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Accepted Shop Application | anrs


Level 26
What is your Minecraft username?:

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):
anya!#0094, though it is subject to change with the loss of Nitro in the upcoming week, though I might choose to renew it.

How old are you? (Optional):
I’m currently sixteen years old.

What is your time zone?:
Central Standard Timezone.

Describe your activity on the server:
I tend to be on the server every day to every other day, especially for hours at a time. However, that may change for a myriad of reasons, and I will keep note of when I will be taking time off for whatever reason that might be occurring.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
As of current, I have not been banned and am striving in order not to be banned. However, I have received warnings in the past for mistakes that I’ve learned to better myself from.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge and understand this fully.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
On my main account, runningfromkan, I am a college bachelor. On my alternative, anrs - the one I am applying with - I am of the EMS faction, which could be subject to change. I will discuss this with Alex and let them know that I will be applying for the role of shopkeeper.

Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/

What shop are you applying for?:
I am applying for my own shop in Auffallen - renamed Kansai - with its recent closing, or alternatively, my own in one of the available free spaces by the name of Kansai, still, if I am able to receive the chance of that.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I love the community of SRP and would like to expand further into it. Opening a shop will be quite significant in the role of doing such, especially considering that will open me up to more opportunities to get to know more members and staff within the community.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I intend on opening a gift and accessory shop, similar to what we see in Sayonara. I intend on having a new style to it, not seen before within SRP - a style of minimalism. I intend to show this unique style with each aspect in the shop. The exterior will show a simple, though elegant design with the usage of blocks like quartz, certain forms of wood, and others to create a modernized look to contrast with the use of stone brick and other similar blocks that create the map that we all know and love. For the interior, I hope to have a lofted area - a lower, simple, and organized area for accessories, and a more outburst area toward the top of the shop with games, electronics, and such, quite like Yeobo, for many people to relax in and enjoy. Adding to this, I don’t have any intention of a uniform. If that is mandated, I will come up with such a thing that continues on within the theme of what I visualize for my shop.

What will you sell in your shop?:
Aforementioned, gifts and accessories. The lower level will have the “basic” accessories that are beloved by everyone; bows, glasses, jewelry, etc. including the wedding ring or rose ring. The higher level shall include a few items that go with the area shown - perhaps electronics, and other technological things to have and play with while lounging around in the area of relaxation, as also mentioned above.

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I hope to have six to eight employees in total. I intend on having a total count of three registers, which will fluctuate shifts - especially in differing timezones. It’d be helpful to have at least five to six employees for that, as well as a manager and perhaps a co-owner that could help with openings if I’m unable to get to do much in the requirements of the twelve required openings.
The employees I intend on - in-depth - are cashiers, a manager, and a co-owner. The cashiers would obviously handle the sales of all within the shop. They’d keep records within the website for all they’ve sold, as well as keep track of the correct balances needed - once that comes to, the respective balance toward myself as the owner will be paid. If it isn’t, obvious disciplinary action would have to be taken. For the manager, I’d have them monitor the cashiers. They, as well, would keep track of the balances and keep a record of the sales for the website. In terms of the manager, they are also free to take on the role of a cashier if needed. Now the co-owner; I do have a person in mind for this specific role.

What will the shop offer?:
Kansai is going to be a unique shop. It’s going to contrast against all of the other shops available, from what it will sell to the entire aesthetic of it. The other shops have a certain outburst kind of outlay. With Kansai, it’ll be entirely different. Kansai has a calm, harmonic feel. It’s meant to be perceived as a safe place to go - the rules, listed below, have a strict showing of no conflicting matters within the interior. This doesn’t go for every form of conflict - if a very minor argument is to occur, I see no problem with such. If an actual fistfight broke out, I must say that is a different story entirely. Given that, again, Kansai is meant to be harmonic, violence is definitely the one thing that will not be tolerated within the walls.

What will the rules be?:
As the question asks, a few rules will be set in place. There will be no contrasting understanding; the rules within Kansai must be followed, with no exceptions.
The first rule is, no violence. One is welcome to shop with a mask, but they are not, under any circumstance, allowed to have a weapon out. They also will be immediately escorted off of the shop’s grounds if they embrace any physical altercations. Verbal altercations will not be terribly minded, but it is still recommended for the outer area of the shop. If this is disobeyed, it’s an automatic escort out.
The second rule is, no shoplifting. Not only does this occur to the meant-to-be paying customer, but it occurs to the employees and other customers behind. If one customer ends up picking up another’s request after they’ve paid and refuse to give it back, they will have the authorities called for obvious reasoning. If they give it back when picking it up, nothing shall occur. If a customer takes an object without the cashier, manager, or owner receiving payment, the authorities will also be alerted. However, if two customers split pay (with the correct amount), for one item, a second one will be added in for free; e.g., if two people pay 10,000 for a hat that equals 20k, a free one will be handed off to the second person involved.
The third rule, be respectful. This might be obvious, but respect for customers and employees is mandatory. Any negative behavior toward any party around will have three levels to it. The first level is a gentle warning, asking them to kindly stop. The second is a more firm warning - and depending on the severity, an escort out of the building. As for the third time, it’ll be an escort out, or - again, depending on severity - authorities shall be alerted if that must be entirely necessary.

UNIFORM: Currently, I don’t have a uniform planned. However, if it’s mandated, I do have ideas for it. With the aesthetic of the shop being as it is - simple - I might stick to a simple white or beige outfit - perhaps an apron or something of the sort. I know aprons go better for bakeries, but it would go quite well with the simplicity of the entirety of the shop. For a bit of an extra addition, I might have a certain accessory or two added. Perhaps a bow that could be worn on the arm or in the hair, similar to the white bow already installed within SRP.
SEASONAL/HOLIDAY: As the holidays swing around, I - beyond any doubt - will hold items to go with the said holiday. Halloween, for example, I might sell the Jack o’ Lantern smartphone, or accessories that can contribute to a costume. During the time of Christmas, countless things are at the ability to show on my shelves. The famous Candy Cane, the collection of hats or other accessories, the smartphones, and potentially more to be covered. Other seasonal items might show up, including in a segment that I’ll call my Item of the Month. As figured, this item will be shown in a selected area of the store, apart from the rest. For example, the item in June might be a hat that fits perfectly for summer. The item in December might be a set of antlers or a phone with a Christmas theme to it.​


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying for shopkeeper!
Your ideas are amazing and I am looking forward to working with you. Send me a dm - sak#8404 - to get everything set up!​

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