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Denied Sharktism's Lore Team APP #2


Level 10


List your discord: (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team)


Additionally, do you have a microphone and can speak via discord?

Yes, I do have a mic. And I have full accessibility to use and talk via discord when granted. (Fifine K688)

Your time zone and current country of residence:


Link any previous community team applications if applicable:

Lore Team APP #1

Do you recognize you could be removed from the community team?

Yes, I fully acknowledge and realize that I can be removed from the community team at any given time. Due to this knowledge I fully understand that it can occur, to which I won't hesitate to accept.

List a few things that may obstruct your progress/development on the Lore Team.

The few things that may obstruct my progress and development is my overall energy to complete certain projects if not energized or motivated enough. Though, With enough time and practice I have learned to overcome these abilities on certain terms. Like most people I can get a hold of Writer's Block which is commonly heard of against other writers. Writer’s block for me can affect me in many ways, As many may mention, including me; Writer’s block can deduce the time and power I am able to get things done. As for other people's experiences, My own relies closely within theirs. Meaning this block can negatively impact my work ethic from time to time. On the contrary, I do believe I can overcome Writer’s block more efficiently now. As previously mentioned I have learned many things to prevent Writer’s Block intrusion to a certain degree.

Now, The other obstructions to my progress may include at home disadvantages that may occur. My mental health is very much capable of decreasing as time moves on and life progresses. Followed closely behind these reasons are my need for perfection. When it comes to something I am dedicated to, such as writing; I may spend my time going over the story or paragraph many times before successfully finishing. As for now, those only reasons may obstruct the time I may put forward towards the Lore team. But with many hard thinking decisions and work I am willing to push to dedicate myself to writing for the SRP community I am ultimately sure I can overcome most, and all that I’ve mentioned when writing this. To go further into depth, As I am human; There are real life things that will cross paths with my progress within the Lore Team without closely being related to me. As anything is possible and life goes on, Contrary to this; I will ultimately still be able to progress further. For example, I have a fairly-well computer setup. Though, there have been times where internet connection hasn’t been the greatest. It is seemingly rare, but can and will occur. I do not have control over this. Despite such, I will strive to overcome any holdbacks that may take place.

What makes you passionate about writing?:

There are numerous aspects that further induce my passion for writing. From a very adolescent age I have maintained my love for all things writing. In most writer’s minds and specifically my own writing is a safe place for me. A safe atmosphere where I can write down my inner thoughts while also seeing my progress written down onto not only paper, But digital forms as well. I also seemingly enjoy the aspect of creating stories for those to read and look back on. The main art form of writing is what truly makes me passionate about the topic. This same passion for writing also goes along with many other subjects that may aid me in this journey. Helping me overcome many life obstructions that may occur. Writing has been my turning point for most of my life deeming it one of my most memorable hobbies. So, My dedication and passion for writing roots from many things and continues to grow and blossom as I continue doing what I love. Most importantly, Bringing to heart my love for writing in such a community such as SRP.

So, In conclusion. I as a person have many hobbies that I may consider myself passionate about. But, I consider myself more passionate about writing than any other form of art I may partake in. Writing for me as mentioned previously has been a life-changing decision to dedicate my life to. Starting from writing short stories for class assignments to wanting to grow and form my art into bigger projects such as becoming an author and writing as many books as I can. Truth be told, without writing I don’t think I would be as unique as I can be now. Writing has strengthened many of my abilities. This can go as far as simple English, or bombing job applications. I try to include writing in almost every project I own or participate in; Hence why my applications for most things I put myself in are fairly long and some may mention overdetailed. Even with my many hobbies, interests and likings over the years; Writing for me has been on top for most. Getting more thoroughly into this, I find it laborious to find my meanings and vocal stances getting what I want out there. Which is why writing for me is so important. It allows me to express my thought process without no shame or doubt in my words.

Do you have any previous experience with writing lore or creative writing as a general aspect?:

My experience with creative writing in general is deemed pretty knowledgeable. On a daily basis I consistently write bits and pieces of my own characters and stories that deal mostly around lore. I do have experience with writing other people’s lore as well. Along with this, I consistently write nearly everyday. This includes basic stories I might come up with in my head or pieces of lore I want written down for future purposes. To travel more further in depth, like mentioned I have been writing for a long period of time in my life. Whether it was for certain classes or my own projects I wished to work on. Even for SRP I would say my writing journey has skyrocketed solely because of Minecraft and its roleplay aspects. SRP and its community in general has further brought me out of my writing shell. Allowing my mind to flow wild with the endless possibilities of writing and creating a variety of ideas and concepts for not only myself but others to enjoy.

To go further into depth, No. I do not have any professional experience with writing lore or creative writing in a general aspect. Despite eventually wanting to increase my overall knowledge and love for writing by becoming an Author I do not have that sort of knowledge yet. As for SRP knowledge, I have been on SRP for a year now. I fairly enjoy detail-rping to an extended amount and am in a few things that require such. For example, Shrine Faction. As most may know the Shrine Faction requires and relies heavily on detail-rp and writing in general. Which is one of the reasons I so happily applied. To go along with this is the Kagenouta Family which I applied for to further involve myself with other detail-rpers. Solely to extend my knowledge on writing, specifically for SRP. Over the one year I have been on SRP and writing I do believe I have evolved stupendously over time, which I believe you can even see within my previous applications.

In your own words, give your definition of lore:

Lore is a significant piece of fiction like history. In my own definition, Lore helps develop people's understanding of a certain character, concept, or made up historical event. Lore further develops a unique and wild fantasy that not only strengthens your current mindset and experience with the character or story but helps bring these things to life in many different aspects. Lore is the overall knowledge of something, someplace, or someone. An artform that can be shared universally with many and all people.


  1. You are expected to write in the third person, and narrate in a reliable and neutral tone. Do not focus your prompts specifically on one character’s perspective, but on a bigger picture.
  2. There is a 300-1000 word limit that applies to both prompts. Because of flow, if you need to go a little over or under, you are permitted to, but as soon as a prompt is 100 words outside the limit, you will be automatically denied.
  3. The effort and quality of both prompts will be taken into consideration when we accept applications.

Summarize a character conflict, roleplay conflict, or event that you experienced (server-wide, personal, etcetera- there is no bar for how ‘interesting’ or ‘impactful’ it is). Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

End of an era 809 words

Some may say humans are like Domino pieces, if one falls so does the other. The consistent aching pain of losing someone you care dear for is deemed an inevitable feeling. The passage between losing someone you never really found to begin with; A soul trapped in space and time continuum. This concept may be unfamiliar to most But for this bundle of unfortunate souls. This was a feeling that had come quite often to them, One that is to be known; Is to be feared. And in this summarized story of an event, things will soon fall into place for all that is willing.

“I’m turning myself in.”

The atmosphere grew cold and still. No one had muttered a word, except for one. One inhumane boy who, contrary to the others, had no true concept of losing someone. Someone like this, someone so broken and torn from the world there was no more hope left. Most would call this missing puzzle piece a criminal, one grouped into Karakura’s most feared. A disastrous individual with no real sense of the human heart, one that was so immoral and sinful that it hurt to witness. Witnessing someone you love come so far then so low tremendously quick, But it was time. Time for this individual’s downfall, And time for the boy to finally realize that his own hell would soon be over with.

“Turning yourself into what?”

Suddenly the air had tightened around the group. The boy having a forever dumbfounded look on his face, The inexact emotion for such an event like this one. The others stood still, Questioning at a distance. The virtuous and the sinful had stood face to face, In the end. Like most fairy tales; The immoral had fallen weak, an overflow of never-seen-before tears would stain her pale, white face. The well-known true face of Akane Sidorova. And as for the boy, he stood tall. Though not fully taken into the situation quite yet, He had been the true expression of joviality. The truth within him had grown so far and deep that he was unable to be at all witted. Unable to see the truth of others, This inability of such had caused him to face blindness, unforgiven by his own family. Not by blood, but by fortune.

“Oh Cas..”

The one who had known all along, who stayed silent for most, Spoke. A similar boy to another, He had faced many situations that had occurred like this. He was one who truly knew the veracity of the situation. One that was seemingly damaged in many ways, like the rest. He had a tight chain over his heart, tightened so much that it was grueling to tell what was real or not. He and the other boy, Cas, had grown fond of one another. Castiel and Nui Sidorov were similar in certain aspects, But in cases like these. They were oddly different. There was no time in between for responses, just a lifetime of dejected and muddled looks. And before anyone could mutter another word; Akane had taken off into the district of Karakura’s Police department. A place where most criminals wouldn't purposely end up, Even for Akane. But like all stories, this one had to come to an end.

The rest of the family followed soon after her, Those who were truly knowledgeable about the situation kept their distance. They understood it wouldn’t be long before Akane’s reign had finally come to an end. The walls of the department had felt fluctuated with the intense pressure in the air. The waiting time for assistance seemed quicker than usual, almost as if everyone knew what was coming. Castiel had still remained confused and lost, a part of him drifting afraid. Nui on the other hand had been feeling all of these emotions at once, seemingly being able to handle such. But like all chained hearts, his lock was getting rusty. Everyone has a breaking point, And his would soon be released.

“I would like to turn myself in.”

Like before, and always. Everyone and everything but Akane herself had remained still. The tension in the room grew, all anyone could apprehend was the faint breathing of each individual in place. And within a blink of an eye, Akane Sidorova was being detained. Not a singular word was muttered or exchanged between anyone. The faint sounds of searching, stammering, and cuffs clanking together filled the tense silence. Even Castiel himself was quiet. A boy known for being utterly clueless and noisy, He was too bewildered to make aware of what was happening. His own emotions were tangled together in the moment, forming its own chain over his heart. A vine endlessly wrapped around a beating pulse, Even then, There was nothing anyone could do in the matter, this was the end. The final finale of something that had been yearning for freedom, yearning to taste the end of this infamous horror saga.


Create a folklore tale based on an existing area in Karakura of your choosing; tell us a story! Show us how creative you can get. Be sure to follow the above guidelines.

Crimson Blue 685 words

The vision to soon be foretold was clear, and the tainted thoughts of the weakened souls of Karakura, Japan lingered throughout the midnight sky. During the season of October 2022, Kaigan beach in particular had been facing vast amounts of wind, thunder, and torment from the Kami. Something treacherous had happened in the past few weeks of October that had outraged countless amounts of Spirits. The waves seemed to surpass the shoreline for many periods of the day, Birds had relinquished most ability to presume flight over the piers due to the aggressive winds of nature. As time passed, it became increasingly difficult to visit the piers, Many fishermen and boaters would eventually vanish and were found to never be heard from again. Their existence was completely wiped from the face of the earth, They simply ceased to exist. At night, It was said that the waters would fluctuate to a dark, bloody crimson red. That is what they would refer to as the Crimson Blue. The riots of the lost would torment all who walked along Kaigan Beach. More importantly, the howls of an elderly, ailing woman. These utterances seemed to forever flow along with the wind. Gradually getting louder within each passing hour of the night. Two weeks before October would come to an end, the Karakura Police Department had received a call about an astray child. The voice on the other end seemed faint but evidently that of a disoriented, older woman.

“She’s lost, fetch her. Quick.”

On that gloaming night, the Department had dispatched two local officers to the location. There was not a single person on site, torrential rain soon began to pour down onto these officers. The sand and piers quickly became more difficult to travel on. They had scoured everywhere by now and their uniforms were soaked with the sickened tears of the fallen. On the verge of giving up and departing from the location; A loud, piercing bang would be heard from across the pier. By the time the officers had caught up with the abrupt noise, a substantial storm began to form. The skies darkened along with the ocean, matching one another. The rain began to pour down more frequently now.

“You were so nice to me when you left.. left into the deep, deep Crimson Blue~”

Singing could be perceived in the distance, Both of the officers seemingly identified this singing. The first officer believed this was the singing of his own mother, His mother that had passed many, long years ago. The other believed it was his daughter. His daughter who had been pronounced missing for several months now. It wasn’t long before the two began to split up, Rushing in opposite directions into the Dark Crimson Blue, The directions where they separately heard the voices of their lost loved ones singing an unforgettable melody. Both officers would begin to step foot out into the ocean. The rough, extensive amount of force the waves brought caused them to quickly lose balance. Their uniforms drenched in the blood of the lost. The storm began to whirl and then drew the waves, This would be the final call that would be dispatched to the two. The last bit of hope they’d ever experience.

Ever since, on that gloaming night. It is said that every October, a woman filled with such hatred, such sorrow; would make frequent occurrences in Karakura. Where she would visit the pier each year to say goodbye to her dearly beloved, and wreak havoc onto all. It is rumored that she tricks those who are in deep despair, she breaks them down and slowly leads them out into the ocean; Where they inevitably; drown to their death in the Dark Crimson Blue. At the end of every October, the skies would begin to clear, the birds would begin to soar. And everything bad that had ever happened during that time seemed to have been forgotten just like the victims of that disastrous night. Only a short amount of people recollect what happens every year, those people were deemed as deranged or terminally ill; Just until October started back up again and the Crimson Blue would soon return again.

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Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Thank you for applying. After discussing with the team, we decided to deny your application due to the competitiveness of this role.

For any questions relating to the application, DM rexypoo on Discord with said question. Feel free to reapply and address these factors for the next wave of applications.​

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