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[ Shop 1 Application ]

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Level 39
IGN: Moontech

Previous applications:

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
Can't remember all of them. 8+. been banned twice for exceeding max warns. Demoted from moderator that one time.

Shop wanted:
Shop 1.

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I'd like to contribute to the community and experience Shop Ownership, as it is one job I've never tried. It'd also be a good experience for me to hire new players and veteran players alike. And, you know, I'd make money too. That's cool too.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan to open it. Every day. I'll have a succinct schedule of what times we'll be open and closed, and give each worker a job. Along with that, I'd help the economy by getting players to have something to friggin' buy, and allow them a good experience.

I will also cut time out of my own day to assist the players of SchoolRP by giving them service and diligent workers who can have their own steady income and keep their heads level.

I will also make a Discord for it, and accept applications OOCly. If they are accepted in that format, they will go through a in-character review process where I and any other managers avaliable (or hired, for that matter) will interview and assure that they are a good person with a good background, so as to give the customers of 11/7 a good cashier to buy goods from.

Now, I may also change some prices so as to make everything very cheap and easy to aquire, because 11/7 is one of the longer-standing shops which I think many new players can have some trouble getting money for. Therefore, I will make many things cheaper. It will give the new players easier ways to buy food since we will always be open, and it will consistently be popular due to it's almost unnatural ability to attract players

How will your shop be unique?:
I'll make sure to open it at least once every single day, because lately the old 11/7 shop owners seem to favor the fact that they can just sit back and get money from vending machines. I will either assign workers a day where they will each work, or I will open the shop myself. If they so desire, they can take breaks every now and again, but I will be sure to be on top of their progression and work, and be fair with the amount they need to pay me for restocks so we can both be happy in the long run.

How many employees are you planning to have?:
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Level 119
-Not long enough, not detailed enough.
-Difficult to read.
-You underestimate the number of employees required to run a shop this popular.
-Your record is quite tainted.

You may re-apply in 7 days.
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