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/setheight cooldown.


Level 21
Just because /setage has a cooldown, doesn't mean /setheight needs one. People frequently swap characters, especially those with only 1 or 2 character slots. It wouldn't be fair to them to have a cooldown on the height simply because some people MIGHT abuse it. It's annoying enough that there's an age cooldown, we don't need a height one too, LMAO. It'd be better off as a rule instead.
I have multiple chars, and all of which are different heights. I must switch chars multiple times a day, and this will make it much more difficult. I get the idea, and it is a good one, just not entirely beneficial. Have a good day, and good luck on exams if you are taking them.
Just because /setage has a cooldown, doesn't mean /setheight needs one. People frequently swap characters, especially those with only 1 or 2 character slots. It wouldn't be fair to them to have a cooldown on the height simply because some people MIGHT abuse it. It's annoying enough that there's an age cooldown, we don't need a height one too, LMAO. It'd be better off as a rule instead.


Level 5
-1, if im making a new char, i usually do it a few times in a row to try em out and see which one feels right

ᶻ Wrath ♡ .ᐟ

Level 101
i don’t know why someone would abuse /setheight but bro what if i’m super tired and i type the height in wrong somehow and my characters minor feature is just sitting there incorrect for like a day (my point being i think there’s very few reasons why the effort should be put in to do this- considering people have had heights in their bio for a long time and nobody is truly abusing that to change it willy nilly for bullshit reasons)


Level 115
Yeahhhh, no. Some people do switch characters on the same slot because they don’t have any other free ones and their characters may be different heights — having to wait a day just to switch a character over is a bit tedious. There are also people who may hit the wrong key, making the character an unintended height, and they now have to wait a while just to fix a mistake. That last part is going off of what someone else said.
In other words, it just doesn’t really make sense to have it at a limit like /setage has. Maybe a rule, as others have stated, would work better



Level 75
I can see both points and tbh I see this a lot like the age command or the character slot command, it could be helpful to have it restricted either way, and I definitely agree that there needs to be something in place to help against people abusing the command.

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