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School Uniforms


Level 104
IGN: PolarLoLs
DATE: Thu, Aug 5
WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I want to suggest that it be mandatory to wear the school attire on school grounds during school time.

HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I think this could benefit the RP more and create a more realistic setting since japanese schools you wear uniforms it could be an IC or OOC rule because I think the school uniforms aren't really used that much, except for the gym attire since you wear those to tryouts and such and I think it would be a fun idea to see everyone running around in school uniforms, it wouldn't have to be a specific one as long as it's one of the school attires on the Academics discord, I don't know if this was already suggested or was pushed I just think it would be more realistic


Level 38
I personally like this idea because yes, it does make it realistic

but be logical who is gonna wanna be forced to change their minecraft skin like bada bing bada boom, its just a hassle for school staff and SRP staff because it’ll just be more people do deal with for no reason. sad life


Level 50
mix between +1 and -1
this would be a cool addition to have, but i feel like it would be to hard to organise. since everyone would have to apply the uniform on their skins, not everyone can do that properly. i do like this suggestion, but i feel like it’d be to difficult

Ocean Man

Level 50
This will be probably used soon by some, as the wardrobe's are broken.
But once they fixed the wardrobes, who knows how many people will just /wardrobe and change to their school uniform.


Level 44
I actually think it would be fun to see others in their school uniforms, or even variations to fit their own character. But right now it's kind of hard to implement the rule to have uniforms mandatory. It'll just make it a hassle for both staff and students alike. Maybe in the future, but currently I don't see a way to have this without causing chaos


Level 103

This is a great idea imo but the way it is now not everyone is gonna know how to put the school uniforms on their skin especially new players but if this does decide to get implemented alongside the fix of wardrobe I think someone could make a short tutorial video on how to put the uniforms on your skin because without that and wardrobe noone would want to go through the hassle of reloading the resource pack if they have a slow computer so I dont think this can be a thing until wardrobe gets fixed as it would make the whole skin process easier


Level 77
I’m a big fan of realism but I feel it’s unfair to make uniform mandatory. There’s not many opportunities in which you have a chance to wear casual clothing outside of school, as the majority of the time on SRP is during school hours. It would be nice if it was implemented but if this was to be implemented tailoring services would decline and less and less people would be able to wear the skins they want.


Level 78
I'm a sucker for realism, especially on the server.. But I don't think this idea would be a great hit. Not only would people violate this rule, meaning faculty, council and SRP staff would have another thing to deal with - but it would also take away the right of self expression for teenagers and young adults in Karakura. SchoolRP, hence the name, focuses on school - meaning that a great chunk of the time we spend online is during school hours ICly. This means that there would be a limited time for players to wear their own skins and tailoring services would lose popularity immediately. There's also the issue of newer players not understanding this rule and getting upset when they are unable to put the uniform on their skin.


Level 231

I've seen a plugin somewhere that creates a skin that puts their skin ontop of the users so it could be great, but it's a big hassle and not a priority especially when updates are so few and far between, id rather get something memorable!


Level 26
Good idea for realism, I just think that personally no one would do it or that matter is that people might just want to keep their skins on


Level 24
1+ / -1
I think this is a good concept looking at the wardrobe plugin that have been added, I like the idea of realism with the outfits BUT people who are in certain teams like Football, Volleyball, Track, Baseball, Basketball, and Swimming are allowed to wear their jackets on grounds but only their attire, but they have to have school elements to them. Other students who are in Clubs etc. are NOT allowed to wear their Attire since they are not apart of a "Team". I think Regular students, this means that (Grade 7 > 12, college) are the ones to wear the Uniforms in school.


Level 110
Idk personally speaking, I dont mind the idea at all. It's a bit far fetched r whatever but it wouldnt take long to get used to it. Like you could just link the files at spawn or something . or a tutorial? It sounds cool . . . butt it'd be hard to implement!! I want this 2 happen 2 but. .. i doubt players would enjoy switching skins on n off anyways.


Level 272
-1 / +1
Although it's really cool idea, I dont think it really will work in highschool due to the reason there're a new players, but maybe in the college it will work.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Pretty cool concept, however this wouldn't work on SchoolRP and would be a little too far in terms of players being forced into wearing them as a server rule. Uniforms will remain optional for those who want to wear them.

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