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Accepted Seagoddess' Professor Application | History with Claude D'aramitz


Level 5

History Professor Application | Claude D'aramitz

Claude D'aramitz.png


What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats):

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Accepted: (As of writing this)
German Language Application

Swedish Language Application

Declined: (As of writing this)
German Language Application

JSL Language Application

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I am online at least once a day for a couple of hours at a time to several hours at a time, typically between 7am-10pm EST. If only for a couple of hours typically after 5 pm.​

Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

I have been in SRP for a year and a few months and have several months' worth of time rping in the server itself. I’ve seen almost every event within that time and seen a lot of teachers/professors come and go as well and see what their teaching styles were like—for example, Allen Black, Haru Hasuke, Thesagia Valis, and some others. Before I got into SRP I’d been rping within the Minecraft community for many years, starting around 2013-2014 on old creative-type servers. Other than that I was on Amino, Discord, and other applications used for roleplaying before discovering SRP.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

College [Bachelor]
Aurelia Pinnae
Sam Reed

Vincent Valis
Daleyza Williams
Lance Alvarez
Claude D’aramitz

What is the subject you want to teach?:

History, specifically the lore that is within the forums as lecture and activity classes, but I can also do generalized history from areas including Europe, Japan, The US, and Canada.


What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:
I’ve wanted to be a professor for quite a while now, mainly because I know a lot of random information and I often share it. This would give me more opportunity to show what I know. However, I am specifically choosing history to give college students a class to refer to and study for the actual lore of SRP, aka Karakura. I have also planned to make study textbooks and quizzes designed to help students along with the exams and generalize knowledge of the actual world their characters live in.​
As in the time I’ve roleplayed around in the server I’ve met many people who do not know anything about Karakura. Most assume it is a city on the island of Japan, not its own island. They also are not aware that they have their own government but are still in the prefecture of Tokyo. Things like these can help cement people and their characters into the actual lore of the world and not fight against it. I got inspired by the idea after I had a tutor session and even the tutor messed up multiple things on the actual fictional world lore, making many of the mistakes I previously mentioned. If students are learning things like these, it’ll make the exams harder on them and the already confusing lore of the world to people even more baffling.​
I did get a chance to be a professor for a day in the swap event that occurred where students could be certain staff. I was Aurelia Pinnae and had the opportunity to teach forensics, which I can also teach in case we need a science professor instead. I opted for history because I did not see many history professors online during the EST time, along with the other reasons I listed.​

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
For my first class, I want to properly introduce my character to those who do not know him. I’d only do it for a day however to keep the class from being repetitive. My character would explain his past teaching, his time in the military armed forces of France, and other bits and bobs about him, especially his strict but respectful manner to help keep students in line, but have them still listened to and understood. This would also open up the class to share their own life as well and make the environment welcoming to everyone. People love sharing what they know or things about their life, so I’m sure it’d be very interactive and give my character (and myself) to guage on what teaching methods would be best for the students.​
For another class, I want to set the students up into teams of at least two and make a game known as ‘trashekball’. It’s a game where a team picks a topic under a generalized genre, this being history in this case, and gets a question related to this topic. For example, if it’s under the genre history and it’s for Karakura, the topic could be the representatives of Karakura. The question in hand could be ‘Who was the mayor during The Storm era?’ If the team answers correctly they can roll 20 to shoot a basketball into a trash can or bin. If they roll higher than a 10 the player gets a point, if they answer wrong the other team gets to answer and get a chance to score. If both teams pass back twice then it’s flagged, letting me know that it’s something I must explain or go over again in greater detail. For the sake of how short classes are, I only intend for 4-5 questions during period 4, since it would be at the end of the day for the students to enjoy a game instead of a lecture. This game is repeatable from lesson to lesson as we shift through the different eras.​

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
I would work with a priest or maiden of the monastery and go there to show the students the culture and history of the monastery that is within the city. There are all kinds of history and even folklore said about the area, including the woods itself, given how important they are to Japanese culture and Karakura being formerly a once and only Japanese island.​
Plus the monastery is small in comparison to other areas like the beach, the woods, or the plaza. It would keep them in a confined area so it’s easier to look after them, and if time permits the students can enjoy themselves by walking around or even going into the hot springs.​
If I could not manage to work with a priest I could also do it alone, but it wouldn’t be as special. I could also take the students to the church instead to explain and even demonstrate with the building itself the Westernization that Karakura went through during the 2000s, going into the sudden influx of immigration from other countries is what influenced the sudden Western change to the very Eastern island, and how they have both struggled to connect but also prosper together throughout the era.​


Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

Claude isn’t the type to assume anything but would keep a close eye on the group. While professors do have automatic p2k on students he doesn’t know them personally. Maybe it’s a group of friends? Are they actively shouting? Does it seem like they’re harassing the bobcat student? Claude is the type to observe and then react but make his presence known. If it’s clear to him it’s some kind of altercation he’d break it up and ask what it was about, even going as far as to ask for assistance over the radio if need be. Of course, he does also understand to take what he’s told with a grain of salt, given that it’s multiple people against one they could try and appear to be innocent and sink the one bobcat. Overall he’d make a judgment call on what he’s told and if he believes the information or not. He is not one to ‘find out’ with, he can very much pick up on lying and is good at stamping out behavior. This man is a former military sergeant and he does not take it lightly.​

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
Once again he is the type to observe. He would try and take in as many details as possible to determine if the student is genuinely asking the questions and accidentally being annoying, or just trying to take up as much time as possible. If it’s by accident he’d have them sit in the corner of the detention class and sit next to them, giving pointers or answering whatever question they ask, even if stupid. He’s not new to the idea of people not knowing things, especially if they’re younger. Patience is key when dealing with students, even if they have bad behavior. He’d ask however that they ask everything in a whisper to not disturb the other classmates and let them continue with their work.​
If he determines that they’re doing it to be annoying, he’d still have them sit at the back of the class and stand by if he’s given a warning and the student continued, perhaps asking for assistance if he cannot handle the rowdy student. If given permission he’d have the student a second workout sheet to do as punishment for disturbing the class given that no more detenions can be handed out. If the behavior continues he’ll threaten SLT action, which should hopefully get the student to stop.​

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
He is a very strict man, and given his attitude at the start of each class would give out a warning to be quiet and to pay attention to his lecture or activity. When the cheerleaders started doing the behavior he’d simply ask them to stop. If it continues he may warn them again or ask if what they were doing was truly important. After this, he’d threaten detention or kick them out of the class and get SLT action depending on if the students already have detention. Claude can be considerate to his students and also respect them, but only when they have given him respect in return. So while he is patient he also understands that some people are simply too stubborn to change and if it is something he cannot hand out directly, such as punishments, he will move them up to the next chain without hesitation. In this instance, it would be SLT action.​

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
Given that he wasn’t able to do it he’d call for help immediately over the radio but still do his best to keep the students separated and from fighting each other. He isn’t new to combat, but given how strong he is he wouldn’t want to harm any of them and keep his strength contained the best he could. While asking for assistance he’d keep the staff updated on the radio as to what’s happening, and who’s involved, but also describe as accurately as he could to where he is. Such as if it’s the back corner of school he’d say; “Along the glass wall near the back, beside the other side of the Greenhouse glass.” After everything is settled and the situation has de-escalated he’d give out detentions but also thank the other staff for their assistance. He’s not shy to thank but also help his fellow peers, given it takes a team to do anything. Something yet again Claude is not unused to.​


Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Claude is a very strict and serious individual, but perhaps more laid back than he gives himself credit for. He may be intimidating but more comes off as a tired but well-mannered father. He’s an older gentleman with graying hair and a sharp face that has creases underneath his eyes, only adding to his ‘father-like’ look. Claude can often be seen wearing black slacks and a polo sweater with an eldredge tie knot. His figure towers over others at around 6’3 (190.5cm).​

While he can easily yell, be loud, scream, or fight, he instead chooses to teach and punish with stern words or tasks, not lash out. Patience is a virtue of his, and you’re more likely to find him enjoying tea from his collection with a book than with a whistle as most would expect from a former military member. That isn’t to say he’s unfit or doesn’t still keep a lot of his traits from his time in the army though, you’re more often to find that when his mood has been soured by troublesome students or by constant disturbances.

He’s also more quiet and reserved. He’s by no means shy but doesn’t like speaking unless it’s for a purpose. Such as his lectures, answering questions, comments, or concerns. More often than not he’ll keep his opinions to himself as well.

If you want his advice or help he’s not afraid to give it, even if the person may not like it and can be stubborn on his answers. Don’t think you can go changing his mind once it’s made, but you can still reason with him if you’re patient with his strong-handed attitude. He will take advice from others as well, but try to incorporate them in a way he understands better. Respect is also a major thing with Claude, he will only respect those who have given him respect as well. It includes things such as listening, being patient, having manners, and understanding each other. He will not force his advice or opinions onto anyone and in return expects no one to do the same. This includes both students and staff alike.

For his relationships, he’s not new to working in teams at all. He’s very formal with coworkers even if they’re completely unserious or a very joking type, and while he can be considered a buzzkill, he won’t try and ruin the fun of others just because he’s ‘the straight-man’. He’ll expect to ask them for help when need be and give out his own, never shy to thank those who do and to also expect that of others. Everything he does he views as mutual, even if the respect gap is different. Such as age or title. In the case of students, he’s very compassionate despite his demeanor. He’s very keen to listen to their problems or stories, not minding at all anyone that simply wants to have a conversation either. After all, it could simply brighten their day, and that makes it worth it. Just don’t expect him to be the main talker, he’s a listener at heart and only adds his two cents in when he feels it necessary.
For now, he doesn’t have too many plans. He still enjoys collecting his tea, his teachings, and reading, but most importantly he wants to keep being a father figure to his 13-year-old daughter. Everything in his life is secondary to her for him, even going out of his way just to make sure she’s been having a good week. He does in no way spoil her, but it would be an understatement to say he simply cares about her, she’s his joy.​

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Claude was born to a small French family in Lyon, a city that’s closer to the border of Switzerland and has a population of around 720,000 people. Despite the high density of the city and its people, he kept inside and helped his grandfather around the apartment. His parents were gone now and again which left the young boy with his grandfather who told him all types of war stories from around the 50’s and 60’s. His grandfather always had a unique way of telling the stories and things he had seen during the war, which inspired Claude to do the same when he was around 10 at his local library and even sometimes had his grandfather there as a spokesperson in a way. During his adolescence Claude was outcasted a lot due to his antisocial habits but as well for his name. Claude isn’t typically a male name in France, it’s a feminine one, leading his peers to assume his gender identity or his behaviors.

Being outcasted this way led him to be with the wrong groups. As he kept jumping from group to group his behavior only got worse and worse. From petty thievery to assault the young boy at the time only sought to fuel his adrenaline and the chase of his actions. It wasn’t until his grandfather passed that he sought reflection. The person closest to him suddenly vanishing made him turn and look at the people around him. Would his grandfather approve of a group like this? Would he have acted like that during his time? His pondering left him an isolationist for a while, kept up in his room and scouring through the journals of not only his grandfather but grandmother too, whom Claude had never met before.

The journals were heartbreaking, to say the least, but they made him question himself even more. Beforehand he didn’t stop to look at the wrong of stealing from people. Their prized possessions or loved items. He was only caught up in how it benefitted him. The extra cash, the adrenaline, the sense of self. This isolated him further and he found his only joys to be reading history and the lives of those who came before him.​

The guilt was heavy, but he couldn’t bring himself to face it. That was when he joined the military at 18. The French military has often been a place for people to go and change themselves, to better their lives. A place to run to and be accepted no matter your background. This was the solace Claude sought and found in his fellow peers and his superiors. Even though his attitude got a hard crack it was ultimately for the better as they shaped him into a better man.​
He was still reserved, quiet even, but that didn’t stop him from being ever thankful to the crew and group he had. When he kept referring back to the stories he knew with his crew and mates they kept repeating back the same sentiment. Why was he in the army instead of a teacher? While he didn’t have much confidence in that prospect, they kept hammering him so much that he enrolled in college, working as hard as he could to pass his semesters on time while also being an active member of the army.​
Around age 24, he earned the title of sergeant and was engaged to his later wife, Sakura. She was the one who taught Claude Japanese, since Sakura’s background was Phillipino-Japanese, but came from Japan. Three months later they had their child, a beautiful daughter. He was quite nervous to be a father, but by no means ever ran or fled from his fears, instead confiding them in his fiancee and army mates. A year later, they married officially, and found his confidence back. Reassured he completed his master's in higher education, and a minor in history. But he wouldn’t begin teaching until much later. For now, he used his degree as an example and used the things he learned to train his men and continued to do so for many years.​
It wasn’t until he was 33 that he quit the army, moving on to be a full-at-home father for his dear daughter. While the family was financially stable his wife seemed to change in behavior when her husband went from a top sergeant to a sudden-at-home dad with him sitting by. There wasn’t much in terms of words that happened between them, only a tense air that grew ever distant per day. Until she suddenly left him and his life. The legal battle was just as tense as those years had been in the house, but ultimately the court ruled for Claude to have custody, and while Sakura was allowed to visit she never had, leaving him as the sole parent to their daughter.​
Two years later he entered into teaching at the high school a town over, being remembered as not someone to exactly trifle with, but a man who was dependable and very certainly capable of his duties. Could most definitely use more sleep, however. Now at 38, he’s found himself moving to Karakura with his daughter, and while he certainly doesn't need to, he can’t find himself not teaching, even in a brand new location. So he then decided to apply for professor, the very application you are reading. Never forgetting what he’s personally learned, but also the words of his ultimate teacher, his grandfather.​

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

“My name is Claude D’aramitz.”

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
“Mr. I had a former title of SGR but I do not think your academic school does that.”

Given Name(s):
“I don’t have many names, just Claude. Or Sergeant D’ara but we’ve been over that.”

Preferred Name:
“I prefer that my birth name, Claude, be used.”

“I am currently 38, and will be 39 in a few months.”

Gender & pronouns:
“It’s male, and also he/him. Why do you ask?”

Religious Denomination:
“I’m agnostic.”

Marital Status:
“My marital status? Single. Divorced if specific.”

“I am from France.”

Current Location:
“I currently live within the city.”

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

“I’ve been an official teacher for three years, but if you count my former employment as a sergeant I have closer to seven or eight years worth of teaching people. Young men and women alike.”

Working Experience (# of years):
“I’ve been working ever since I was eligible. Started at 16 in France, but if you mean as an adult I enlisted at the age of 18.”

Academic Degree:
“The highest I have is a master's in college.”

Year of Graduation:
“I graduated quite a long time ago, May 20013 to be exact.”

“I have one major, which is higher education.”

“I have more of those, music under the general overview, central European studies, history, and social science.”

Native Languages:
“My native tongue is French.”

Other Languages:
“I am fluent in English, Swedish, and Japanese.”

Preferred Teaching Subject:
“History. It’s been my main for many years now. But I suppose civics is an option.”

“I’m very prepared to teach at your college-level school. I have looked into the history of this city ahead of time and have already prepared the best that I can to help assist the young men and women of this school learn it too.”

Additional notes about your application (if any):
Claude does know French, but I do not currently have French accepted as a language application and plan to do so after I get the role. I know there's also a few history professors, so civics is fine for me to teach as well. It'll still be technically Karakura's, so.​
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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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