What's your Minecraft Username?: YonioTheNacho
What's the title of your suggestion?: Shop Advertisement Changes
What's your suggestion?:
This suggestion will focus on several aspects that could be improved from the current way to advert shops. Don't worry, none of it will involve discord promotion; This is all in game features. It'll take some coding efforts, but I feel like it'll greatly help shopkeepers when opening their shops
1. Remove the RPName from the advert. As you may have seen, when requesting staff to do a /advert, it's very common to see their own characters sending in the advert first. As funny as it is to see Rokku Heddo promoting a perfume store, it's something that's not really necessary and takes up more text space than necessary
2. Adding an icon to the advert command. Just like store purchases, I feel like using the same format as server ranks, custom items etc. would catch people's attention more than a simple green [ADVERT] that blends in with the rest of the chat. As for the icon, it could be something similar to this:
3. Adding a donator-exclusive feature that allows you to teleport to an open shop. This feature would be exclusive to Rich+ (or any other rank that's deemed suitable) and it'd prompt up a message with a button that'll allow the player to teleport to said store. This would require some coding and attaching an extra value to each shop, but it would HEAVILY increase the influx of customers, as one big deterrent from going to shops is the fact that they have to walk all the way to a specific set of coordinates. While you might argue that this feature wouldn't be suitable for roleplay, there isn't much roleplay in walking all the way to a shop; besides Detention already uses a similar system, and I feel like restricting this to a specific rank would also crowd-control by making it a feature that only a few people have
4. Planner menu for open stores. The planner is currently bugged (yes, i know), but whenever it comes back, I feel like a cool new idea would be to introduce a menu that shows the open shops at the time of checking. This would require a plugin to be coded to specify when a shop is OPEN or CLOSED, which could be added in the same plugin as the aforementioned donator teleportation feature
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit shopkeepers by giving them a larger amount of customers, as well as clients who just want to buy stuff but can't properly locate a specific store (yes, GPS do exist, but most players either get rid of it or lose it accidentally, or simply are too lazy to walk all the way there)
What's the title of your suggestion?: Shop Advertisement Changes
What's your suggestion?:
This suggestion will focus on several aspects that could be improved from the current way to advert shops. Don't worry, none of it will involve discord promotion; This is all in game features. It'll take some coding efforts, but I feel like it'll greatly help shopkeepers when opening their shops
1. Remove the RPName from the advert. As you may have seen, when requesting staff to do a /advert, it's very common to see their own characters sending in the advert first. As funny as it is to see Rokku Heddo promoting a perfume store, it's something that's not really necessary and takes up more text space than necessary
2. Adding an icon to the advert command. Just like store purchases, I feel like using the same format as server ranks, custom items etc. would catch people's attention more than a simple green [ADVERT] that blends in with the rest of the chat. As for the icon, it could be something similar to this:

3. Adding a donator-exclusive feature that allows you to teleport to an open shop. This feature would be exclusive to Rich+ (or any other rank that's deemed suitable) and it'd prompt up a message with a button that'll allow the player to teleport to said store. This would require some coding and attaching an extra value to each shop, but it would HEAVILY increase the influx of customers, as one big deterrent from going to shops is the fact that they have to walk all the way to a specific set of coordinates. While you might argue that this feature wouldn't be suitable for roleplay, there isn't much roleplay in walking all the way to a shop; besides Detention already uses a similar system, and I feel like restricting this to a specific rank would also crowd-control by making it a feature that only a few people have
4. Planner menu for open stores. The planner is currently bugged (yes, i know), but whenever it comes back, I feel like a cool new idea would be to introduce a menu that shows the open shops at the time of checking. This would require a plugin to be coded to specify when a shop is OPEN or CLOSED, which could be added in the same plugin as the aforementioned donator teleportation feature
How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit shopkeepers by giving them a larger amount of customers, as well as clients who just want to buy stuff but can't properly locate a specific store (yes, GPS do exist, but most players either get rid of it or lose it accidentally, or simply are too lazy to walk all the way there)