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Shrine Maiden Application | TeriyakiSauce__


Level 4

IGN (In-Game Name):

Applying: TeriyakiSauce__
Main: HawtSauce__

What is your discord username?:

What is your time zone?:

Describe your activity on the server:

My activity on SRP is fairly consistent. While I was on the college swim team I was always responsible enough to alert my captain when I could or couldn't make practice. I have often requested breaks or taken time to myself due to school work or important holiday events but they are never longer than two weeks and I will always be sure to log my inactivity if I believe I can not make quota for the month. Between both of my accounts I am more active on my main account but, like most, I am looking for something to participate in using my alt account so I can work to become a more avid SRP player. The character I am applying on was previously shelved due to in character circumstances but I believe being an active member of the Shinto faith will provide her with both something to work on and something to strive to dedicate herself to. I want nothing more than to further her character development and rejuvenate her as a person because she deserves her true happy ending!

List your current roles on the server:
(Main) Hawtsauce__ [College]
(Applying Acc) TeriyakiSauce__ [Highschool]

Link any previous applications:
I have only applied for Languages.
Italian application
JSL application

What position are you applying for (Maiden or Priest)?:
I am applying for one of the Maiden positions.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivation for applying is to meet new people and to have a new perspective on roleplay. As someone who has read through the server and shrine lore and thoroughly enjoyed it I’d like to make an attempt to not only continue it moving forward but to also be a helping hand in the lore's development. Being an Ex-College swim member I have been wanting to explore more aspects of roleplay beyond the school faction in an attempt to further embrace the city of Karakura as a whole as well as the Shinto faith. There are so many ways exploring the world of Shinto through the shrine faction could both change and rejuvenate my character I couldn't help but push myself to apply.

What do you currently know about Shintoism? Are you willing to learn more about it?:

I thought it would be good to know the ideals of the Shinto faith before beginning this application and believe I have gotten the hang of the basic concepts. The Shinto faith is the promotion of purity and good nature, being kind to others as they should be to you. I also note that SRP is lenient on some of the fundamental rules of Shinto faith including the no hair dye, tattoos, or relationships allowed as part of Shinto faith.
The Shinto faith study’s prayer to Kami, who they envision as gods. I have also prepared a key bind to bow for respect at the tori gates as I have a character that already frequents the shrine. I have also learned how to pray properly to the kami and wish them well in tribute. I wish to learn so much more including how to perform tea ceremonies, and about how the Kami came to be.


Character Full Name:

Fae Smirnova

Character Title:
Ms. Fae
Ms. Smirnova

Character Age:

Character Marital Status:
Married... but currently separated. She and her husband have a child around the age of two.

Character Nationality:

Degree/Certifications (If applicable):
Bachelors in Studio Art and Culinary degree

October twenty-first, 3:29 AM. Though it was a normal, bleary, snowy day for anyone else, for Lilia and Alexei Smirnova, it marked the start of a new story. A turning of the page, as their firstborn daughter was delivered into the world with nothing but grace and beauty. A screaming bundle of joy named Faina Smirnova had turned their world upside down from the day of conception, and after months of waiting, morning sickness, and back pain, she was finally here. However, something about this joyous occasion seemed to turn grim as weeks passed, and the stress of having a newborn fully kicked in for the couple. Colic was the downward spiral, as for hours, Faina would cry and cry with no real pause or workable solution. The couple took her to the doctor, though with the thought that it was nothing more than a phase. They went home with their heads in their hands. For weeks they ran off no sleep and coffee, but the late nights made both parties crabby. A simple, wrongful glance would turn into an all-out screaming match over who had last changed or held the baby. Building off the stress, it would escalate into one or the other storming out of the house in a blind rage. Though, with every dark sky, there is a brighter tomorrow, right? Months passed, and eventually, Faina seemed to settle into her routine sleeping schedule, and all Lilia and Alexei could do was thank the gods that she was finally sleeping regularly.
Nearly a month of perfect sleep passed before Lilia began experiencing waves of morning sickness. She dreaded the cause, and when the pregnancy test came out positive, she wept into her hands. Their living situation already had them on edge, and with another surprise baby on the way, Lilia dreaded what another baby would do to their already bending and breaking relationship. Through all odds, Lilith Smirnova was brought into the world eight months later, and already, views on this baby had adjusted.
The screaming and crying never seemed to end, and just as they would get one baby to sleep, the other would seamlessly begin to cry and sob. It was driving the couple to the brink, and with finances running short, stress dragged like an anchor on the floor of their one-bedroom apartment. Shouting matches seemed to drown out the screams of their crying infants, and as time passed and the babies settled down, the anger and yelling never seemed to cease. Whether nothing more than a coping mechanism or outright hate for one another, it was apparent that the couple's relationship had grown toxic, and resentment had blossomed in their hearts. On Faina’s sixth birthday, the fighting seemed to cease, as Lila had just about enough, slapping Alexei in the face with divorce papers. A fierce battle was fought in court over who would take the girls, and though neither one could assume irreparable responsibility nor abuse, it was decided that Alexei would take the children during the week while Lila had them on weekends. For a while, that stalemate worked out. But as all great things come, they must eventually go. Alexei soon threw himself into the bottle. Countless nights were spent wasted on the couch, covered in his own vomit, while his girls lay asleep in their beds. This wasn’t what he had envisioned for his life, not in the slightest, and he could only hope that Lila was thinking the same. Once high school sweethearts turned bitter lovers was a hard sell, and in no way could their relationship ever be fixed. Hell, she had already moved on with another man...
The hard truth slowly turned into resentment for the girls he had fought so hard to keep within arm's reach. He found himself thinking about the cause of their fighting, and it had always been about the kids, but if the kids were never there, then... He could only sit and ponder about what could have been over a bottle of vodka and pretzels.
Though, as he waited, he watched as his daughters grew before his very eyes. It was as if he was stuck in time, and the world around him continued to spin out of his control. It wasn’t until both girls began causing trouble in school that he realized exactly what he had done. Though he kept a roof over their heads, he couldn’t keep track of his own daughters. They had grown before his very eyes, and he didn’t know a thing about them. He was too wound up in the past, and time slipped away from him.
Faina had gotten her first job at the young age of fifteen and had been saving up small amounts from each paycheck for the very day when she turned eighteen. Though it was no surprise to her father, on her very last birthday, she used all her saved money to book a flight to Karakura, Japan. He dreaded seeing her go, but he knew there was nothing he could do to stop her. She was just like her mother, after all…
Fae would never forget the look in her father’s eyes the day she left for Karakura. A mixture of guilt, sorrow, and desperation swirled in his irises. It hurt to see him like that, but at the very same time, she didn’t shed a single tear. Wrapping her father in a hug, she ensured him that she would eventually be back to visit, but it was time for her to find out who she really was inside. Leaving Lilith was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do. She held her younger sister's hand all the way to her flight gate and nearly sobbed as she walked onto the plane.
When she landed in Karakura, she already seemed to feel a bit better about the transfer. Something about the city simply called out to her, and as she walked the halls of her new school, she could do nothing but smile and wave. She could be herself here, even if she hadn’t quite figured out who that was yet. On her first encounter with her first and soon-to-be best friend, Nyx Helvete, she was referred to as “Fae Fae,” a supposed nickname created from the first syllable of her name. It quickly caught on, and the next time someone referred to Faina as her name, she seemed to correct them. She had figured out who she was, and if not Faina, she was Fae. Though her battles weren’t yet over, as not everything that glitters can be gold. Fae’s addiction was still prominent, and it was the very last thing to push her back into her old life. Though it was hard, she was eventually able to kick the nonsensical habit.
By the age of twenty, that addiction had been turned into something else. It was no longer prescriptions but instead, love... lover after lover, heartbreak after heartbreak. She contemplated giving up on love altogether, but it was through Matteo Santarossa she believed she had met her match. After six months of dating, Matteo stood box in hand in front of Fae and lowered himself onto one knee. He proposed to her, and Fae could do nothing but cry and leap into his arms. She had never been so happy, and her emotions only continued to explode when she found out she was pregnant. Emotions were running wild, but from the beginning, she felt nothing but love for her husband and soon-to-be baby boy. When Arseny was born, she enveloped herself in his presence, never being apart from him for too long. She promised herself she would never be like her father. She was going to love her kid to the nines, and it was because of Arseny that she began practicing the Shinto faith. She needed something other than Matteo and herself to protect her son, and as months passed, she found faith at the monastery. Going to the shrine for faith and guidance, she would leave feeling better about life’s situations.
When Matteo became unusually absent, Fae became rather concerned. She knew he was busy with work, but his work should never come before the care of his son. When Matteo left for yet another work trip, Fae left for Russia without uttering a word to him about it. Going to stay with her father, she allowed him to meet and connect with Arson before heading back to Karakura to reunite with her beloved husband. But what she returned to was certainly not what she expected.
Rumors had floated from ear to ear, and when met with her best friend Mist Helvete, she soon learned that Matteo had cheated on her. Clutching her baby boy in her arms, she wept into Mist before consoling herself and taking both Mist and baby Arseny to the Monastery to pray. Pulling herself together, she called Matteo and told him that they were OVER—done... through. She could never be with a man who had the willingness to cheat when he had so much to lose. Not only that, but she strived to ensure Arseny would never be subjected to the hard lifestyle she was raised in.
Fae could never say leaving Matteo wasn’t hard, but she was a strong girl with strong moral ground to stand on, and for her son, she would push heaven and earth. From that day, she would continue to revisit the shrine, only to continue keeping herself pure for her son. She wanted Arseny to grow up in a home fit for a child, and the shrine never failed to leave her feeling whole.


How does your character act around shrine grounds? How do they interact with guests and other staff?:

Fae is very respectful of the shrine and the people around her. She treats the other staff and guests with the same kindness and respect that she would want. While off shrine grounds, she remains respectful to those around her, whether it be students, professors/teachers, or a random passerby on the street. She is especially kind to animals, even having gained respect from bears within the forest. She has a few close friends that can vouch for her. Fae avoids conflict when she can, but if she does end up in a heated situation, she is usually able to diffuse it rather easily.

You see a guest jumping around the roofs of the building and overall disrespecting shrine grounds, how would your character handle it?:
She would, of course, tell the guest to get down and tell them not to do it again, giving them a warning. Fae may use the opportunity to teach the offending guest the reason they must respect the shrine and everything on the shrine grounds. If she catches them a second time she would kindly request that they leave the area, though let them know that they are always welcome back when they feel less obliged to disrespect the shrine.

Why does your character want to become a shrine maiden/priest?:
Fae has always struggled with her self-identity and finding community. This led her down a path of addictions and self-destructive behavior. She then learned about Shintoism when she dated a Maiden and eventually decided she wanted to make a change. To turn her life around. She hopes to be able to inspire others and feel a closer connection to her past love. This position would be her last grasp at a better sense of community and life, leaving all of her troubles behind, or so she hoped.​
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Level 49
Shrine Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply but unfortunately we have chosen to deny your application as others stood out more.

You are free to apply again in the future!

If you have any questions please DM me on discord via randomlyaccepted.​

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