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Shop 1 Application

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Level 26

IGN: Allower

Previous applications:
ICT Teacher Application: (Accepted)

College Prof. Application: No link to this application, If you need a screenshot I am here to send it (Accepted)

Russian language Application: (Accepted)

Staff Application: No link to this application, If you need a screenshot I am here to send it (Denied Twice)

BMD Application: No link to this application, If you need a screenshot I am here to send it (Denied)

Head-Chef Application: (Accepted)

Head-Nurse Application: (Notice: This application was made with my other forum account named Allower) (Accepted)

College-Student Application: No link to this application, If you need a screenshot I am here to send it (Accepted)

Polish language Application: (Accepted)

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
The first incident that caused my ban was because of ERP. I was temporarily banned after that. I was new to roleplaying and did not know that my actions counted as ERP and therefore I was banned, but I won’t blame it on no one else but me. I take full responsibility of me being banned and now I have improved and will assure that I won't ERP again.

The second ban was happened because of me FailRP and metagaming. There were some misunderstanding that lead to me doing what I did but in the end it was all my fault and I learned from my mistakes. This caused me to being perm banned.

The last ban happened because I reached the warn limit. This was a 1 day ban, I feel pretty guilty about this ban because it was all my fault. I overreacted a bit I was reported and I was given a warning which was my last one.

Shop wanted: Shop 1 (11/7)

Why do you want to own a shop?: I have been on this server for a year now. I have roleplayed in all kinds of roleplay like: Teacher, Professor, College Student, Normal Student and School Employee. But I have never been involved in a "ShopRP" as I know some shop owners I know it requires a lot of activity and it brings some responsibility with it. I know all of this because I am a formal worker at a shop. I would really like to get into this kind of roleplay, and try to keep the shop as active as possible.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan to keep the same design because I really like the current design. I plan to keep the shop open for 11/7 as it says. I want to add some more items as guitars to make it a bit unique. I will also try to "always" have the shop full (Restocked). Why? Because this will also help to keep the workers active. I will try to give my workers a good payment.

How will your shop be unique?: I will try to make my shop unique by actually keeping myself to the name 11/7 and try to be open at those times. From eleven to seven. I will also sell more unique items, like guitars. I also plan to invest in the best workers and review them good before they work at my shop so I am sure I can trust the people.

How many employees are you planning to have?:

I am planning to have 10 employees atleast.

1 CO-Owner: The man helps me out and when I am not avaible he/she takes care of the shop, restocks and payment.

1 Manager He will take care of the restocks and payment.

2 Security. They will take care of hard situations when a blacklisted person comes to the store, etc. I want to review these people really good so they are not agressive.

4 Cashiers these people sell things and take care of the costumers. I want these people to be trusted by me because I don't want to get the shop robbed

1 Cook to make the food, and cook the bacon's and egg's. They will actually have a job to do.

1 Janitor. This person will take care of the toilets and the trash on the floors. I would invest in only 1 Janitor because I don't feel the need to get more.

(Custom add) Additional Information: I would like to say that despite my history I can promise you that I can take the responsibility. And also can promise you that I can take this really seriously.



Level 118
Not long enough, not enough effort was put in I believe.
-You spaced it out to make it look longer, applications should be compact.
You may re-apply in 7 days.
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