players online
I can confirm, Datenshi Akihito is the sexiest man in KarakuraI don't even know alot of men, but I got you one very sexy I know.
Is Mikeyy
amalia fawcett > any copI know it isn't a guy character butttttt Maria Hart for sure
hold upamalia fawcett > any cop
kon, he owned LCN n thatGrazi, used to own the most famous bar in town, I forgot the last name but he owned the Koderona's in 2018-2019, and was Italian and the username was Iwashsoap
I amRecently, a thought has come to my head.. What, you might ask. Well, the sexist man in Karakura. I had talked to a few people about it, and we all in the end came in with different answers. Personally, there are a few guys that I would deem fit for this position, such as Kaiser Beckermann, Tetsuya Yamashiro so on. If it came to the number one place, I think that in my eyes it goes to Kaiser, not only because of the skin his player possesses because of the way he is RPed. It makes him so much more appealing. Here is the question PEOPLE OF SCHOOL ROLEPLAY! Who do you guys think the 'sexiest man in the town of Karakura is.