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Accepted Shmotato's P.E. Teacher Application


Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Shmobamaa

Do you have a microphone?: I do have a microphone yes, both my phone and my laptop

How old are you? (Optional): 19

What is your time zone?: EST

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: I fully acknowledge that I will be demoted if I remain inactive for too long.

Describe your activity on the server: I am on everyday whenever I can be on even if it’s only for a couple of hours. My schedule revolves around my IRL job, I work as a server at a restaurant so my hours vary but i will be on as much as possible..

Do you have any previous bans?: Yes.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server: Accepted Accepted Denied
Latin Lang Application. (I can't find the original Link to the application, it's not connected in my postings on my schoolrp account. This lang is On my shmotato account as well as my Russian Language. My previous Korean lang was as well.) Accepted. Accepted’s-ban-appeal.65354/ Accepted

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level): College, Adult, and Bear all on my main Shmotato


What subject are you applying to teach?:
I am applying to become a P.E. teacher

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?: My motivation for becoming is to get myself back into this form of roleplay, I was previously a teacher and enjoyed it quite a bit, So i'm hoping that if my application is accepted i will be able to once again enjoy this aspect of school rp, and I know that the school faction is one of the larger factions, as there is more than just teachers. Previously before I was a teacher, I was a nurse so I have quite a bit of experience ICLY and OOCLY of how to get things done, and I have made many friends through working within the school. Being around new people and making connections will allow me to gain a better understanding of roleplaying and give me a chance to better my own roleplaying skill. Not only will I be able to meet other faculty members but I will be able to get a better roleplay experience on an adult character compared to roleplaying as my college character, giving me a different perspective interacting with other adults as well as students.
Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT & If your application is accepted, you may have to undergo teacher training?: I understand that by applying, I have to undergo teacher training

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?: Class logs from my understanding are used in order to keep track of a teacher and professors activity as they host classes, such as when they host the class, how many students attend that class, and how many classes they have hosted to complete their quota for the month.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?: When it comes to teaching, of course I would want the students to have fun, and feel comfortable. To ensure this though, some rules will need to be made clear beforehand. Here are some examples of said rules.

Rule #1: Be respectful - This of course can mean a plethora of different things. Some good examples could be to respect your peers. What I mean by this is do not insult, harm, or cause discomfort for fellow classmates as well as the teacher. Follow directions, should the teacher ask you to do something for example since this is a P.E. class, demonstrate how to give CPR, or to run laps around the track field. It is understandable that some students may have conditions preventing them from participating in certain activities which is fine, there will be activities for everyone to participate in. Another rule that should be respected is do not talk when the teacher is talking. When the teacher is talking it’s important to pay attention so you don't miss anything important, wanting to talk to friends is understandable but that can be for when group activities are given.

Rule #2: Do not disrupt class - To put this simply, it would be best to listen to what the teacher says and to not cause a scene if you disagree with something or someone. For example, if two students get into an argument, remove yourself from the argument, if that does not work tell the teacher but do not feed into the argument and disrupt class. Another example would be turning off your phone. If you have some sort of feeling you will be getting a phone call or you have planned to get one ahead of time for a specific reason, raise your hand and ask to be removed from the classroom to take the call. The last example is, do not yell, no one wants to hear people yelling when doing an assignment or taking a test, it can be EXTREMELY disruptive and depending on the student harmful.

Rule #3: No swearing - This rule speaks for itself, this is a classroom, keep profanity outside of both the classroom and the school. Breaking this rule is absolutely Unacceptable and may result in further punishment if continuously broken after 3 instructions to stop.

Rule #4 Do your best - This is simple motivation as much as it is a rule. Please try your best to participate and achieve both personal goals and class goals throughout the day. It is important to always give whatever you are doing your absolute all to increase your chances of success. The feeling of defeat is only fuel to strive towards the door of success, every student is capable of being better than they were the day before.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?: Throughout my whole life roleplay has been something I've always loved. Ever since I was a little kid I had different types of action figures, Legos, and other toys from shows, movies, games, etc. and I would always reenact scenes from them. For example the scene of when Luke Skywalker found out darth vader was his father, or the scene in the 2004s Spider-Man 2, the scene of spiderman holding back the train from falling with all his webs. Aside from toys, even throughout my schooling roleplay has been involved, I acted in 3 school plays 1 of them getting the lead role and the other 2 getting smaller parts. Minecraft Youtubers such as DanTDM, Aphmau, Samgladiator, and Little Lizard Gaming have heavily influenced my view on roleplaying as well. My experience with Srp’s aspect of roleplay is well versed as well, I have been an active member of this server since i want to say about late 2016 to early 2017, and I have played it ever since.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:
Head of Department
↳ Description: The Head of Department are the ones that oversees the teaching department. Their job is to ensure effectiveness and stability, while also providing guidance and leadership to both old and new teachers.

- QT
↳ Meaning:
Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: A Qualified teacher is someone who has completed all of the training requirements in a professional manor. They can be labeled both experienced and knowledgeable to newer teachers as well as aspiring teachers among the students. They have proved that they are dedicated to making a safe, positive, and supportive learning and work environment to both students and coworkers.

↳ Meaning:
Newly Qualified Teacher
↳ Description: This rank shows that a teacher has completed their training and is finally in the process to gaining fully fledged teaching certification. Their job is to become the best teachers they can be, confident, knowledgeable, and effective, all so they can meet the needs of their students

- UT
↳ Meaning:
Unqualified Teacher
↳ Description: This rank is for those who have not met the necessary requirements to become an NQT. To continue this they do not host any classes and are still in training to begin to host classes and become an NQT.

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

A teacher both in game and out of game are and should be similar to the ones we know in real life. A teacher is a professional who guides and instructs students in acquiring knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes. They plan out lessons and then give those lessons as well as evaluate the students performance throughout the lesson. To put it short a teacher is supposed to both provide support and guidance to students, so they can not only succeed academically but socially and emotionally. They play a good part in a kid's development.

As for their salary, that entirely depends on where the teaching is being done. In certain countries such as america. Teacher’s in America make on average $26,1943 a year. The price differs in each individual country and sometimes even the regions within those countries. In Japan, you can expect to earn anywhere between ¥250,000 and ¥650,000 Yen per month. If you're a starting teacher, you can expect to earn at least ¥250,000 yen. Of course a teacher's wage will increase as they meet the qualifications later down the line of their career.

However, in Srp newly Qualified Teacher has a base pay of ¥350,000 when they have hosted 10 classes each month, Qualified teachers make ¥400,000 a month, and they even have the opportunity to work overtime for an extra 500,000. The maximum a teacher can earn each month is ¥500,000.

As for what teachers do in their spare time, that solely depends on the teacher, what subject they teach and what is required in the subject. For some teachers they may spend their time watching videos, reading books and learning more about their subject. For others they may spend their time planning lessons ahead of time, or planning different things for the school. For Kotaro, he spends his time both planning lessons, as well as further learning what he can do too make each day more enjoyable for his students than the previous. When he isn't doing that he is spending time with his girlfriend and his 2 kids, making sure they are happy and safe as well.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?: Teachers are important to a Schoolrp server for the obvious reason of if there are no teachers, the school would be rather pointless. But aside from that, they are important for helping newer players learn what to do and what the server is like in the school aspect. They can allow students to really engage in the school aspect of the roleplay and make the experience more enjoyable. To add onto this they also prepare them for their college exams.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
Karakura High School works on the MoSCoW system, which means, Must Have, Could Have, Should Have, Wouldn't or Would Have.

Character Knowledge

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What do they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What are their plans for the future?
A pure Japanese male in his early 30s stood before you roughly around 6’3 maintaining a straight posture which accompanied his lean build. To continue, his voice has a smokey definition to it, yet rather honeyed. The male had 2 giant centipede tattoos spiraling down his right arm, one being red and the other being black. Both of them spiral down his entire arm, stopping at the base of his wrist.

Kotaro’s view on students is that they all deserve a chance to be something better than what they already are. He firmly believes that every kid deserves not only an education, but one that will give them the highest chances at success, as well as support both academically and emotionally. He wants to strive to be the best teacher that he can be in order to give his students the most enjoyable experiences they can have when attending his class.

Kotaro is quite fond of most of the school faculty, previously employed as a nurse, he has had quite a few interactions with the other employees forming a bond with quite a few of them. He believes they are all doing the best they can to make the school a safer place for the students and he supports them and is willing to help them should they need it.

Kotaro has a very straightforward personality, but at the same time he is very understanding. He takes into account how people respond to certain things and is willing to change things accordingly if necessary. He is a quick thinker and an improviser down to his core. Kotaro has a sense of determination that is unyielding, especially when it's something that involves giving people opportunities at something good. After meeting his current girlfriend Fiorenza, he has become more compassionate and caring, especially to his 2 children Yukiko and Oliver. When he isn’t working he is more than likely spending time with his family.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

In the situation of a group of delinquents cursing and swearing in the hallways, Kotaro would quickly put an end to it, telling them to watch their language. He’d tell them to calm down, and give them a warning.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Realizing that no one is paying attention to what he is saying, Kotaro would assess the way he is teaching, the current lesson they are going over and how they are going over it and change things accordingly to gain the students attention. He’d also remind the entire class of what he expects from them.

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?: Whenever in the faculty lounge, Kotaro would keep mostly to himself. Occasionally, he would engage in a conversation if he was brought into one, but overall he stayed quiet and reserved. He isnt the type to start a conversation nor insert himself into one unless he was brought into it. As well as checking his lesson plans before going back to his class.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

He would walk around the classroom making sure the desks are aligned and clean, before returning to his seat to review his lesson plans for the semester awaiting students to walk in. Soon after standing up in front of the class clearing his throat “Good morning everyone, I hope you all are having a good day, My name is Mr Hitobashira, I’ve been a P.E. teacher before, as well as a school faculty before, I know what to expect, and I know what’s expected of me, I’d hope you know what I expect of you. With that being said, let's get started and go over what we will be doing for today.

/me He’d stand back up walking back up to the front of the class “Alright, lets hold it too a vote seeing as both options are in favor, Please raise your hand if you’d like to play dodgeball.” He’d look around the room awaiting for students to raise their hands before speaking “If you’d like to play volleyball please raise your hand”

/me grabbing a clipboard, walking back over to the front “Alright everyone, stand up and push in your chairs, and make your way to the gym. Line up in front of the stage and please await further instructions.” He stood in front of the line of students holding up a clipboard and a stopwatch. “Alright, Today we will be running laps, the goal is to run 2 laps around the track in at least 3 minutes. Go line up and wait for me to tell you when to go.”

/me He’d blow a whistle. “Alright, come on back, You all did good today, Class is about to end so lets head back.” setting the clipboard down at his desk, before walking back to the front of the room, sitting on the desk staring out at the classroom with a vacant expression on his face. “Well, that's it for today, Good work everyone, Please push in your chairs before you leave class dismissed.”

Kōtarō Hitobashira was born on March 2, 1991 in Fukuoka, Japan. His father was a hard working man, staying up late and waking up early for work, truly wanting to provide for his family. He worked multiple jobs, his main job being construction and having a side business to generate some income. Spending many hours of his free time on the company he tried making. Though, it would not amount to much, making barely enough for them to live comfortably. His mother was then left with tending to the house and raising their son.

Kotaro’s mother was the reason he was who he was. Her kind hearted and loving nature rubbed off on him, making him naturally outgoing and lovable. When he was of age to go to school, he quickly made friends with his entire class, ending up being the popular kid in his school. He was an exceptional student, making sure to be at the top of his class, mainly to make his parents even more proud of their son.

However, his life was thrown for a loop when he made it to highschool. Still being a model student, he mainly focused on his classes and studying, as well as spending time with his friends. However, that all changed when he met Mei Cheung. She was a diamond in the rough, and instantly caught his attention. She was the new kid in the school, and just like Kotaro, she quickly made friends. When they met each other, they just clicked. They easily spent all of their free time together and eventually began their relationship late into their junior year. The two of them stayed at the top of their class, being the valedictorian and the salutatorian, with Kotaro being the second ranked in his class, only to Mei.

Kotaro and Mei would continue on to college, going to the same school as Mei. His college life seemed to start off the same as the rest of his life, going to classes, studying, and spending free time with his friends and Mei. He decided to major in Nursing and Physical Education, as well as minor in Science and Psychology. He was really interested in helping people, wanting to become a teacher to be a positive force in children’s lives.

After he graduated, the couple ended up getting married. Kotaro got a job at Fukuoka Daiichi High School as a physical education teacher. 3 years later they decided to settle down and have a child. After some time of the couple trying, they eventually had a child, a daughter named Haoyu.

Things for Kōtarō were going great, he had a job he loved, a wife he loved and who loved him, and a healthy baby girl who he cared for dearly. But everything took a turn for the worse one fateful day when he received a phone call, his Wife Mei, Passed away in a car crash due to the culprit being under the influence of alcohol. This tragedy sent him into a spiral of self hatred, Depression, anxiety, and more.

Though one thing remained. His love for his daughter. He put his daughter before everything, and did everything for her. But even then, no amount of care in the world kept the universe from taking the last thing he cared for. His 3 year old daughter was diagnosed with brain cancer, something which was heavy on his wife's side of the family. She fought hard for 2 years but unfortunately lost and passed away in her sleep. With his wife and now daughter gone he had no one.

Now in his early 30’s It's been 3 years since his wife has passed and now 2 his daughter has passed. His personality of which was once outgoing and thoughtful has changed to one of Closed off, maintaining a rathee stern persona. He has now moved from Fukuoka, to Karakura, applying for a job at Karakura High School and college as a nurse.

He then worked as a nurse at Karakura High school he was almost instantaneously greeted by a young woman and fellow coworker, Fiorenza Ōshiro Kōraru, she took a liking to him rather fast and wasted little to no time in trying to befriend him to which she eventually succeeded. Much after their many conversations they slowly and slowly began to learn more and more about each other and soon enough feelings began to blossom between them both and a relationship formed.

A little before this however, He met a young kid named Yukiko d'Apcher who was rather expressionless, although after a few talks between the two they as well learned more about each other, to which Kotaro realized that she, just like him, did not have anyone to call family. Over the course of more interactions between the two Kotaro began to treat her as if she was his daughter, going out of his way to do things for her he did for his biological daughter before she died. Eventually he and Yukiko had a talk to which Kotaro ended up Adopting her, later on adopting another kid as well, a young boy named Hàoran "Oliver" Alexei Kuàng. Throughout his time here, he has made a new friend, as well as found people he can call his family. Soon enough he may truly find that Karakura is indeed his home.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
(reference photo and skin)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):
Kotaro Hitobashira
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr. Hitobashira
Given Name(s): Kotaro
Preferred Name: Kotaro

Age (Minimum is 27): 32
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: N/A
Marital Status: Taken

Nationality: Japanese
Current Location:
Karakura, Japan

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):
I have previous work experience in a school environment. I have 3 years working experience as a Physical Education teacher. As well as about 6 months at this school as a nurse

Academic Degree: Masters
Year of Graduation: High School Graduation: 2009
University graduation: 2016.
Major(s): Nursing and Physical Education.
Minors: Science and Psychology

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: N/A

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: N/A

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: No, but if I do I will certainly let you know.
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Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.

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