Level 8

Shoko Kotomi Byun
[ コトミビョン翔子 ]
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
A few songs to listen to while reading. Please enjoy.
Shoko Kotomi Byun
'Cousin Moo Moo' - This nickname was given to her by her cousin, Lyra Byun.
"I love this nickname, It's so cute!!"
'Sho' - This is a common nickname for the name Shoko.
"I like it, it's cool!"
'Shortie' - She hates this nickname.
"I hate this nickname with a PASSION."
'Sho-Sho' - This nickname was given to her by her boyfriend, Nylu Kurishimosaki.
"I love this nickname a lot"
December 12th, 2001
Karakura, Japan
Height: 4'10
Weight: 80lbs (36.2kg)
She is underweight.
True neutral
A petite Japanese female would stand at 4'10 weighing around 80lbs. Shoko would have a petite, yet fit build. Her hair would be long and fluffy, and her bangs would look slightly overgrown, covering just a bit of her light green eyes. She'd have a heart-shaped face with squishy, rosy cheeks, pouty lips, and a small button nose.
Taiga Aisaka
- Honest
- Optimistic
- Adventurous
- Social
- Independent
- Forgiving
- Passionate
- Enthusiastic
- Clingy
- Blunt
- Over-exaggerate
- Argumentative
- Hot-headed
- Domineering
- Impatient
- Immature
- Jealous
- Sensitive
Personality changes depending on the person she is talking to.
Body Dysmorphia - Body Dysmorphia is a mental health condition where a person spends a lot of time worrying about flaws in their appearance. These flaws are unnoticeable to others.
ADHD - A chronic condition including attention difficulty, hyperactivity, and impulsiveness.
Binge Eating Disorder (BED) - Binge eating disorder (BED) is a severe, life-threatening, and treatable eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of eating large quantities of food (often very quickly and to the point of discomfort); a feeling of a loss of control during the binge; experiencing shame, distress or guilt afterward; and not regularly using unhealthy compensatory measures (e.g., purging) to counter the binge eating.
When people are laying down she has the impulsive urge to sit on them, lay on them, or roll around on them. It's a strange habit, to say the least.
Horrible shopping habit.
- Running. Shoko has been running for basically her whole life, she enjoys it and thinks she can run 100MPH, even though that would be impossible.
- Tailoring. Like many people in the fashionable city known as Karakura, Japan, Shoko makes almost every single piece of clothing she owns. She's very grateful for being capable of this.
- Cooking/Baking. Shoko took on this hobby in her early teen years when she was first trying to gain weight, but it has now become a passion of hers.
- Sweets
- Toy 'weapons'
- Any sort of plush animal
- Big and soft sweaters
- Eating out with a group of friends and or family
- People. Yes, people.
- Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds. Really any animal as long as they don't attack her.
- Cold weather. Cold weather gives her an excuse to dress in pretty coats and scarves.
- Cute insects, mollusks, and amphibians.
- Pretty much anything that catches her eye or tastes good TBH
This list is only the bare minimum. Shoko is a very passionate person and loves talking about every little detail of the things/people she finds pretty or cute, and of course food that satisfies her tastebuds.
- Spicy food
- Crowds of people she doesn't know. Despite Shoko's social butterfly persona, she hates large or even small crowds of people she doesn't know. She gets extremely shy and overwhelmed.
- Hot weather. Shoko hates the heat. She gets very lazy and tired during summertime.
There aren't many things she dislikes. She likes to look at the glass half full most of the time.
Byun Family
People she considers close friends.
Xael 'Gizem' Holland
Shoko's BESTIE of 4 years. She loves Xael with all her heart and believes they are platonic soulmates. THEY VIBE TOGETHER!
"Xael is my best friend, my platonic wife, and my soulmate. She has brought me so much joy and made such a great impact on my life... I already know we'll be best friends forever and always, no matter what. We have had a couple of ups and downs, but we always learn to forgive and forget. I'm so grateful to have this angel in my life."
Keiki Iwasaki
She considers Keiki a close and admirable friend, who she LOVES conversing with. Keiki is one of her best friends.
"Keiki is such a genuine person. She is funny, intelligent, kind, and such a baddie. She has helped me with AND through so much, I am so grateful to have her in my life, and I hope we can be best friends forever and always!"
Nylu 'GUPPY' Kurishimosaki
Shoko's ex boyfriend
"I love him, I really do. . I just don't think he's happy with me, and he could be happier with someone else."
Iliyan Jeong
Shoko's BESTIE of 2 years. Shoko considers Iliyan one of her very close friends.
"Yanyan is a cool guy with pretty girl legs. He is one of my besties and I'm so grateful to have been friends with him for two whole years already, it's absolutely wild."
River Haruko
Shoko loves River! He's a cool dude, a nice dude! Shoko considers him a close friend.
"River is super swag and his hair is so idol-y. I'm very grateful for mothy"
Esme Haruko
Shoko loves Esme and thinks she's swag! Shoko considers her a close friend.
"Esme Wesme is so beautiful and lovely, I'm so grateful to have her in my life.
Sena Luck
A FUN AND AWESOME FRIEND!!! Shoko considers Sena a close friend
"Senaaaaa SENAAAA... Sena is so amazing, so cool, so....so... SO SWAG!! She gives me so much serotonin and we have so much in common. Love you Sena and thank you for coming into my life."
Val Insante
"Val is so pog and one of my close friends. I am extremely grateful to have her in my life"
Lavian Anderson
Lavian is the biggest sweetheart. Shoko considers him a close friend.
"G**** is so wonderful!! He's a great listener and an overall great person. Love you G****, and thank you for being in my life!!!"
Misato Swann
Shoko and her brother, Asaori were the first ones to befriend Misato. Misato will always have a special place in Shoko's heart. She considers her a close friend.
"Misa is so wonderful, I honestly envy her. She's great at everything and she's so beyond beautiful. Thank you for being in my life MisaWisa"
- Running. Shoko has been running for basically her whole life, she enjoys it and thinks she can run 100MPH, even though that would be impossible.
- Tailoring. Like many people in the fashionable city known as Karakura, Japan, Shoko makes almost every single piece of clothing she owns. She's very grateful for being capable of this.
- Cooking/Baking. Shoko took on this hobby in her early teen years when she was first trying to gain weight, but it has now become a passion of hers.
- Sweets
- Toy 'weapons'
- Any sort of plush animal
- Big and soft sweaters
- Eating out with a group of friends and or family
- People. Yes, people.
- Dogs, cats, rabbits, birds. Really any animal as long as they don't attack her.
- Cold weather. Cold weather gives her an excuse to dress in pretty coats and scarves.
- Cute insects, mollusks, and amphibians.
- Pretty much anything that catches her eye or tastes good TBH
This list is only the bare minimum. Shoko is a very passionate person and loves talking about every little detail of the things/people she finds pretty or cute, and of course food that satisfies her tastebuds.
- Spicy food
- Crowds of people she doesn't know. Despite Shoko's social butterfly persona, she hates large or even small crowds of people she doesn't know. She gets extremely shy and overwhelmed.
- Hot weather. Shoko hates the heat. She gets very lazy and tired during summertime.
There aren't many things she dislikes. She likes to look at the glass half full most of the time.
Byun Family
People she considers close friends.
Xael 'Gizem' Holland
Shoko's BESTIE of 4 years. She loves Xael with all her heart and believes they are platonic soulmates. THEY VIBE TOGETHER!
"Xael is my best friend, my platonic wife, and my soulmate. She has brought me so much joy and made such a great impact on my life... I already know we'll be best friends forever and always, no matter what. We have had a couple of ups and downs, but we always learn to forgive and forget. I'm so grateful to have this angel in my life."
Keiki Iwasaki
She considers Keiki a close and admirable friend, who she LOVES conversing with. Keiki is one of her best friends.
"Keiki is such a genuine person. She is funny, intelligent, kind, and such a baddie. She has helped me with AND through so much, I am so grateful to have her in my life, and I hope we can be best friends forever and always!"
Nylu 'GUPPY' Kurishimosaki
Shoko's ex boyfriend
"I love him, I really do. . I just don't think he's happy with me, and he could be happier with someone else."
Iliyan Jeong
Shoko's BESTIE of 2 years. Shoko considers Iliyan one of her very close friends.
"Yanyan is a cool guy with pretty girl legs. He is one of my besties and I'm so grateful to have been friends with him for two whole years already, it's absolutely wild."
River Haruko
Shoko loves River! He's a cool dude, a nice dude! Shoko considers him a close friend.
"River is super swag and his hair is so idol-y. I'm very grateful for mothy"
Esme Haruko
Shoko loves Esme and thinks she's swag! Shoko considers her a close friend.
"Esme Wesme is so beautiful and lovely, I'm so grateful to have her in my life.
Sena Luck
A FUN AND AWESOME FRIEND!!! Shoko considers Sena a close friend
"Senaaaaa SENAAAA... Sena is so amazing, so cool, so....so... SO SWAG!! She gives me so much serotonin and we have so much in common. Love you Sena and thank you for coming into my life."
Val Insante
"Val is so pog and one of my close friends. I am extremely grateful to have her in my life"
Lavian Anderson
Lavian is the biggest sweetheart. Shoko considers him a close friend.
"G**** is so wonderful!! He's a great listener and an overall great person. Love you G****, and thank you for being in my life!!!"
Misato Swann
Shoko and her brother, Asaori were the first ones to befriend Misato. Misato will always have a special place in Shoko's heart. She considers her a close friend.
"Misa is so wonderful, I honestly envy her. She's great at everything and she's so beyond beautiful. Thank you for being in my life MisaWisa"
Shoko Kotomi Byun was born on December 12th, 2001, in the small city of Karakura, Japan.
She was born and raised by both of her Japanese parents and was one of the firsts to be born, before her brother Asaori and sister Evie. She also has another brother, Kaziel, and an older sister, Kumiko. Unlike a lot of people in Karakura, Shoko grew up in a decently calm and collected household, since she and her parents, along with her siblings, had gotten along beside the usual sibling bickering. Her parents had minimum wage jobs, from working at small shops to bigger department stores. This made it easy for Shoko and her siblings to spend more time with their parents after work and on the weekends. Whenever they would have family days, they would mostly go to the beach, or a nearby park to have a small picnic from time to time.
During her school days, Shoko would spend most of her time studying and having fun with her friends. Though she only got average grades, she made her parents proud. During her elementary years, Shoko found her love for running and wanted to end up on the track team someday. She would spend her free time going to a nearby track near her house. She would begin at the starting point, and would eventually run to the very end. Overtime, Shoko had gotten better at running since that first day, she was very determined to end up on the track team one day in High school or even college, in order to show off her love for running through track. This love for the sport of running has also made up her dream of becoming a P.E teacher someday.
Transferring from middle school to high school was a little hard for Shoko since it was something very new to her. Even though she has lived in Karakura for her whole life, she still found it hard to adjust to the new environment. It was really hard for her. everyone towered above Shoko who was 4'8 at the time. She was bullied for her petite, childlike build, pushed around in the halls, and purposely ignored. These things made her feel even smaller, causing her to fall into a void of dullness, sadness, and loneliness. She developed BED during this stage in life, she believed if she ate large amounts of food she'd grow to be as tall as 6'0. Obviously this failed and resulted in developing BED, which is why she is usually seen ordering large amounts of food when going out to eat with friends, then feeling loads of guilt soon after. As she grew older and found people who accepted her despite her childlike appearance, she became bigger, not only physically, but spiritually. She has become bold and out-going and even grew a couple of inches. But despite these newly found traits and small height gain, she is still deeply insecure about many things, mostly her appearance. She often compares herself to having features of an 11-year-old boy and believes most people dislike her because of her looks. Because of this, she takes her insecurities out on others, picking on people for their looks and occasionally pointing out how “ugly” they are. But despite her constant bullying, she truly enjoys complimenting people and honestly thinks everyone is so beautiful. This shows how insecurities can change a person.
Shoko had also discovered many new hobbies. Such as learning new languages. She would study languages such as Korean and German since she found both languages and their culture very appealing. She would study the languages during her free time by picking up language textbooks and reading words while attempting to say them out loud. This would continue almost every day until she reached the intermediate level for both languages.
( This backstory is still a work in progress and does not have every explanation for Shoko's behavior, personality, etc.. )
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