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Shrine Application


Level 1
Minecwafts2 (Still sorting it out)


Do you have a microphone and would you be able to joins discord calls when needed?:
I do, and I can join a call whenever I'm asked to! Just dm me or ping me any time.

Do you plan to be present for our events and everyday activities?:

I do, I can separate times to be on both of my accounts but I plan to be on this one a lot more if my application is to be accepted.

Are you prepared to learn about Shintoisme?
I am, Shinto is something I'm already familiar with a bit. I've done research into it because I'm trying to learn how to speak Japanese and I've always found the story of japan really interesting, so it's something I already find highly interesting and I hope I can get accepted into this, to learn more!

What do you know of Shintoisme?:
For starters; I know it's a religion in japan and to add on it's the belief that everybody is good and the only evil is caused by evil spirits, not the person themselves. Shinto is a very praised religion all across East Asia, but mainly in Japan where it is a lot more common to see shrines and such in that area. They don't really believe in a god per se but more of something that inhabits all living animals.

What are you applying for?:
Shrine Priest

Why are you applying for this role?:
Well, mainly because Kannushi or a Priest are known as well respected men in the Shintoisme religion, knowing a good amount about the religion, and I'm also just very interested in religions IRL myself. I like to read lore of places and now, the server! I find the lore of religions on this server very interesting, and since I know some about this I thought I'd try applying for it

Do you understand that you may be removed if you break our rule or server rules?:

I fully understand this, but I do not plan to break any rules of any type.

What are your expectations from the shrine?:
To be professional ICLY, and everyone to know the same amount about this religion if not MORE than what I know. I want to be able to learn from others around me, but also to be able to teach others around me. I also would like a sense of REALISM from the shrine so it's as fun as possible for everyone, and just for roleplay's sake.


What is your character’s name?:
Kitaro Kurokawa

What is your age?:

Why are you applying to work at this monastery?:
My father was a Kannushi back in Takayama, A relatively small town in Japan but he was a very respected man. Loved by all and deep into the religion of Shinto. My father died during a harae/purification or in other religions, an exorcism. They say it was because of a heart attack but another shrine staff believes it was another reason. Eitherway, My father always wanted me to grow up and be a Kannushi just like him, considering I've been interested in this religion since I was a kid.

Do you plan to be devoted?:

I do.

What is your background? (Backstory.):
Kitaro was born in a small town, known as Takayama. His family has always been into the shinto religion and so has he. His father was a priest and his mother was a Shrine maiden, having Kitaro when they were both in their 20s. He grew up in Takayama learning all about the religion always saying he wanted to grow up and be like his father, so that's what he planned to do. By the age of 10, he was going to the shrine with his father every day learning about the religion whilst watching his father. Every time they would pray, he would pray with them. Every time they would go to eat, Kitaro would also go and eat with them. On his fifteenth birthday, his father was performing an exorcism and died on the scene. . . (like stated above). His mother, not being able to handle the death decided to move away from the town moving to karakura. He lived in karakura up until now, this is where his new story starts.

Write a letter to the shrine lead:

Dear Shinshoku,

I am sending this letter to you regarding my application to work at your shrine here in karakura, the Shinsei Seinaru Monastery. I have grown interested in this little town and the religions that take place here, especially Shinto considering I have grown up around it my whole life. I think I'm fit for the position of priest; so I have been studying extra hard about this religion ever since I was young. I'm very motivated to join the team here, and I admire most people in this religion, especially the people at this shrine in our little town.

Kitaro Kurokawa



How do you cleanse before entering the shrine?:
First, bow once facing the main hall before entering the shrine gate, or “TORII”. Then you start by purifying yourself; taking the ladle in your RIGHT hand and scooping a cup full of water. Be sure to use one fifth of the water to wash each hand. Then, after you are finished washing your hands place the ladle back so that the cup is facing FORWARD, then you may enter.

How do you pray to a Kami?:
You must first put your money into the offering box, then you must bow twice after putting your offering into the box. afterwards; to pray you should clap your hands twice. After you do this, you are able to start praying, and you must do it silently. Kami does not require speaking; after you are done praying you should bow once more, then take your leave.

How do you enter shrine grounds?:

(Like I stated for cleansing) Bow once facing the main entrance called the Torii, paying your respects then you are allowed to enter. This is a way to great the spirits, and show you mean no harm before entering their realm.

How would you proceed with a ritual to offer the kami offerings?:
You must bring an offering, preferably food, but it CANNOT be meat. Anything else is fine considering Shinto is a very friendly religion, so meat is NOT something you can bring as an offering. Then you can start your ritual!

Someone comes to the shrine and asks for information about Shintoisme, what can you respond to them with using your own knowledge about the religion?:

Firstly you should inform them that you must be respectful on these grounds, I would tell them how to enter the shrine; also informing them that anything sexual on shrine grounds is NOT allowed. Then, I would tell them the RULES of the shrine and how to pray when you would like to, and I would explain what the offering you should bring are.

Someone wishes to receive a rite of passage for their child, how do you proceed?:
The ritual takes place on the thirty-second day after birth for a boy and the thirty-third day for a girl, the time and gender has to be very perfect, It can not be a day less or a day over to perform this rite of passage. But in the case that it IS, they can wait and allow the children to worship themselves.

You notice a ritual as not been done. What do you do?:
Firstly I would alert the Shinshoku, THEN I would do it myself, understanding how important these rituals are I would take it into my own hands to do it and be accountable for whatever happens after or when it takes place. Failing to do a ritual is very disrespectful and should always be done no matter what the circumstances.

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Level 63
Your Application is Accepted!

Please contact me on discord for more information on what will go on next at Lovely#0101!

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