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Official [SchoolRP] 2015-2018

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Level 110



Level 185
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I fully forgot I did that
No regrets.


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Level 137
i wonder who that very handsome man is asking about the mother who left her child is when the voice chat plugin came out
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Level 12
smh bruh im a loser. idk why i used this shit ass skin (The Oreo looking ass one)

This was on April 21st, 2018. Got the SS from


Level 231
Sadly, the majority of my screenshots have been lost to time, these are some of the ones I was able to dig out as well as moments on SRP I particularly enjoyed/could find that was interesting.

What I consider to be some epic style cool kid moments on SRP.


Im6 set up a huge ass Karate Kid poster banner on my house which I was in love with.


I am one of two actual players to get put into Honourable Mentions. (I dont count the Youtubers since they only played for tiny amounts of times compared to Yaku or me)

Some other screenshots:

A screenshot of one of my old characters, his name is Jia vi Sasori.

Prom Event. My character went with someone called Regina M, who is played by one of my former friends Bearf.

Me playing on Salmon Slapper.

Me on my previous P.E Teacher rank. Ironically, the character whos occupation was a P.E Teacher was 91 years old.

My build of Target on the old SRP Creative Server.

Screenshot of me and a few other players at a Miller Industries party.

A screenshot of my character Lucifer Herrington, One of Koths characters as well as Im6's Luke Herrington character as well as Glocks old character called Arthur Herrington.

Also, here are the time periods of which I make an appearance in either the 2015-2017 video or the 2018 video.

2015-2017 VIDEO

4:25 White haired kid with 1 blue eye and one Ghool eye.

7:23 I am the one with blue eyes, taken by my friend pug#2188.

10:51 The /me in chat was sent by me.

10:53 Kid closest to the screenshotter is me

10:56 in this screenshot Duckings assumes my gender and the chat starts laughing.

12:07 I took the screenshot and the person in it was my alt, fun fact this was taken back when you were more likely to see people gangrping with pencils then with katanas.

18:36 I am one of two players put into honourable mentions.

2018 VIDEO

0:28 my screenshot, I am the ugandan knuckles closest to the screen. @Typeicide (Temp) being the other one.

0:30 My screenshot, this time includes Hopetober.

2:42 Im pretty sure I posed for this, however screenshot was taken and edited by Pug#2188 one of my closest friends i've met on SRP, someone who has been my friend since I met them on SRP in 2015.

5:13 Gangrp hapopening in my classroom, I am the teacher.

8:53 I am Kyu vi Sasori.

8:56 I am the person taking the screenshot.

8:58 I am the person taking the screenshot.

10:58 My screenshot, I was testing out shaders.

12:27 A screenshot I took of my friend Cookie.

12:49 I am the female cop.

12:54 Screenshot I took of my character Lucifer Herrington.

I'm certain I appear many more times but I can't be assed to pause every second to see if my character is in the screenshot. Later nerds! :sunglasses:
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