Level 95

According to a video on the official SRP Youtube it is the shrines birthday!
As an Ex member of shrine I have put some screenshots of my time in shrine bellow, If anyone else has some nice photos of the shrine or funny screenshots of stuff that has happened there please post them bellow. Id like to see them. (Yes im talking to you shrine staff ;3 )

This screenshot was the earliest screenshot I could find that I myself had taken of shrine, This was a wholesome moment as my character @Arkk 's character and @RexLobo 's character thought it would be cute to get together for a screenshot since we all had matching hats, Pretty silly but it made for some good memories in our nightly VC's
This was a month or two after I got accepted into shrine and @Arkk 's character was the first person I truly made friends with there both ICLY and OOCLY. @RexLobo was there to I guess. Background character as per usual ( Im Joking I love you Rex)

This screenshot is another one that was special to me, This was my first day meeting the shrine staff wave that occurred after mine, This day people came up to me for help which had never happened before and it really did make me feel like a true shrine member as I was helping other shrine staff. I don't have much to say about this screenshot since it was taken more for fun than for memories, But it certainly is something I remember

This was another little goofy time we had in shrine, The resource pack had recently updated and we had gone into the basement to gather some supplies, I cant remember what we was getting but to our surprise our fruit had turned into sniper rifles! We had fun in VC screaming at each other as we chase one and other around with sniper rifles. It was all fun and games until Toru ate them (Yeah im calling you out)
This is one of those moments that stands out to me since I just remember us all having so much fun in the VC with it.

This was a huge day for me in shrine, This was the day I reached the rank of "Guji" and officially became a shrine higher-up and to celebrate that a bird came and attacked me. This was a goofy little screenshot I took of me pulling out the engulfing lightning on the bird and having a stand-off with it

This was the day when my character held the "Apple of Eden" which to a regular player probably doesn't seem like much but to any lore invested players and the shrine team this was HUGE. Once again nothing much to say about this but its one of those moments that stood out to me
Now the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery has been around for a whole 5 years I am sure people have screenshots both old and new through the years of it and fun memories there. Please post your screenshots too! Since I moved PC I couldn't find as much as I hoped to but I know some of you out there will have screenshots from the shrines Halloween event, New years event and even more not listed.