. Obviously this would make your IC character nervous at the fact that they have been caught by an officer red-handed.. but people really don't do that type of detail. Anyways back onto the subject, If a Patrol officers sees you out of school, you will be questioned on why you are out. If you don't give them a valid reasoning; or if they don't think its valid. You will be fined 1k for Skipping school, then will be escorted into school (You would be escorted to school either way). You may get punishment by the faculty of the school if they are to find out, (That is up to Kimi if they do get punishment). After being caught by the police, and escorted into the school. You cannot leave the grounds as you would fear being caught again. Although the bad parts about this feature is If no cops are online, people would just leave the school and not attend. To counter that, if people enter school grounds when the gates open they cannot leave afterwards. (If it is period 1-2). There is also another thing that you could do which is up to the staff, to make it not allowed to skip school if Police are not online the server; this is to also prevent from people just not going to school. If a teacher also catches you outside of school, you would have to FearRP them to go back inside (If detention is mentioned; but once again Up to staff)

I also know this kind of ruins the server since it is School based, but I overall think it would be a great feature to add; and would make the roleplay server a tiny bit more realistic.


This will hopefully benefit the server by causing a bit of freedom on weekdays, and not having a literal barrier that makes us not want to skip school. I also think this would make the server way more realistic in Roleplay. And people might like the feature, you never know until you try.​


Level 110
I think this was already a thing back in like 2019, I remember reading aobut it scrolling up in #announcements. It was only for college students though, basically the same concept as you just described. The server is literally School Roleplay so I don't think they would do that otherwise all the GangRPers would just be out of the school the entire time. This'll be a -1 from me, unfortunately.


Level 36
I believe this is more realistic in terms that you may skip school, with certain possibilities that you may get caught and fined. Its a good idea but I believe some of it may be unable to be done. But the way you’ve worded it, still I think it’s an amazing idea but may need to be reworded

There are not enough officers on at the same time to patrol 24/7 and people will stand outside of school and possibly do it to annoy officers, simply walking in when they’re seen. It will also result in the majority of people just skipping school overall and the classes and roles will be pointless at that point, when you have like most of the students skipping school, and officers aren’t always online when school is on.


Level 45
Thread starter
I believe this is more realistic in terms that you may skip school, with certain possibilities that you may get caught and fined. Its a good idea but I believe some of it may be unable to be done. But the way you’ve worded it, still I think it’s an amazing idea but may need to be reworded

There are not enough officers on at the same time to patrol 24/7 and people will stand outside of school and possibly do it to annoy officers, simply walking in when they’re seen. It will also result in the majority of people just skipping school overall and the classes and roles will be pointless at that point, when you have like most of the students skipping school, and officers aren’t always online when school is on.
That does make sense, there are never officers really on the server to be patrolling 24/7 for kids outside of the school. That's why I said in the post 'if people enter school grounds when the gates open they cannot leave afterwards' I do see what you're saying though. Ty for the response though


Level 36
That does make sense, there are never officers really on the server to be patrolling 24/7 for kids outside of the school. That's why I said in the post 'if people enter school grounds when the gates open they cannot leave afterwards' I do see what you're saying though. Ty for the response though
It will just cause more problems for staff as they will have to keep track of who entered and who hasn’t at which people will lie massively so I don’t think it would be able as people can also change their RPnames and get away with it. Bare in mind people will just not turn up and Gangrp instead. This helps limit the amount of chaos as well due to the stay in school rule.

Realistically there's kids who skip school and that if cops find you off school grounds you or your parents will get fined and especially if seeing the attendance!!
And kids who also skip classes!!
I approve of this idea due to the fact of being able to skip school, but also makes since that you can't leave after entering because there's cameras around the area...
It also makes sense for GangRP situations or CombatRP situations to have this allowed or in general!!

And I also agree with Cops not being online that it not being allowed!

And I think the fine should be a higher price tho like 5k-15k fine because it would help discourage skipping if caught to have the fine higher than 1k!
Sorry if you hate me for adding the comment of the fine being higher...


Level 45
Thread starter
I think this was already a thing back in like 2019, I remember reading aobut it scrolling up in #announcements. It was only for college students though, basically the same concept as you just described. The server is literally School Roleplay so I don't think they would do that otherwise all the GangRPers would just be out of the school the entire time. This'll be a -1 from me, unfortunately.
GangRPers do have a crazy mind when it comes to the term 'Skipping School' LOL. Also yes, I did mention in the application about the server being based off School Roleplay; which also skipping school is a possibility in the faction of School Roleplay. But I can see why staff in the server would disallow this, possibly too much people abusing the feature.. TY for the response though


Level 130

People simply will not come to school, and it would be barren

In fact, Id say a plugin that teleports all students who are outside of school INTO the school is needed.


Level 36

People simply will not come to school, and it would be barren

In fact, Id say a plugin that teleports all students who are outside of school INTO the school is needed.
I’d have to disagree as there could be a certain possibility that if a few things were changed then it would be perfect, nor would school be barren but with the correct wording and recommendations it would be a good idea, as a councillor it doesn’t seem good to you, I understand as it would completely forget about the councillor role, but yes the likely hood of this getting accepted is slim as it has many disadvantages and little advantages but still had potential! And the teleporting plug-in would be completely unnecessary and a pain


Level 45
Thread starter
I’d have to disagree as there could be a certain possibility that if a few things were changed then it would be perfect, nor would school be barren but with the correct wording and recommendations it would be a good idea, as a councillor it doesn’t seem good to you, I understand as it would completely forget about the councillor role, but yes the likely hood of this getting accepted is slim as it has many disadvantages and little advantages but still had potential! And the teleporting plug-in would be completely unnecessary and a pain
+1 to that, bearducky really be smokin that fact pack


Level 194

It is highly required for staff and students to come to school. The server is literally called "School RP", and students and faculty not coming to school defeats the whole purpose.
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Level 140
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
and y'all complaining when it's the weekends, choose a state bro.


Level 47
I don't think it's a good thing, there will a lot of people don't come to school

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