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Shop Advertisement Changes


Level 331
What's your Minecraft Username?: YonioTheNacho
What's the title of your suggestion?: Shop Advertisement Changes

What's your suggestion?:
This suggestion will focus on several aspects that could be improved from the current way to advert shops. Don't worry, none of it will involve discord promotion; This is all in game features. It'll take some coding efforts, but I feel like it'll greatly help shopkeepers when opening their shops

1. Remove the RPName from the advert. As you may have seen, when requesting staff to do a /advert, it's very common to see their own characters sending in the advert first. As funny as it is to see Rokku Heddo promoting a perfume store, it's something that's not really necessary and takes up more text space than necessary

2. Adding an icon to the advert command. Just like store purchases, I feel like using the same format as server ranks, custom items etc. would catch people's attention more than a simple green [ADVERT] that blends in with the rest of the chat. As for the icon, it could be something similar to this:

3. Adding a donator-exclusive feature that allows you to teleport to an open shop.
This feature would be exclusive to Rich+ (or any other rank that's deemed suitable) and it'd prompt up a message with a button that'll allow the player to teleport to said store. This would require some coding and attaching an extra value to each shop, but it would HEAVILY increase the influx of customers, as one big deterrent from going to shops is the fact that they have to walk all the way to a specific set of coordinates. While you might argue that this feature wouldn't be suitable for roleplay, there isn't much roleplay in walking all the way to a shop; besides Detention already uses a similar system, and I feel like restricting this to a specific rank would also crowd-control by making it a feature that only a few people have

4. Planner menu for open stores. The planner is currently bugged (yes, i know), but whenever it comes back, I feel like a cool new idea would be to introduce a menu that shows the open shops at the time of checking. This would require a plugin to be coded to specify when a shop is OPEN or CLOSED, which could be added in the same plugin as the aforementioned donator teleportation feature

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit shopkeepers by giving them a larger amount of customers, as well as clients who just want to buy stuff but can't properly locate a specific store (yes, GPS do exist, but most players either get rid of it or lose it accidentally, or simply are too lazy to walk all the way there)


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
1. +1

2. +1

3. Maybe not a teleport STRAIGHT to the shop, but maybe a teleport to the NEAREST train station of the shop, but i don't think it should be RANK exclusive. Neutral

4. +1, but make it for ALL players. It doesn't make sense for Ranked only to have access to seeing what shops are open and which aren't.


Level 47
Community Team
Overall it's a good idea, the only thing I am against however is the rank exclusive portions.


Level 331
Thread starter
It's been a really long time since the last time the server introduced a rank-exclusive feature. If we don't get anything pumped out, the sales will eventually decrease


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
I like the first two ideas, however I’m not really on board with the last two. It’s hard enough for new players to locate shops when they open and if we make it easier for ranked players to teleport it kinda shuts out our newer players even further when they typically never have ranks. Also will inevitably cause metagaming issues if normal players are able to teleport to more locations than plaza


Level 24
Community Team
Event Team
As a shopkeeper, I'm onboard with this, though I see Infi's point about ranks and new players. Though I know even when I get Coords and the complex name and urge people to use the GPS, they STILL struggle to find my shop in the business district, so the TP might help but of course it has it's cons like metagaming. I'd be open for sure to this suggestion though, I like it.


Level 45
+1 to the first suggestion
neutral/-1 for the second suggestion
-1 for the last 2 suggestions

neutral/ -1 - 2nd suggestion
I did neutral for the second suggestion because store adverts are more noticeable if you make it noticeable, like me for example I make mine very colourful so they stand out Among the crowd, compared to a bunch of white lines so I feel like that problem could easily be fixed, plus you would sorta be removing the creativity if you did it like when buying a rank as you wouldn't be able to implement colour (I will show some examples of colourful adverts that stand out more below that)

-1 3rd suggestion
store adverts happen twice so that people get a second chance to find us advertising that we are still available for purchases to be made, and in our openings we specifically put the coordinate and then the location, as I create the sayonara adverts, furthermore the teleporting wouldn't be all as beneficial as you think, one it would flood the stores which means massive wait times, which will put people off, at sayonara sometimes we have had queues long of up to 10+ people each. therefore I don't agree with the teleport option. (im not a shop keeper so I am not exactly speaking on behalf of sayonara im just using it as an example)

-1 4th suggestion
And for the last one the plugin within the planner book, the planner is for school related business I believe not outside city stuff, but furthermore I feel like this would create problems for managers who can't open without staff help and sometimes opening as a manager is hard as it is.

Regarding adverts if some still think it isn't noticeable enough like karakura news and like the intercom make the [advert] bigger with &l
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Level 45
It's been a really long time since the last time the server introduced a rank-exclusive feature. If we don't get anything pumped out, the sales will eventually decrease
it would sorta be pay to win if people with ranks can teleport to shops and buy out all the newly stocked items furthermore rank upgrades/ranks are I believe not meant to provide a IC benefit which teleporting to shops would provide, plus the people with ranks are usually players who have played for a little bit and can navigate themselves around the nap. Ranks are just a thing overtime that do just rely on new players themselves for fund/fund+ but your forgetting there is still custom items and custom cars foods etc (which are popping off like never before because of Erik finisher)

Ranks are a thing that fluctuate between surges of new players and people just buying rank upgrades for usually either /feed, appendages or character slots so they will flucuate but will never die, besides im pretty sure SRP's revenue generation is probably one of the highest its been due to erik don't quote me 100 percent for it though
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Level 17
first 2 suggestions are good but the last 2 that involve ranks are kinda odd
for the 3rd suggestion, most players who have rich+ will be able to find shops based on the advertisements anyways, with 'Back left of the shopping district!' (Sayonara), but newer players (without ranks) would not understand that, so it's extremely unfair to put that behind a paywall
for the 4th suggestion, the idea is good but once again, there is absolutely no reason to lock it behind a paywall.. theres already so many roleplay features that require a rank (/feed, appends, etc) ..


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
For 3, I suggest it being Fundraiser, that way there's more reason to get that instead of Fundraiser+ (which has the benefits most players look for). In addition, it's cheaper. If we could do no rank at all, that'd definitely be better, but I understand where this is coming from.


Level 73
+1 for everything except 3
Being able to say "Want to go shopping?" to a friend and walking there together is a nice RP opportunity. Seeing people sprint to the stores is also pretty funny. The access amount of teleportation may overwhelm the shop's workers and even create server lag. The longer and more used to Karakura you are, the better chances you have to locate the shop. With that being said, it can get newer players to interact with people, asking directions to the shop. Being able to drive/bike/run to the store will give players more uses for their vehicles and give people more needed exercise. Afterall, the majority of Karakurians are really fit.


Level 45
For 3, I suggest it being Fundraiser, that way there's more reason to get that instead of Fundraiser+ (which has the benefits most players look for). In addition, it's cheaper. If we could do no rank at all, that'd definitely be better, but I understand where this is coming from.
I think 3 as a whole just has too many bad opportunities, you could be running from the police go round a corner and teleport to a shop, furthermore teleporting to a shop eliminates that rush of getting to the shop, and it would create huge crowds which can put people off.


Level 88
Community Team
Event Team
I think 3 as a whole just has too many bad opportunities, you could be running from the police go round a corner and teleport to a shop, furthermore teleporting to a shop eliminates that rush of getting to the shop, and it would create huge crowds which can put people off.
If you teleport away while running from the police, staff will deal with the person doing so accordingly. You can still get that rush of getting to the shop if you just don't teleport, and you can always wait for crowds to disperse. Another thing is the teleportation system can be similar to the train system where you pay yen to get there.


Level 52
It's been a really long time since the last time the server introduced a rank-exclusive feature. If we don't get anything pumped out, the sales will eventually decrease
But you have erik finster spending his life savings.

Anyways +1


Level 73
1. Remove the RPName from the advert. As you may have seen, when requesting staff to do a /advert, it's very common to see their own characters sending in the advert first. As funny as it is to see Rokku Heddo promoting a perfume store, it's something that's not really necessary and takes up more text space than necessary
I don't think this is necessary to remove, it's only like 5-30 characters that don't affect the length of the advertisement itself for the shopkeepers. People might want to be aware regarding whom the shop belongs to, so it's gonna be a -1 from me. (However, the removal of names to be replaced with coordinates & precise location to the open shop is more beneficial than removing names completely. If you swap to that as a suggestion, I will support it.)

2. Adding an icon to the advert command. Just like store purchases, I feel like using the same format as server ranks, custom items etc. would catch people's attention more than a simple green [ADVERT] that blends in with the rest of the chat. As for the icon, it could be something similar to this:
Cool idea, a lot of things are already dependent on icons such as donator roles which are very prominent, this is doable and shouldn't take much effort at all. +1

3. Adding a donator-exclusive feature that allows you to teleport to an open shop. This feature would be exclusive to Rich+ (or any other rank that's deemed suitable) and it'd prompt up a message with a button that'll allow the player to teleport to said store. This would require some coding and attaching an extra value to each shop, but it would HEAVILY increase the influx of customers, as one big deterrent from going to shops is the fact that they have to walk all the way to a specific set of coordinates. While you might argue that this feature wouldn't be suitable for roleplay, there isn't much roleplay in walking all the way to a shop; besides Detention already uses a similar system, and I feel like restricting this to a specific rank would also crowd-control by making it a feature that only a few people have
The fact of the matter is that train stations and vehicles of all kinds are meant to be utilised properly for these kind of occasions. Almost everyone on the server that has been around for a while, has a donator role, this would rid the bare usage of the train station— Might as well remove them altogether in that case. -1
Maybe not a teleport STRAIGHT to the shop, but maybe a teleport to the NEAREST train station of the shop, but i don't think it should be RANK exclusive.
This is a better alternative to your third suggestion.

4. Planner menu for open stores. The planner is currently bugged (yes, i know), but whenever it comes back, I feel like a cool new idea would be to introduce a menu that shows the open shops at the time of checking. This would require a plugin to be coded to specify when a shop is OPEN or CLOSED, which could be added in the same plugin as the aforementioned donator teleportation feature
This can probably add more use for planners, as for anyone that isn't a college or highschool student, or a school employee. It's something that can be done automatically without the need for staff assistance all the time, +1

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