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ScxrsRP's College Professor Application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft Username?:

My Minecraft username is ScxrsRP

How old are you?:
I am 15 years old.

Do you have any previous bans?:
No, I do not have any previous bans, though I have been given three warnings.

What Country are you from?:
The country I currently live in is Australia, Queensland. This means that my time zone is Australian Eastern Standard Time (GMT +10)

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?):
Yes, I do have discord. My discord tag is Scxrs#9112

Do you understand that most answers are found in the roleplay documents?:
Yes, I do understand that most of the answers are found in the roleplay documents.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I do acknowledge this factor. However, I have a slight problem with it for personal reasons. (Read ‘Additional Notes.’)

Describe your activity on the server & on the forums?:
A lot of the time, my activity on the server is very limited for personal reasons, (Read ‘Additional Notes’.) however I try my hardest to be active whenever I can. My activity on the forums right now is also very small, however, I can change that amount of time by using my laptop (meant for schoolwork, meaning I cannot download and play Minecraft on it) to be active on the forums.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server?:

I have applied to be an English Teacher, though it is pending at the time of posting this.


I have applied for the Hawaiian language for my character Ikaia which was accepted.


I have also applied for the German Language, also accepted.



What is your motivation for becoming a Professor?:
I would like to expand my horizons for different types of roleplay, and this is a fun way that I can do it. I want to be able to have more in-depth school roleplay in a setting that is far more mature, as the college students must apply to be in college, and aren't just given the rank through play time. I would also like to be able to structure meaningful classes as college students may occasionally be given exams in order to graduate and be given the adult rank, and that they are required to come and roleplay maturely as doing otherwise could result in the removal of their college rank. I also believe I can learn from this type of roleplay, as I will be making lesson plans and learning from them myself. I highly look forward to being able to roleplay as a college professor on this server.

Do you have any experience in Roleplaying?:
Yes, I have been roleplaying since I was about 11 years old and then took a break between the ages of 12 to 14. I recently got back into roleplay a few months ago and have been enjoying it very much. I have also given myself a wide range of genre experience, from RomanceRP straight to CombatRP. I have met many friends on the way and I look forward to what is coming next.

What are the classroom logs and why is it important?:

Classroom logs are essentially server logs for a class. These show everything that happens in a class, and if a student has done something wrong, they can be punished. This also means that if a professor is not doing their job, they can be demoted. Classroom logs are also how a professor gets paid. This is also a way for the college dean to pinpoint who the inactive professors, so that he can open up new slots.

As a Professor, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:

  • The students must respect the professor at all times
  • No eating or drinking is permitted in the classroom unless given permission.
  • All students must stay seated during the lesson unless instructed.
  • Violence in class will result in both of the parties to detention or escorted out to the principal's office.
  • All phones in class must be disabled and should stay in your bag, except when you have permission from the Professor.
  • All students should respect one another and their opinions.
  • All students should attend class organised with all the required equipment
  • All students should be mature with their actions and their language.
Summarize your previous RP experience's (both in general and on SchoolRP):

I have been in many different settings of roleplay. I first started on a, at the time, large Minecraft server called Omega Realm. There was a creative section on there which had many different types of RP, my favourite one being a school RP. I loved it, and then eventually got into dm rps. This is when I started my break from RP. When I got back into RP, I found SchoolRP on NameMC and thought that I should join because I haven’t roleplayed in a long time. I eventually got really into it, meeting a lot of friends on the server. Soon, I delve into discord roleplays, which I also really enjoyed. This was about five months ago, and I have been doing both discord rps and SchoolRP ever since, and have been loving every bit of it.

College-Professor Knowledge

Please show your knowledge of College-Professors. What are the tasks a College-Professor has to complete? What is a College-Professor's salary?

College professors, both in-game and out-of-game, serve the purpose to not only teach but to learn. College professors have more knowledge than the students, as they have both lived longer and studied longer. This, however, does not mean that they know everything. College professors learn every day, discovering new things as they teach. College professors all teach in different ways. Some like to teach verbally, some physically and some a unique mixture of both. At school, teachers do their job, teaching, obeying, disciplining, all the normal things for a teacher to do at their job. However, College professors may have completely different private lives, hidden away from most, all though, they still have to mark exams and homework at home if they don't get it done in their spare time at school. College professors also help shape the careers of their pupils, preparing them for the future. In SRP, college itself is more directed at the serious role players that wish to actually participate in the main purpose of the server: school roleplay.

College Professor Salary IRL:

In Japan, the average salary for a college professor is ¥11,209,000 for a professor in Tokyo, though this is highly dependent on the quality of the college, the subject they teach and the quality of the teaching.


College Professor Salary SRP:
Per 15 classes held, professors get a monthly salary of 300,000 Yen and an additional 50,000 Yen per each class taught after the fifteenth class mark. This is the average payment of SRP professors, which is a step up from high school teachers. It accentuates the fact that college classes are far more serious than high school classes tend to be because of the demographic they are leaned towards.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does he/she look like? What makes him/her unique and different? What is his/her outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is his/her personality like? What is his/her plan for the future?:
Ikaia is a very outgoing person who loves to talk to people, and a lot of the time gets into conversations he probably shouldn’t get into. He will go out of his way to ask if someone is having a good day or not, but sometimes he talks to the wrong person. He has gotten into many bad situations and has gotten decently good at fighting. He is also very athletic, his body is rigid and he’d have a six-pack, though it wouldn’t be easy to see when he was wearing a shirt. His hair is soft and wavy, and would be taupe (a greyish brown). His eyes would be bright and caring, giving a warming feeling if he were to look at you. Ikaia would smell like the ocean, with a hint of coconut and mangos. There would be a pineapple tattoo on his back, in the shoulder region. Ikaia speaks Hawaiian, which he uses to communicate with his family. He wants students to thrive in his subject; giving help whenever he can and encouraging them to do their best at their work. Ikaia can manipulate his teaching to suit a student’s needs. For example, if a student was a physical type learner, he would be able to teach them by showing demonstrations and pictures. If a student was a verbal type learner, he would teach them using words and books. Ikaia is very easy to communicate with, and that is shown with how he collaborates with his colleagues. He is easy to ask for help and will give it willingly, always helping anyone in need. He loves being helpful to those he considers friends. Ikaia wants to stay as a professor for the rest of his life, as he loves to share the knowledge that he has gained over the years, and wants to pass it on to his pupils.


You find a group of sport-team members screaming and shouting in the halls, What do you do?
Ikaia would approach them, telling them to stop screaming and shouting and to have a normal conversation like regular people. He’d tell them that if this behaviour was kept up, he’d send them all to the principal's office.

A College-Student is disturbing the class and won’t listen to a word you’re saying, What do you do?
Ikaia would walk over to the student’s desk and would politely ask them to stop disrupting the class and that they should behave like adults. He’d tell them that if they kept disrupting the class he would give them detention.

Provide at least 5 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me Ikaia would wait for the class to settle down before he started the class. It slightly irritated him that he wasn't in control of the class, but he could deal with it.

/me He would walk over to the kid trying to pick fights with the weaker kid, and would politely ask him to stop. As he continued, Ikaia would give the kid detention for bullying in his classroom.

/me Ikaia would be getting impatient for the class to calm down, clapping his hands once to get their attention. He would go back to teaching his subject.

/me He would start to hand out the tasks, smiling gently to each and every student, giving them a warm and caring gaze.

/me Ikaia would walk over to a student that seemed to be struggling with his work. He would give the student some help, making sure that the student could engage in learning to his full extent.


Ikaia grew up in Honolulu, Hawaii with his grandmother, and his sisters, Honey and Midnight. He also lived with his cousin, Remi. Ikaia and Honey were born into the Ka’uhane family, while Midnight and Remi were adopted by his grandmother. His grandmother never speaks of his parents, so he assumes that they did something to betray the family. Honey was a great little sister to him. She taught him how to surf and some songs that stuck with him, one being ‘Over The Rainbow’ by Israel Kamakawiwoʻole. As a native Hawaiian, he learned most of their traditions, like Samoan Ailao, traditional songs, surfing, and of course Hawaiian. His grandmother Alani taught him Hawaiian, along with various other family members and he learned very fast how to speak his native language. Ikaia moved with some of his family to Japan when he was in his last year of high school. In Japan, he met many amazing people, attending ‘Karakura High’, falling in love, and much more. He loved it there and never wanted to leave, though back in Hawaii, his grandmother was now very ill, and needed some assistance. He would have gone, as he loved his grandmother very much, but his sister Honey decided that he should get a good education, and she would go help her. He thought about them every day, longing to see his grandmother again. Once he graduated from high school, he continued his education alongside his friend that he had met in high school. Ikaia pursued his degree in Literature and minoring in Tertiary Education, doing the same degree as his girlfriend, Jin. He struggled greatly through college, but his peers helped him, pushing him towards the goal. He barely sc****d past, passing narrowly, but he was happy. Ikaia and Jin, his girlfriend that he had been with through college, both got accepted into Karakura as a college professor and a teacher. That night, they both celebrated with their friends, hoping for a happy life ahead of them.

In-Character Information

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Ikaia Ka'uhane

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr

Given Name(s): Ikaia

Preferred Name: Mr Ka’uhane or Ikaia

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Religious Denomination: N/A

Marital Status: Taken

Nationality: Hawaiian

Current Location: Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years): None

Working Experience (# of years): 4 Years

Academic Degree: Literature Major, with a Minor in Tertiary Education

Year of Graduation: 2020

Major(s): Literature

Minors: Tertiary Education

Native Languages: Hawaiian

Other Languages: Japanese, English

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes, I have a CELTA certificate.

Preferred Teaching Subject: English


Additional notes about your application (if any):
I do realize that if I am inactive I will be demoted, however, my parents are divorced and I have my PC at my father’s house. I usually live at my mother’s house and therefore I am sometimes not able to be on School RP for extended periods of time. I am also a tenth-grade student, which also diminishes my time available for SRP.

Do you have any questions?:
No, but I would like to thank you for your time and consideration. <3
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Level 143
Community Team
Content Team

- I do not see a lot of detail put even into the smaller questions. A Professor Application should have a lot of info for me to go off of and this does not meet those standards.

- You also should not apply for both Teacher & Professor at the same time. It makes one application go to absolute waste if the other is accepted.​

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