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Shop Roster - Shop Application


Level 0
Shop wanted: 11/7 - UNOWNED Convenience store

Why do you want to own a shop?: The main reason why I want to own a shop is that I want to be professional and not only help out with myself but to sell good things to other people that may appease them

What do you plan to do with the shop?: My main goals/plans for the shop are selling items that may appease people into buying... Such as Food or Books or anything that may help the shop out by a lot. I need to mainly focus on the setup of the shop because it must be professional and not messy because the layout is messy, then people will not go to my shop

How will your shop be unique?: If I get ownership of my selected shop, I will have to be responsible and make it easy to find stuff for people and help people out which will make the shop unique to others

How many employees are you planning to have?: When the shop is all sorted out, about a few weeks in, ill probably do it my self but if it gets difficult I Would need about 4 Employees.


Level 192
Thank you for applying!

  • After reviewing your application, I have decided to deny this.
  • You did not mention your ingame name.
  • Your application lacks effort and details.

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