What is your Minecraft username?:
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
How old are you? (Optional):
What is your time zone?:
Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe myself as a very active member of the community. From the time I joined the server in early 2022, I have been active on the server, meeting more and more people and making more development between characters, making in-depth lore for my characters, and helping friends with their character backstories if they ever need it. My hours of play increased as school came to an end, and during the summer, I was on for hours at a time, spending my days playing SRP with my friends. However, with school coming back, my activity dropped a bit, but I still log on really often, and with my schedule, I have friday-sunday off, so I will be more active during those days.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
I have 2 previous bans.
My first ban was for ERP back in 2018. This was due to my being immature and gullible with a group of my friends. After getting banned, I logged onto another account and tried to join back, and was banned for bypassing.
My second ban was for Bypassing. This was on February 27, 2022. This was due to me logging onto the banned account I previously used. I had tried logging onto said account to purchase an animal whitelist but got banned. I appealed the ban and was unbanned on March 16, 2022.
I have learned from my mistakes and have worked hard to keep my record clean ever since.
My first ban was for ERP back in 2018. This was due to my being immature and gullible with a group of my friends. After getting banned, I logged onto another account and tried to join back, and was banned for bypassing.
My second ban was for Bypassing. This was on February 27, 2022. This was due to me logging onto the banned account I previously used. I had tried logging onto said account to purchase an animal whitelist but got banned. I appealed the ban and was unbanned on March 16, 2022.
I have learned from my mistakes and have worked hard to keep my record clean ever since.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge the fact that if I am inactive, I will be demoted
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
JSL Thread | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Korean App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Third Language App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Russian App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
French Application [Accepted]
Lore Team Application [Denied]
Korean App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Third Language App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Russian App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
French Application [Accepted]
Lore Team Application [Denied]
Russian App | SchoolRP [Accepted]
JSL Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Reporter Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
BMD Application | SchoolRP [Denied]
JSL Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Reporter Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
BMD Application | SchoolRP [Denied]
Nurse Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
French Application [Accepted]
Italian Application [Accepted]
Third Language Authorization Application [Accepted]
Korean Application [Accepted]
French Application [Accepted]
Italian Application [Accepted]
Third Language Authorization Application [Accepted]
Korean Application [Accepted]
What is your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
(Main) RexLobo | [College](B)
(Alt) JayyLobo | [Reporter]
(Alt) QuitUniversity | [Adult]
(Alt) LocalHotMoms| [Grade-10]
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for ownership of the shop Hanakotoba
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I want to become a Shopkeeper to experience a different side of roleplay. SRP has much to offer, and I have slowly expanded my horizons to experience each of them, and I truly enjoy learning more about the server. I have roleplayed in both the school faction as a nurse, as well as the reporter factions, and both have been a pleasure to be a part of. Working in both of these factions has allowed me to meet more people and make new bonds with people I wouldn’t have met and gotten close to elsewhere. Being a Shopkeeper will allow me to join another group and meet even more people, as well as expand my roleplay horizons.
I am also employed in two shops, and working there has truly been fun. I remember the joy I felt at the first job I was accepted to work at. Owning a shop will allow me to give that same excitement when I hire the first employees, and more after that. At the same time, I will be giving back to the community that I have come to love and enjoy. Owning the shop will allow me to keep a safe space for other players to meet more people and gain more experience that they will remember as I have.
As a player that is online for many hours a day, I know I would be able to open the shop frequently, making the monthly quota and most likely opening more often. I know as an active member of the server that it’s not fun when shops barely open, or you miss the opening due to the time you log on or overall time zones. With the amount I have played, I know the flow of player traffic, meaning I can open at the best possible times when most people are online, but I will also be able to open during the times that people with time zones that don't match other shops will be able to purchase items, so I can cater to as many people as I can.
Not only do I know when to open and know I will open frequently, but I will also allow people to earn an employee wage. Working at both a restaurant and a shop, I know the differences between the two. In the shop, people can work multiple shifts in a row, and often work as much as possible, which is respectable. However, that leaves other employees unable to work. I will make sure everyone gets to work, making it fair for all employees. It'll allow everyone to roleplay as employees, serving customers the items they wish to have. I would be able to show off my leadership skills in this position, taking this responsibility and proving that I can properly manage the shop.
Even though I may not have the most experience on this server, I know I can take on this responsibility. I have made my presence more known, slowly but surely, trying to meet more and more people. I know how to BusinessRP, and know I can quickly learn more as I take on this position. I am very passionate about applying to become a shopkeeper since I know this role is a great fit for me.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I plan on changing the look of the shop, turning it into a more modern and fancy store. I would change the exterior to something more old fashioned, but upon entering the store, it would be similar to walking into a new era. This will make it stand out, and with its location near the entrance to the shopping district, many people will pass the shop. As for the interior, the shop currently is cramped and unorganized. I plan on freeing space on the inside, making it easier to maneuver around. I will put all items that relate to one another in the same area, so shoppers only have to search in one area for the accessory they are looking for.
After some brainstorming, I mapped out the dimensions of the shop in the creative server to see how I could open it up and have more room. This proved how spacious the building could be if arranged properly. After some planning, I started building, along with my friend, where we chose to split the shop into two floors. This made the cramped shop that it used to be into a place that had more room than we needed, but that left room for more design and creativity.
I decided on separating the items to be in their own sections. The majority of accessories are found on the first floor in their own sections, along with a shelf for custom items sold to the store by players. On the second floor, there are two more display shelves for specific categories of items, as well as a third shelf for the new custom items the shop may get. The registers will also be located on the second floor. This frees up space on the first floor, while also allowing room for a third register, which the current store does not have. This third register will keep lines flowing and allow another employee to work the shift.
The shop will maintain its gallery of items so the shop has a larger array of items, but there will definitely be more customs being added to the shop's catalog, either overtime owning the shop, or purchasing the custom item and selling it in the shop.
There will also be a section of the discord that lists the assortment of items the shop sells. This catalog will show an image of how the item looks, its name, and its price. This will help people see if they really want anything, and will speed up lines, as there won’t be people asking to see all of a certain kind of accessory, and they can get straight to the point of their order, getting whatever they wish to get.
What will you sell in your shop?:
The shop will specifically sell accessories, whether they are glasses and watches, or headwear and bags. The current assortment of items are mostly all accessories, which fit the criteria. There will also be customs added to the shop later on.
Two examples of the customs would be:
Shop Aesthetic:
The shop aesthetic is supposed to be an older more traditional sort of shop as the exterior, but as soon as you enter the shop, it shifts to a more modern store. As stated earlier in the application, I have made an example shop in the creative server made with the current dimensions of the shop.
The employee uniform will be an assortment of 4 kimonos with different colors, so each employee can have their own preference. These will provide a unique shop environment, as well as let them have some individuality in their uniform choice.
How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan on having a total of 18 employees at a time. These spots include the shop owner, managers, senior employees, as well as regular employees. The shop will start with only the owner and 2 managers, then open applications when the shop is ready. Afterward, six employees will be chosen and become trial employees. These employees will have to work to prove themselves to become standard employees. After filtering out the hard workers from the others, another batch of trial employees will be hired, while the most hardworking of the employees will be promoted to Senior Employees. I’m choosing to keep the number of employees a smaller size, since only 2-3 employees will be working each shift, and this way it will be easier to allow everyone to work evenly. Overtime, more spots may open up, allowing more players to be hired and work.
There will be different roles, starting with:
Shop Owner (1)
This position is self-explanatory. They are the owner of the shop and the person who has the most responsibility to the shop. The owner of the shop is the individual who orders stock when it gets low, ensures employees are following the rules and not stealing from the shop, as well as the person who has the final say in hiring and firing employees. The shop owner is the one who creates the discord server, making sure all the channels and permissions are correct, as well as managing the server.
Managers (2)
The managers are the left and right hands of the owner. These individuals are the ones who maintain the shop when the owner is unavailable, and are the most trusted of the employees. These two are the ones who assist in checking applications and handpicking the ones who get the chance to become an employee. They are also the ones who help in managing the inventory, making sure everything is correct, and they are the ones who inform the shop owner to place an order for a restock if they have not already. These two can request to start shifts and manage the shift if the shopkeeper cannot.
Senior Employees (3)
Senior employees are the most hardworking employees, having proven themselves to be worthy of this position. They work as many shifts as they can, are honest in paying their owes without putting up much fuss, as well as keep polite to the customers, and always stay calm under stress. They are still cashiers, working the registers. These employees have more benefits than normal employees, including less of their pay being deducted from them. They can request for a shift to be started, but they need to have either a manager or a shopkeeper start it and watch over it.
Employees (Cashiers) (12)
The employees are the backbone of the shop. They are the ones who work the front and manage the registers. They deal with the customers and are the ones taking the orders and handing out the desired products. There would not be as good a shift without these employees.
Trial Employees
Every worker in the shop begins as a trial employee. This is the first step in progressing through the ranks of the shop. These employees are then scouted by higher management and are then promoted to normal employees, where they can progress higher depending on how active they are, and how much they are trusted by management.
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