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Accepted Science Teacher Application


Level 25
✧*̥˚ ✺✳ ┅ ⑅ ┅ ✳✺ Out-Of-Character Information ✺✳ ┅ ⑅ ┅ ✳✺ *̥˚✧

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
the cat#3850

Do you have a microphone?:

How old are you? (Optional):
21 years old

What is your time zone?:
GMT (Britain)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I understand

Describe your activity on the server:
I am online daily for multiple hours at a time, rarely having a day offline.

Do you have any previous bans?:

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: [Denied] [Accepted] [Denied] [Denied] [Denied] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Denied] [Accepted] [Denied] [Accepted] [Accepted] [Denied] [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
CaptYT3699, Grade 12
YourLocalFurryL, Grade 12
O________U, Grade 10
CordyTheCat, Grade 9
Thecat3850, Cat
DoggoTheDoggo, Dog
BigBrownBear20, Bear.
BirdoUwURP, Bird.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Astronomy Science, but I am willing to transfer to other subjects if needed

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation would mainly be the inactivity of some teachers as well as my ability to teach with patience and proper knowledge in and out of character. Seeing other teachers doing so well in classes inspire me to do the same or something similar at least to the best of my ability. I feel extremely inspired to do my best to fill a quota and go beyond, in fact if I am accepted into the role of a teacher I plan to break any record for the most classes in 1 month every month. I will of course make sure that each class is at least good quality.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?:
Yes! I understand!

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
The teachers class logs exist to mark down the amount of classes someone has had. I'm not completely sure, but it may also log events in that class, for example, kicking. However, from my basic understanding, they are used to meet your quota.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
My rules would be the following:
1. A student in class must pay attention to the teacher at all times; This will help them learn better.
2. Raising their hand to speak or ask a question; This rule ensures that no student's nor teacher's thought is interrupted.
3. keeping their phones switched off and in your pockets or backpack; This prevents students from getting distracted, this is especially important when you need to take very careful steps in an experiment.
4. No eating in class as the food in a science class has the obvious risks of being contaminated; Don't eat any chemicals either. Unless allowed to do so after taking the proper precocious; This rule obviously prevents students from getting sick or injured during any activity the class is doing.
4. Staying seated unless the teacher had advised the class to stand or line up; Standing up can be chaotic as students may stop focusing on the teacher. This is of course, a hazard. Having them sit will let the teacher have better control of the class.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying for about 15 years, of course I had not started roleplaying on computers until I was 7. I started out roleplaying on Roblox on my mum's small laptop, we didn't have internet at the time so I used a temporary dongle for about a week every month, I had done this for a few years until we moved to a town that had better internet connection so we got internet. Starting at 12 years old I started roleplaying games like Minecraft and GTA Online on my Xbox 360 and PS4. The laptop I had used previously didn't work anymore so I switched to the console until I was given a premade computer about 3-4 years ago from my mum. As soon as I got my new PC I started looking for places I could roleplay on Minecraft or GTA or both, I then found SchoolRP in Summer of 2020 via google search.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The head of department has the most experience and the one in charge, as well as hosting classes of their very own they ensure that all of the other teachers are doing their job as they are supposed to do. They make sure that both teachers and students are following rules and being professional.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This teacher has been through the proper training. However, they have a lot of experience in the classroom setting, teaching, and dealing with the kids.
They are professional, as well as involved with many of the school's activities.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This teacher has recently been given the proper training for teaching a class. While most may not have tons of experience, they are relatively knowledgeable on how to deal with different classroom problems or scenarios.

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: This teacher has most likely been recently hired. They usually have little experience teaching full scale classes. Though they try their best to learn from the other teachers, gaining the experience they need along the way.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers in SRP are usually ready to teach the students something new, they are always ready to take care of situations and issues the school has. The teachers on SRP try to understand everyone and help them grow oocly and only in an attempt to improve the server as a whole. They are a large part of this community, it's in the name even. Besides that, they can be seen doing a variety of activities, just like anyone else on SRP may do. Teachers make a total of 350 thousand yen after completing the quota of 10 classes. On top of that, they can do an extra 5 classes for 50 thousand yen three times, adding it all up, teachers can make a maximum of 500 thousand yen every month.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Obviously, in a SchoolRP server you need to have teachers to operate it. Teachers on SRP ensure realism and proper entertainment to new and old players alike when it comes to roleplay in general. When people join their classes, they are ready to create fun and interesting environments for the students to be, some may even gain new knowledge being in those classes. They ICly provide role models for people's characters to base themselves, or inspire off of. This means that they have great control over characters and are the ones that usually push their development further. All of this makes the server more appealing and incredibly great, it interests people to discover and find more, as well as creating a cool place for people to be.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school appears to run on a system called, "MoSCo" which seems to stand for, "Must have, should have, could have"

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. How does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plan for the future?

Haru is a 5 '7 Polish girl with a barely noticeable accent, in fact if it wasn't for her European look you'd think she's native to Japan. she'd mostly be seen wearing masculine clothing which gave off an obvious tomboy look, refusing to wear anything that even resembled something feminine, some would think she is transgender, but no she is just a masculine person. She'd also have short light brown hair with a large strand on the side of her head which was dyed pink, she would very regularly get her hair trimmed since she hates the idea of long hair. Her eyes would be a mix of blue and green which gave an aqua look to it. Haru would wear her hat everywhere she went, she did this mostly because she would never really brush or comb her hair, and so the hat would cover this fact, no one would really notice what she had done that way. Her teeth are pretty white and well looked after but are slightly wonky which was not noticeable unless you had a close look with her mouth wide open which not many people would do anyway. She'd avoid certain colours in clothing that would resemble a feminine kind of style.

What makes her unique is the fact that she has had mental issues growing up, an anger issue and frequent quiet panic attacks from seeing dogs, she had to figure out how to deal with most of her problems herself when her dads weren't around to help her and she intends to pass her knowledge down whenever she can or is needed. The love she has for teaching others anything combines with the fact of her past mental health affecting her, which has grown milder over time. She is a very kind individual but some would see her as intimidating, she doesn't mind this but would prefer if people were more comfortable around her. Haru's fear of dogs is insane, she doesn't like the sight of them and if they got too close to her there would be a risk of her having a panic attack. She understands that some students would need the guidance of a service dog and would allow this, but she would explain her fear to the students and kindly ask them to sit at the back, she hates to do this but she wouldn't really be a good teacher if she had a panic attack during lesson.

I can imagine that Haru would see all students as a person that is destined for greatness and just needs the guidance of a teacher, Haru would go out of her way to help a student in need and would do her best to make it fun for everyone when she can, helping the young teens towards adulthood she would try and connect and understand their feelings before helping them through anything she can assist with if possible. She would find time to express how proud she is with the students who seem to be doing well in her classes, and give them rewards for doing so. The students that don't do too well in class or struggle with certain subjects, she would attempt to find time to help them out or refer them to a tutor for a 1 to 1 lesson for improvements. The trouble students who always get detention, she just sees them as people who are calling out for help and she is more than willing to help as needed, she would find some time to try and get them to open up to her so that she could attempt to help them improve on themselves therefore helping them improve on their own studies. Haru is the kind of person who would develop formal friendships with her students in order to help them learn. She knows that if she is a friendly individual to them then there is a higher chance that they'll learn better.

She'd both respect and possibly befriend other teachers, I picture she'd admire them for their hard work and dedication. Haru would do her best to help them out when needed just like anyone else, she'd encourage exchanging advice and tips on teaching methods and other life happenings. Haru is a person who loves kids and would take any opportunity to care for and/or be around them, she has a temper on her but would never use it or take out her anger around or at children and other teachers, in fact she has learnt over time simple techniques to have dealt with this issue such as thinking happy thoughts, deep long breathing and leaving the area that had caused her anger, But mostly she would just rely on her medications. Haru would most likely ask advice from fellow teachers and also do the same for them, giving advice and tips from what she had learned from her teaching experience so far, wanting to improve as much as she can so that she could help students using the help of her fellow teacher co-workers.

Haru is the kind of person who would put others first before herself, she would take time to help others improve on themselves. if she didn't take her medication (which she always takes anyway) she'd lose her temper quite easily, but of course she'd try not to lash out in front of people who are not involved in her conflicts, she would never show her anger at a student. She is very understanding with other people, trying her hardest to be the best person she can be, she treats most children like her own, giving them her respect and no attitude of course. Haru likes to joke around with those that she loves, enjoys cooking with her fiancé and just in general finding time to be with the rest of her family. She's the kind of person who wouldn't really find anything much else to do other than bonding with them.

Haru has a love for fish (the living ones), she would talk about them all day if she had the chance to. In the future, Haru would love to think she'd either work with Nasa and go to space or explore the deep oceans. The idea of space has always interested her, since she was little and had received a telescope for Christmas she'd use it everyday before bed then tell her dads about what she saw. Like space she had always loved the idea of fish and the oceans, just thinking about exploring the unexplored deep oceans fascinated her, she likes to believe she's a somewhat expert on fish and so she'd love the opportunity to perhaps discover a new species if she's lucky enough.
Haru hopes most to have her life be filled with jobs that are space related, keeping up with Nasa's public announced research and satellites photos and new discoveries, she'd enjoy taking mental and physical notes on the subject as much as she could.


You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

She would first ask them to stop before reminding them of the school rules, assuming they had not listened to her request, she would tell them they had been warned, and if they continued, it would lead to getting detention. If they for some reason still refused to listen then she would call for another person to deal with the student(s) if they would not listen. The entire time she would try to speak clearly and with a strong tone, trying her best to get the point across.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
If she had already attempted to get the class's attention through her normal indoor voice which had not worked, she would begin to raise her voice so that it could be clearly heard. Telling them to pay please pay attention and to stop talking. She would of course give plenty of warnings to any students who yelled/said profanities in an attempt to get better control of the situation. Before any other actions were made (such as kicking), she would inform them that if they plan on interrupting the lessons then she would kick them out of the class. My character would want everyone to have the opportunity to learn and so removing the students that distracted the lesson would be a thing she would do.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Haru would either mark student's work, plan lessons, or catch up on sleep, if nothing was really needed then she'd speak with fellow faculty members and update herself with recent events, tips and tricks with teaching and share advice with the teachers and professors. I feel like my character would want to befriend the faculty in order to maintain good communication between them all in the near future and also boost teamwork by teaching herself everyone's strengths when it comes to teaching and punishments and rewards.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom: (small note: I have the ability to append /me)

/me &#7c9ea5She would wait for the class to be seated, meanwhile she'd turn to the board behind her and start drawing a simple solar system, she would include the sun, all 8 planets and Earth's moon, as well as their orbit with simple lines. Haru would write a letter on each planet so it would be much easier for the students to identify which planet they were looking at, as well as small details on the planets to make them unique enough to identify without the lettering. She'd then turn to the class that was hopefully now seated and explain &f"OK! On the board I have drawn something, can anyone tell me what it is?"

/me &#7c9ea5would begin to sit, as she watched the students leave her classroom. Once they were all out she'd pick up the stack of papers she had assigned, gently tapping them on the table in order to line them up. She would place a paperclip on the papers to hold them together, putting a bright yellow sticky note with the period. After she had done this, she stood turning to the whiteboard, using a cloth that was set at the foot of it, she would proceed to wipe the entire downthing, leaving it ready for her next class. She began to walk around the room to clean up any messes the students had made.

/me &#7c9ea5She waited for the students to finish the work that she had handed out to them to do, as she waited she'd walk around and check on each student and their progress. Haru would be sure to keep a close eye just in case a student needed her help with something, upon not noticing that anyone needed help by the sight of no hands being raised, she'd remind the students with a loud and clear voice &f"Remember that if you need help just raise your hand, I'm here for a reason" &#7c9ea5now satisfied that the students were aware she was able to help if they needed it, she'd continue to look around and wander the classroom until someone either raised their hand or people started giving in their finished work.

/me &#7c9ea5looked down at the stack of papers, carefully peeling off the sticky note, before sliding off the paper clip. She let out a sigh as she clicked a pen, her eyes moving across the page as she looked for wrong answers. Once she was done, she wrote the students' grade at the top, setting it to the side and continuing. She lifted the pen off the table, slightly correcting the stack of papers. She repeated this until all the papers were graded. She then took the small graded pile of papers tapping them on the desk to correct their positions. She slid the paper clip over the papers again, placing the sticky note over the stack once more.

Haru was born in Poland to a surrogate mother whose identity was kept secret out of her own choice, she was then given to her 2 dads who had planned to move to Japan within a week, but due to financial and health issues this was postponed and they had to wait 5 years before actually moving there, they moved to a town near Karakura when Haru was 5 years old, this meant she had to learn Japanese over Polish which was difficult for her at this young age, it especially became difficult when she started school. Haru never really found it easy to make friends in school, and so she just preferred to stick to being by herself.

Haru's life in Poland before she moved to Japan with her dads was pretty regular, they got along great and had tons of fun. Both of Haru's dads would play certain games with her that they don't do anymore such as gently poking each other in an attempt to tickle each other, Haru found great comfort in this and still does today, though she cannot remember why she likes to poke and be poked nowadays she still does it to this day. These days would probably be the best days of her life until she meets her family in the future.
The process of Haru learning Japanese when she first started school was difficult at first but with the support of her dads she quickly learned the basics, testing her by going to restaurants and asking her to order for them all, going to the library and reading fish books out loud to them in Japanese, they did this for a while on top of school. Being so focused on the Japanese language her grades would start to slip, she found it quite hard to keep up with the others so that she could improve her language. Haru's dads had to go to school meetings about this and they spent a lot of time trying to get her out of trouble for this grade failing behavior. After the lectures that her dads had gotten from the teachers, they would focus more on her studies instead, helping her find out how fun it is to learn, teaching her outside of school they would take her out to places of her choice as a reward for doing so well.

Over time she had forgotten her first language, she had spoken Japanese for so long now that Polish was no longer a language that she is able to speak, even though her dads are able to at least hold a conversation in the language, because of her young age she had simply forgotten, but her accent stayed and it had only faded over time, where she'd learn to hide it through the years until it was no longer noticeable unless she was tired or if someone was to focus on her accent in any sort of long conversations with her.
When school first started she was teased for her strange accent, this teasing quickly became a form of bullying and since the teachers there thought it was just children playing, being silly and being.. well children, she felt she had no choice but to choose violence to defend herself against them, this quickly became a default for her and she found it hard not to do this. It would seem that she had some sort of anger problem but people just thought she was a bad kid.
Over the years she became somewhat good at fighting and defending herself, though she'd never really need this in the distant future, at 8 years old her violent ways scared the people who teased and bullied her, so almost all of them agreed to trick her into coming over to one of their houses with a fake invite to one of their sibling's birthday parties, once she arrived since they were alone in the house, the door was locked behind her. The mean bully child then let out her rabid and whiled up dog, most likely the dog was scared and became violent because of this, the dog then continued to maul young Haru, luckily this scared the kid who set this up so she called her parents in a panic who advised her to call an ambulance which of course she did right away, and that is how she almost died from a dog.
Ever since the day of the attack she understandably became frightened at the sight of any dog of any size or behaviour, and of course the bully kids used their family dogs to scare her because it gave them a sick pleasure to see her scared. This got to the point where she had to change schools and so they all moved to Karakura where they continued a somewhat normal life. Though her fear of dogs carried on through adulthood.

She'd continue her studies as a regular student, keeping her distance from people who she knew owned dogs just in case they decided they didn't like her. Haru had a somewhat normal accent all the time by this point and so she'd mostly be left alone while she was in school, she'd use this quiet time to study as much as she had spare time for. Haru's home life during this would be fairly normal with 2 supportive dads who helped her as much as they could, she felt like she could tell them anything except if she ever got a boyfriend, because dads being dads they'd get a little overprotective.
At the age of 16 when she was still in high school, she chose to become a teacher, wanting to pass down everything she had learned in life. Her main reasoning for wanting to be a teacher was to make sure that everyone had an equal learning experience, nothing like she had previously. She'd planned on becoming the kind of teacher that would pay closer attention to students and their intentions, the last thing she wanted was to be a bad teacher if she ever eventually got there, this encouraged her to work harder than she had ever worked in her life.
Instead of going for her dreams of working in a high-end job, she began to work harder with smaller and less popular jobs that paid less, looking for every opportunity she could use to get the job she wanted by trying to gain as much experience as she could. Finally, when she had finished her studies, she began to live her regular life, waiting for the right time to continue her life in school as the best teacher she could possibly be.

As she grew and no longer needed to rely on her violent ways, she found out some techniques to calm herself down. She found this difficult and so she went to a doctor to get diagnosed with... something? She did eventually get diagnosed with an anger mental disorder thingy (I forgot the name oocly my bad :P). After she had gotten diagnosed, she was given medication to help control her behaviour, this helped her a lot and also made it so that she could live a much more normal life than before. With help from her dads and Fiancé who adore and support her unconditionally, she quickly was able to come up with some sort of comfortable routine and put that in place for herself.
When Haru was 18 years old she met Anatoly, a Russian lad who had emigrated to Japan followed by his younger brother Dmitri. Haru and Anatoly hit it off almost instantly and got along great. He'd be a supportive friend until they decided they wanted to date. Her starting to date did not distract her from her dreams of teaching of course. In fact, this encouraged her to improve a lot more since he supported her so much with it. They were the perfect couple. So eventually, when Anatoly found the courage to propose to Haru, he did, and she of course accepted.

In-Character Information

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Haru Hasuke
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss
Given Name(s): Haru
Preferred Name: Ms. Haru

Age (Minimum is 27): 33
Gender: Female
Religious Denomination: Atheist
Marital Status: Engaged

Nationality: Polish
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

Academic Degree: Bachelor's
Year of Graduation: 2014
Major(s): Astronomy Science
Minors: Zoology, Art

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: Russian (semi-fluent), JSL (fluent)

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: No, I do not


Additional notes about your application:

The character parts were copied from my previous application, as they would've been answered the same way. Some more stuff was also copied from my previous application and revised for the Teacher Knowledge part.
Do you have any questions?:
I am assuming that I am allowed to change things in the icly part? like the education parts so that I can change subjects if needed as well? If not then please let me know :)​
Last edited:


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for applying for Teacher!

- You'll be contacted via Discord about this role, apologies for the delay in response.​

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