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Seqve’s EMS application.


Level 3
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):


Previous bans:

I have no previous Bans on the server, which is something I hold myself very proud of, and plan to keep it that way for the foreseeable future, however, I am blacklisted from applying for a school employee. I have learned from my mistakes of plagiarism and will never do it again.

Describe your activity on the server.:

I would describe myself as a very active individual on the server, every day I am on the server even if it's only for an hour at most. However, due to me being a college student, currently doing my last year, I may need to go inactive for a week at most due to exams, however, I will get on whenever I can because I enjoy being on the server. During the week days i get on anytime after 5pm BST and stay on relatively until 10pm. I have now finished my exams for college so can be 101% dedicated to this position.

Which time zone are you in?:

I live in the Uk, so my time zone is BST, soon to be GMT when the clocks return. It is now in the timezone GMT

Do you have discord? If so what is your tag?:

My discord is Caithy!#9463

Do you have a microphone?:

I do not have a microphone, however, I have discord on my phone, and if I am needed to be on a voice call, I join it on my phone using my headphones

List your current and past applications: - Accepted - Denied

What experiences do you have with Detail RP?:

I would like to say I have a lot of experience in detailrp, this is due to the fact I was previously a teacher on SchoolRP, and took great care in every lesson I hosted and thoroughly enjoyed it, even my lesson plans were laid out in full detail, followed by then being within GangRoleplay community for a matter of months, which I enjoyed doing long, detailed actions which allowed me to show off my creativeness and adaptability in all situations, however the GangRoleplay itself I did not enjoy participating in and so I stopped participating. Although still now i thoroughly enjoy detailrping situations such as being in highschool classes, or interacting with my character’s friends and family.

What is your motivation to apply for EMS and how will you benefit our current team?:

My motivation for wanting to join EMS in my eyes is quite simple. Within the EMS I noticed that two psychiatrist positions were available and I saw it as a perfect opportunity to once again expand my skills in roleplay. During my time on SchoolRP, I have struggled with mental health issues, which have been ongoing for many years and I have been introduced to and studied by a multitude of psychiatrists over the years, so I would like to use my knowledge and experience and output it into a roleplay in which I feel as though I can help someone battle what I previously have gone through myself. I understand many people may say the same as their motivation, but I believe I will be the absolute best fit for this opening, I love helping people, I have experience and I have an undeniable desire to grow as a person and a role player, which I can in this position. As well as this, as a current student on SchoolRP, I love interacting with the EMS and find it so important for other people to have the chance to also interact with EMS members, to build up their own roleplay story.
This will benefit the team as to be able to have someone with so much oocly and icly experience as i have for my age will be great and interactive for everyone, whether that be co-workers or the patients.

Another motivation for me applying for ems is to make the server more active and interactive as a whole. The need for different RPs lacks sometimes, so to have the correct ammount of psychiatrists working would give SRP players oppertunities to interact with different experiences and develop their own character stories.

Which medical role are you applying for? (e.g: Surgeon, Doctor, Psychiatrist):

The medical role for which I am applying is the position of the Psychiatrist.

Specify your knowledge for the role you’re applying for:

My knowledge of the role goes through experience, so I can explain what I have seen myself and what I may expect. A Psychiatrist is a medical expert who focuses on the area of mental health and diagnosing patients mentally rather than physically as many other medical roles will. They hand out treatment whether that be a prescription for medication, therapy (both long-term and short-term), or anything else they see fit depending on the person, the situation, and what they feel will benefit the patient. I would exceed in the area of giving one-to-one group/family therapy sessions, due to the fact I know what I wished to have heard as a patient myself and what things maybe should and shouldn't be said, a position as a psychiatrist is a very delicate role.

Categorize all the functions of the EMS and tell us what each of them does:

Hospital director: the role of the hospital director is to oversee the hospital or the medical clinic as a whole. they foresee that all equipment and needs of their staff/functions are met and they keep the hospital running smoothly and correctly, they hand out any training and medical equipment to new employees and watch over surgeries and the trainees to ensure that they are doing their job correctly and to the best, they know they can do.

Clinical manager: The clinical Manager has the responsibility for all the administrate aspects of the hospital, this includes hiring new employees, overseeing their training, training existing employees, establishing a budget, reviewing treatment plans in place, and talking to higher-ups.

Clinical lead: The clinical lead is someone put in place to oversee one of the clinics in particular, and manages the clinic itself and all the employees under it. They will be the ones to hold the training in their specific clinic and ensure they all their employees know their job and how to do it, as well as do it properly,

Surgeon: A surgeon may hold a lot of power in some people's eyes, they are trained to uphold any surgeries the hospital has scheduled as well as emergency surgeries. They are very important people within the EMS as a lot of the time, they hold people's futures and lives in their hands while completing a surgery. This can go from anywhere as doing surgery on a hand, to as much as a heart or the brain.

Doctor: A doctor is just under a surgeon. They can diagnose patients and place them in plans for future surgeries and plans to improve their patient's healt,h however, if they believe surgery is needed they must go through the surgeons and other higher-ups to approve the right course of action. They will do check-ups and be the most seen people around the hospital for patients who will drop in for minor to major issues, which will be passed on to higher-ups or dealt with by the doctor themselves.

Psychiatrist: As mentioned before in the application, a Psychiatrist is someone who oversees not the physical aspects of the hospital, but the mental health. They will put in place therapy/counseling sessions for one or more individuals and put in place medication and further check-ups for the patients

Trainees: Trainees are those who have been accepted into their positions and are now going through all the correct training in order to become the best of their ability for their job and to do it correctly. This will be through protocols or going through situations as though it were the real thing to prepare them for whatever they may see on the job

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time?

I understand this and will ensure that I will do the most in my power to ensure this doesn't happen by being active, going by the procedures doing anything asked or anything I see to be fit for the position I am applying too

Do you acknowledge that by applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Hospital Staff role?

I have no doubts that I will be anything other than wholly dedicated to the role I'm applying for if I were to be accepted, and if I were to be accepted it would give me unbelievable motivation to want to be the best version of myself at all times.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished?

I understand this, and I would never want to miss a training whether I'm already online or offline, I see it as an opportunity to learn more and become as good as my fellow peers and ensure that my patients get the absolute best care when seeing me.

Do you acknowledge that you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations?

I understand this as this is the natural procedure when roleplaying, the only time I will interact oocly when training and working are when the person I am seeing is breaking rules or I'm in a situation where staff may need to be involved. None of the Roleplay I do will be taken OOCly.

In-Character (IC) Section


Tell us about your character; how do they look, and what makes them unique?

Ichika Hamilton is a short female which makes her approachable and friendly, Her hair is naturally ginger and curly and Ichika is covered in freckles from head to toe which makes her identifiable around the hospital. Ichika does not wear makeup and when she does it is natural and not eye-catching. She has many piercings but if she is dedicated to something, she will remove them as her job appearance is much more important to her than accessories such as her piercings. These piercings include tongue and septum piercings as well as many on her lobes and ears. She has a soft, Spanish voice and is never perceived as aggressive or unapproachable. She is an athletic female, fast on her feet and fast in her brain, this is because she was on track for a few years during her high school days. Ichika has no tattoos as she doesn't like the thought that something is on her body that she won't be able to get rid of if she regrets it, however, she has a large scar from her neck, traveling down her spine from a traumatic accident, which is why she would like to help others with similar trauma. Her eyes are a gentle Blue and her lips are naturally a tinted pink, her face may seem childish due to the large amount of freckles, but she is a very mature female.

What are they like on and off the job?

Outside of the Job, Ichika is very outgoing, she loves going on hikes and adventures as well as spending time with her family and friends. Ichika avoids violence at most costs. Ichika is quite an energized female, she looks after herself well and encourages people to do the same quite often. When in public places such as the plaza, she takes much care to look presentable to represent respect for her job even when not in the hospital and respects everything and everyone around her even if they may not respect her, saying good morning or good afternoon to any Police officers, or other adults in the city but does not interact with her patients due to confidentiality unless they approach her first.

While working, Ichika's energetic self remains, she uses this as an outlook to try and cheer up her patients however keeps it bubbled down as she knows it can sometimes make people uncomfortable. While doing her sessions, she is respectable and covers her piercings to represent the hospital as best as she can. She enjoys sympathizing and relating with her patients but knows boundaries and how to read body language, not pushing them too far into an outbreak, and sometimes changes the topic to things she knows her patients enjoy talking about to balance out the conversations and the output of the emotions.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future?

Her outlook on her co-workers is that they are equals, however ,if she is around her higher-ups - she will always treat them with respect as she truly admires how much they do for the hospital and the patients who walk through the door everyday. She wishes to become friends with them all however she respects the co-worker boundaries in which some people wish to keep work and personal lives separate, so she doesn't push her friendly nature onto them, but will always develop a mutual in-work friendship and she knows that her and her co-workers will see each other often and work together, so her work isn't the place for unfriendly behaviour Her plans for the future are to stay within the hospital industry. She truly enjoys helping others and cannot see a future for herself where she is not working in a hospital or a psychiatrist/counselling position.

Does your character have any past / current mental and or physical illnesses we should take acknowledge to?

Ichika used to suffer severely from depression and anxiety but as she has grown with her age, she has grown with her coping mechanisms and her to deal with her emotions and now doesn't struggle as much with them anymore due to her support system.


(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

In March of 1995, Henry Hamilton and Valeria Hamilton gave birth to their gorgeous daughter Ichika Hamilton. When Ichika was born, she was born with quite a bit of her for a newborn which started a very light brown, which were the same colour as her mothers hair and greenish-blueish eyes which remained through her whole life and only became more vibrant, as her hair gradually transitioned to an eye-soothing ginger, the same as her fathers. Ichika grew up with siblings her whole life, having one older brother who raised her in place of her absent mother, and many younger siblings which ichika then raised as her brother did to her all those years when she were younger; this is where Ichika got her mother-like instincts from and her caring, soft heart.

As Ichika matured, she continued to raise her younger siblings and support her blinded father and elder brother. Although her responsibility's were hard, she cherished every moment she had with her siblings. When Ichika turn 15, her father and eldest brother had moved away to Karakura, leaving Ichika and her younger siblings at home in spain with their mother, who had no desire of being a mother to any of them at all. Ichika took on the complete parent role, she didn't attend school at the time and still tried her best to cherish every moment she had with her siblings, this is when Ichika's mental health began deteriorating. She was under so much stress for a 15-year-old girl, and never felt good enough for her mother so always felt under the pressure to be what her mother wasn't, and to be the perfect daughter which ultimately backfired on her. Soon enough, after a year Ichika couldn't take her mother's abusive image of what Ichika should be. At the age of 16, Ichika moved her and her siblings to Karakura to be reunited with her older siblings and their father.

It took a while for Ichika to adjust as she had spoken Spanish her whole life, her the friends she made and her family helped her to learn both Japanese and JSL, which allowed her to communicate with people with a disability whom they couldn't verbally communicate with her. The fact she had always mothered her siblings and is was reflected as she mothered her friends as well, they would always confide in her which helped Ichi to distract herself from her issues, giving her a sense of need, she was there to help people.

This love of helping people followed Ichika through all her years until adulthood, hen she decided that the perfect job for her is to do what she loves and applied at the hospital to become a clinical psychiatrist, this will be for her forever unforeseeable future

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:

Ichika Akamine Hamilton

Characters Title (e.g, Mr. Mrs. Miss):


Characters Given Name(s):


Characters Preferred Name:

Chi, Ichi

Characters Age:

25 Years of age

Characters Gender:


Characters Religious Domination:

Atheist (None-Religious)

Characters Marital Status:


Characters Nationality:


SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of Residency:

4 years

Working Experience(s):

Physical exercise Teacher

Working experience as a


Academic Degree:

BSc (Honours) Psychology with Counselling.

BSc (Honours) Social Psychology.

BSc (Honours) Psychology.

Year of Graduation:









Native Languages:


Other Languages:


JSL (Japanese sign language)

Thank you for taking the time to read this application.


Level 238
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator
We appreciate your interest in the Hospital Faction, however, we have decided to deny this application due to the following reason(s):

- There are some issues regarding your reputation and history.
We recommend that you improve your reputation before applying again.

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