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Denied Shop application | unh2ly


Level 4
Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


I am apply for my unh2ly account

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
18 years old

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:
I am consistently active on the server usually for a couple of hours a day, also being on the volleyball team on my alt account makes me more active than I would usually be. I also work for Shiawasena Konyu which just adds more of a reason for me to be active.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, I was previously banned for ERP around Feb 21, 2021, but my appeal was accepted since there was a miscommunication on the actions that were being said and of the group of people that were involved.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, i am fully aware that inactivity can cause a demotion in the faction lead, but i don't think that is something im going to have to worry about since i'm usually always available to open the shop for the required amount during the month period

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Language Applications:
Spanish application - [Accepted]
Portuguese application - [Accepted]
Spanish application - [Denied]
Spanish application - [Denied]
EMS Application:
Hospital application - [Denied]
Ban Appeal:
Ban appeal - [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Main account: unh6ly - Currently on the Server I am a college student, With a Masters degree, and I am also on the Spartans Male Volleyball team.

Alt. account: unh2ly - Highschool student

Shop Information
/*You may add your own questions to the format*/

What shop are you applying for?:
Nemui karaoke

What kind of shop will this be?:
This shop would be considered a lounge/club or a restaurant with the basis of having a public area for smaller parties to dine but also to listen in on what music was being played, or what act was going on upon the center stage. Also offering private rooms for the large grouped parties that want to just enjoy their spent time with their friends. This shop would be a mixture of Karaoke rooms and a Karaoke bar. Serving food, drinks, room service, and everything else that you would need to make a fun and fulfilling evening.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
Besides the obvious reasons like money, and the other various benefits for myself, one of the main reasons that I wanted to be a shopkeeper was for more roleplay purposes. I find that the more active someone might be the less roleplay they pertain to themselves, and since they might run through whatever drama, challenges or events their characters are dealing with, and I find myself in this position more than a couple of times. So by becoming a shopkeeper this would not only allow me to create more roleplay for myself once I've finished with whatever might have been going on with an alternate account. But it also creates more roleplay for people that get to know me as a shopkeeper.

Another reason why I would like to become a shopkeeper is it would add another application towards my SRP profile record showing that I have before done things within the community that could help, add or benefit the server or other players. It would also give my future applications a good look showing that I have before applied for a role that carries a lot of privilege within itself.

What do you plan to do with your shop?:
For the most part I would open the shop regularly giving the customers a place to sit down and dine with a date, or some friends but also enjoy the environment that is taking place on the inside. Some plans and mini event ideas that i've thought out for my shop is to occasionally open it and either have performers and special performances. Have best performances contests, and have our employees dress up in costumes on certain days or holidays.

Also following the seasons, the shop will not only sell seasonal items, foods, and drinks, but we also would host certain seasonal events such as:

Winter/Christmas season: hot chocolate, cookies, Christmas music, etc.
fall/halloween: spooky theme, costume performances, pumpkin pies, etc.
And many other events that would be hosted and items that will be sold during the certain seasons and holidays that take place and/or are celebrated.

What makes my shop unique?:
What makes my shop more of a unique idea is adding more roleplay into the shopkeeping aspect. Instead of just opening a shop for people to come in, buy something and leave, they could bring a group of their friends, sit down and enjoy the various options of roleplay that the shop offers to them, not only communicating with their friends in the private rooms for groups, but also giving them an introduction to others that they might have common interests with. Whether that be sitting down for food and drinks, watching whatever entertaining performance is being displayed, or listening to a previously queued song that is playing.

What will you sell in your shop?:
Within the shop it will sell various amounts of foods, drinks, and alcohol for the customers who are above age, but we will also offer the services of renting the stage and renting of private rooms for big groups who want to socialize with just each other. The private rooms will offer their own room service, privacy from other parties, and their very own karaoke machine that they could use in roleplay to play their own songs and sing along with their group of friends. Renting the stage could be used for various reasons, whether it be someone wants to perform their own stand up comedy, a band wants to play a song, or for other numerous reasons of performances.

Alcoholic beverages:
For the bar area, if it's still possible, I would want the glasses and shots of alcohol and wine that used to be sold in club luxe; If it isn't possible though then normal alcoholic drinks could be added like sake, guinness beer, vodka, whiskey, etc. (I am also considering ordering a custom slot for a shop's exclusive alcoholic drink.)

Non-Alcoholic beverages:
If a customer/s is/are not of age then multiple drinks such as water, milkshakes, and any other assortment of drinks that might be offered to be put in stock.

For foods I would prefer not to serve full meals, as it's more of a lounge/club and would be more focused on the karaoke side than an actual sit down and eat restaurant; so I would list items such as entrees, appetizers, snacks, and other light meals rather than a full plate.

For extra services, some that we could put a cost on or not would be, song changes/requests for the public areas, doing a talent show/ singing contest, best costume, and other various forms of fun/entertaining projects.

Shop design/ aesthetic:

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan on having around 4 to 5 people working during one shift, so in total a staff with around 10 to 12 servers in total to walk in, wait, and take orders from the guests. Maybe a few extra if I notice some things are a little too slow or just in case some members have some issues with getting online for work, I don't have any specific people that I want to enroll instantly from the start since I want everyone to have an equal and fair share of getting the job. I also think giving the new players an opportunity to actually get hands on in the server and see how things work is a good approach to take.

Shop owner: [1/1]
The shop owner takes the initiative in making sure the shop in itself is functional and has everything it needs to thrive. While also checking up on the staff making sure everyone is doing their job as efficiently and professionally as possible, making sure the employees have enough training and the shop has enough resources every opening.

Manager: [0/2]
The managers are the helpful hands that can support and assist, not only the shop owner, but also the employees. Doing things from helping the owner open the shop, to keep track of the stock, and employees. Also being a leadership role teaching/ training, the trial employees, and regular employees how to get used to the job, and guide them down the professional path at the workplace. They could also be used as a substitute while the shop owner isn't available.

Employee(bartenders/servers): [0/12-15]
The employees will take care of the customs and the services that will be sold and performed in the restaurant. They will do a wide range of jobs from seating customers, taking orders, serving food and drinks, and making an environment that's welcoming and enjoyable enough to keep our reputation good, and customers coming back.

Trail employee: [0/8-10]
The trial employees will be in charge of learning, asking questions, and proving themselves worthy enough to get accepted as a bartender or server, while working after a certain amount of hours put in with little to none complaints from customers or other works will earn a position as one of the two positions that are available to work in.

Shop Rules:
  1. No Refunds. For any items that are sold, whether food and drinks that have been opened or served, should not be refunded due to health reasons.
  2. Any person and/or group that is/are wearing a mask/s are not to be served or enter unless permitted by a manager or the shop owner beforehand.
  3. Any people and/or groups that are seen with a weapon/s are not allowed to enter the building.
  4. If a person and/or group is/are causing a Disturbance within the shop, they will be asked to settle down before being asked to exit the building.

Employee Rules:
  1. Employees are not allowed to give a discount to any person/group no matter their relationship to or the status of said person/group.
  2. All employees are expected to keep and stay professional while on the job, No matter what situation might take place. Keep your composure, be respectful, and always take responsibility for your actions.
  3. By the end of the shift every employee that has worked and/or sold an item, and logged it, must pay the percent of their sales that is due to either the shop owner (or manager/s if the shop owner is not available) .
3a. If an employee that is working the job wants to purchase an item they must wait until after the shift is over before asking the shop owner or manager for the item/s that they wish to purchase.
  1. For any item/s that are sold each employee must log and complete the order before taking another order. If any item/s are misplaced, stolen, not put back or logged whoever is responsible for could possibly face consequences.
(Any rules set now might be changed/ added onto later on in the future.)


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Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?:


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying but all slots have been filled as of right now. Feel free to re-apply when applications are next open.​

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