players online

Shop 6 / Blocky mart's application


Level 26

Previous applications:
Italian language (accepted) college ( denied ) librarian (not answered yet)
Staff application (not answered yet)

Previous warns/kicks/bans:
Afk kicks, 4 warnings ban, a perm ban for bypassing a ban (i didn't do it i just logged in after the 4 warnings ban) and another ban for arguing with staff,warnings mostly for some rp fails.

Shop wanted:

Shop 6

Why do you want to own a shop?:
I do want to own the shop to make it alot better and make it the next best actif shop in the town, and also to experience owning a shop, having a responsibility, and having the control of a whole shop.i want to make this shop, the next greatest shop in town, doing my best and what i know, and new stuff.

What do you plan to do with the shop?:
I plan for some new events, some new products, and hopefully some other suggestion if staff accepts, i also plan some rewards for costumers that come often, and rewards for the events, and some discounts as well. i also plan on adding discount cards, that expires after a week of buying it, each will have its price depending on its amount of discount ( 40% off = 10k for example ) i also plan on making the shop bigger, if staff members accepts.

How will your shop be unique?:
I'll plan some new events, with big rewards for 3 winners, and my shop will be open alot, so it'll be the most actif shop in town, and we will also be doing discounts once a month, and when i see that the shop is doing good i may do 50% discounts. My shop will be unique by it's amazing prices, they will be low, and in the events ( games played, winner gets a price ) the winner may also get a whole month discount just by wining a simple game. Rewards will most likely be : a expensive item from the shop, a month free discount card ( changes for the 3 winners first gets 50% second get 35% and third one gets 25% of discount) or an amount of money ( also changes for the three winners )

How many employees are you planning to have?:

Most likely 4 cashiers, 2 security guards, 1 janitor, so 7 workers, they have to be over 18 so they'd be mature and have experience.

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