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| Shrine Application |


Level 2


My IGN is BASQIAT (Alt : tensya ).

My username on Discord is erehn#9999 ( My tag is liable to change, however, I will update my application when and if the time comes ).

Do you have a microphone and would you be able to joins discord calls when needed?:
Yes, I do, in fact, have a working microphone and I will be more than happy to join any calls necessary!

Do you plan to be present for our events and everyday activities?:

Of course! I'm fairly active within the SRP / RPH community, so I'll be able to make it to any coordinated event planned. Even if I can't make it, I will still give notice that I won't be active at the given time and afterwards, I will try my best to make up for it if need be.

Are you prepared to learn about Shintoisme?:
100%! Shintoïsme in itself is already incredibly interesting to me, so once I found about there being an actual role for it within SRP, I thought "What better?" I'd love nothing more than to increase my knowledge on Shintoïsme as well as having lots and lots of fun roleplaying as a priestess or whatever role / title I am given. To quickly sum up everything that has been stated thus far, yes, I am more than prepared to learn about Shintoïsme.

What do you know of Shintoisme?:
From my knowledge, Shinto, or Shintoïsme, is a sacred religion, which originated in Japan. Classified as an East Asian religion by scholars of religion, its practitioners often regard it as "Japan's indigenous religion" and as a nature religion. Scholars sometimes call its practitioners Shintoists, although adherents rarely use that term themselves.
In Shintoïsme, there are several roles filled by both man and woman ( Please keep in mind that the following list excludes the roles MITSUE-SHIRO, SHISHO and NAISHOTEN simply due to the fact that I could not find any information about these 3 roles, nor have I ever heard of them when studying Shinto ).

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

[ Shintoïsme Priests ]


A Kannushi, also called Shinsoku, is a person responsible for the maintenance of a Shinto shrine as well as for leading worship of a given kami. The characters for Kannushi are sometimes also read as Jinshu with the same meaning.

Guji is a job grade for Shinto priests, who manage all other Shinto priests as well as Miko / shrine maidens

In Japan, Shinkan are people who serve a certain God or work as government officials at a facility where that God is worshipped. Currently, there are no Shinkan in Japan.

[ Shintoïsme Maidens ]

In Shinto, a Miko is a shrine maiden or a supplementary priestess. Miko were once likely seen as shamans but are understood in modern Japanese culture to be an institutionalized role in daily shrine life, trained to perform tasks, ranging from sacred cleansing to performing the sacred Kagura dance.

Itako, also known as Ichiko or Ogamisama, are blind women who train to become spiritual mediums in Japan. Training involves severe ascetic practices, after which the woman is said to be able to communicate with Japanese Shinto spirits, kami, and the spirits of the dead.

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

What are you applying for?:
I am applying for the role of Miko / Shrine Maiden

Why are you applying for this role?:
I'm applying for this role mainly because I think religion based RP is very interesting. I've been studying and researching Shinto / Shintoïsme for the past few months now and I've come to find out that I genuinely like the practice of Shinto. I've always been interested in religion based RPs, so coming onto SRP and seeing Miko and Itako roaming the map was a very blissful sight. I love how welcoming the shrine maiden are and I would love nothing more than to work alongside them. Along with ReligionRP, the concept of working as a shaman and / or priest / priestess is a very exciting thing to hear about. Currently, I have been contemplating whether I should apply or not because I know very little of how working for the Monastery actually is. With this in mind, if I am to be hired by the Monastery, I will continue to work very hard to prove myself to anyone that doubts me. The main role I am applying for is Miko, but if I am given other roles, such as Itako, are to be given to me, I will work that role to the best of my ability!

Do you understand that you may be removed if you break our rule or server rules?:
As with any title / role on SRP, I understand that there will be consequences behind my actions if I am to rule break. I don't plan on breaking any rules and even now, I'm currently clean of all warnings. I am trying to continue to expand my play time on SRP and overall, Shintoïsme is something I am very interested in as a roleplayer.

What are your expectations from the shrine?:
My genuine expectations from the shrine would be to provide a work environment in which I can contribute to the team, I receive minimal appreciation for my contributions, I have a role that is stable and that I can actually manage and use to the best of my abilities and the ability to continue growing my overall knowledge on the religion in itself.


What is your character’s name?:
My character would be named Zen'in, Ruka [瑠夏 ] Meaning both bright blue flower as well as Summer.

What is your age?:
I am currently 28 years old.

Why are you applying to work at this monastery?:
I am currently applying to work at the monastery because I would like to give back to the religion. For years now, I have been studying and watching the works of Kami. The practice of Shinto is a very interesting topic where I am from and along with this, I would like to follow in my mother's footsteps as a Miko. Shinto priests and priestess are very beautiful and welcoming individuals. Some, including myself, may say they're walking angels. I would love nothing more than to be able to walk amongst them as a peer. If I am given the title of Miko, I will work as hard as possible and give my all to the shrine.

Do you plan to be devoted?:
Naturally, I plan to devote the rest of my natural born life to Shintoïsme. Even in death, I will follow the Kami for the rest of eternity.

What is your background? (Backstory.):
I was born in Shirakawa, Japan to my beautiful mother, Zen'in, Aiko. Being born into the Zen'in clan, I was surrounded by worship of Kami through Shintoïsme. A lot of people within my bloodline, as well as my mother, practiced Shinto as their religion. In short, I grew up within our monastery; learning about Shintoïsme from an extremely young age. Through the teachings of Shintoïsme, I have always kept the religion close to my heart and valued it more than anything. My mother was a very religious person. Following her being religious, she was also kind. Even to the most unfortunate and troubled souls, she was still kind and treated everyone from all walks of life as she would want to be treated; respectfully. In my eyes, my mother was truly an angel. Naturally, I worked alongside my mother; assisting her with tasks if needed. As she continued to grow older, she wasn't able to complete tasks as much as she wished and eventually left the monastery as a Miko. Entrusting her legacy onto me, she wanted me to go on living my life and experiencing life as it should be experienced. However, I wanted nothing more than to follow in her footsteps. My mother was a gentle soul before she passed, leaving everything she could to me. After her passing, I left our village and travelled to Karakura, Japan. Even now, the story continues as I resume chasing my passion in my mother's embrace.

Write a letter to the shrine lead:

Dear Shrine Lead,

I pray that this letters finds its way to you well and I wish for you to know that I am writing you in hopes of good health. My name is Ruka Zen'in. Alongside the wishes of good health, I am writing this letter in hopes to reach out to you and the monastery about open Miko positions. I would like to ask you for your approval in me working for the monastery.

The reasons behind me applying are because my mother was a Miko at a shrine in our home town of Shirakawa, Japan. I loved watching her educate the youth about Shintoïsme as well as help those who have lost their way find newer purposes in life. I'd love nothing more than to continue in my mother's footsteps and serve under you as a Miko.
With Appreciation,
Ruka Zen'in



How do you cleanse before entering the shrine?:
In order to cleanse or purify yourself before entering a shrine, you would pick up a wooden dipper whilst scooping up some water. Keep in mind, it's mandatory that you use your right hand to pick up the dipper! With the water dipper in your right hand, you would wash your left hand using the water. Keep in mind that you should try and pour the water slowly to keep it from splashing too much. Also, do not touch your purified left hand with your right since it isn't purified yet. After washing your right hand, you'd then wash your left. After cleansing both your hands, you'd switch the dipper into your right hand, using your left hand, rinsing out your mouth with the water as well! After rinsing your mouth, spit the water out onto the rocks below the basin and be sure NOT to spit on the basin itself! After spitting the water out, wash off the handle of the dipper. It is important that you clean the handle of the dipper for the next person. After cleaning the dipper, leave the dipper on the basin scoop side down. It is important to follow the etiquette wherever and whenever you're entering a shrine and / or temple.

How do you pray to a Kami?:
Beginning your prayer, greet the Kami by lowering your head two times. Bend slowly and deliberately from the waist at a 90-degree angle, keeping your back straight. After bowing your head, you would clap twice to show your appreciation towards the Kami. Your hands should be raised about chest high and should open to about shoulder-width apart as you clap.

How do you enter shrine grounds?:
Just before entering the torii gate for the shrine ground, bow your head once as a sign of respect. By doing this, you are greeting the guardian deities of the shrine, requesting permission to enter. After entering the torii and heading towards the main shrine, be sure not to walk in the middle of the path, which is reserved for the guardian deities.

How would you proceed with a ritual to offer the kami offerings?:
Most people offer things to the Kami, such as vegetables, bowls of rice and Japanese sake. Upon approaching the shrine, you'd place your offering and begin praying to the Kami. After finishing, you'd remove the offerings.

Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoisme, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?:
I would explain to them the ideologies of Shintoïsme and its main focuses; thoroughly explaining what the religion is about and how different roles within the monastery perform their tasks. Along with this, I'd explain to them the importance of cleansing one's self before entering the shrine, as well as how to make offerings to Kami.

Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?:
I would explain to them the process of receiving a rite of passage for the child, requesting that they bring their child back to the shrine after a month ( I believe that it's 31 days for a boy and 33 days for a girl ), then wishing their child a peaceful life filled with prosperity.

You notice a ritual has not been done. What do you do?:
Upon noticing an incomplete ritual, I would approach the individual who hasn't completed it and inform them on any and all things they may have done incorrectly in a polite way. Along with correcting them, I'd show them how to go about performing their ritual next time as well as where to go and what to do afterward.
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Level 63
Your Application is Accepted!

Please contact me on discord for more information on what will go on next at Lovely#0101!

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