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Shop Application

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Level 4
IGN: Rukisadstar
Previous Applications: Mental Illness (Personality Disorder) Application [Accepted] Link:
German Language Application (Fixed Version) [
Accepted] Link:
French Language Application (Fixed Version) [
Accepted] Link:
German Language Application (Unbolded Version) [
Denied] Link:
Stundet Council President Application ( I told Vex to deny it but It's still pending) Link:
My third ban appeal (other two were denied) this one [
Accepted] Link:
Ban Request [
Denied] Link:
College Stundet Application (I dont know If you can read conversations but I'll still link it) [
Denied] Link:

Previous warns/kicks/ban: On my record I have total 3warns
One time was warned by Vex reason: misuse of /me command ( I accidently wrote Failrp in /me that was for looc)

My second warn was by Im6 reason: I did more than one action in /me
I don't remember my first warn by I'm sure I have three
One Kick I have was by Im6 reason:I was going to AFK a bit
And finally I got one ban from Atakka reason:Avoidrp,Mingerunning,RDM

Shop wanted: Shop 6 A.K.A Blockymarts
Why do you want to own a shop?: The reason I want to own a shop is a that i want to experience new role as shop owner and as an adult too and this is perfect chace for me,Cause as I remembered I was playing always Highschooler teenagers role and I want to change that and give my character something new,something more reasonable.
What do you plan with the shop: What I plan with the shop is that first of all before I open it and hire some employees I plan to change the design (If that is possible of course) and when I'm done with the that first thing I'm gonna do is update prices and make everything cheaper because in my opinion some of Blockymarts items were more expensive compared to 11/7 for example when you can get umbrella in 11/7 for 1000 yen blockymarts it was 1750 in my opinion it is unfair to new players who don't have money. and also in my opinion cause of some expensive stuff shop does not get as much popularity as 11/7.
How will your shop be unique: In my ownership I will try to make Blockymarts more active than it was before,I will try choose more experienced and active employees as I can get because I don't want it to be inactive shop cause it has great potential and if you don't use that it will go to waste.Also I have several plans for example changing cashier standing ( sorry I cant spell it) or place design and make it more modern than it is now and also make new storage for the items,cause I think it will be more comfortable to contact to costumers than it is now cause I worked there and it gave me several trouble and one of them is players were using stair (chair) as a seat do get inside cashier area and I have to say it was bit annoying .
How many employees are you planning to have?: I think I will have like 12 employees and these are
6 cashier: So they can work in shift and for shop to be more active
2 security: I'm planning to have 2 secutity and they will have monthly salary
2 cleaners: I will have also 2 cleaners for shop to be more realistic, also to clean shop like 3 or 4 times in every 2 weeks
2 managers: So they can organize and devide work for manageable activitys
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