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My in-game name is StaticReality.

List any applications that you have created on the forums:

Describe your activity on the server:

I always revolve around Schoolrp in all sorts of ways in my freetime. It can range from playing SchoolRp or being active in the SchoolRp servers. I keep SchoolRp in my life, even though OOCLY I work, but I maintain the Sinnerous discord server on my breaks, while interacting with other gangs OOCLY. Now covering ICLY activity, I’m always in a Roleplay situation and creating new branches to Roleplay, pushing past the dull imagination and pushing for a creative and colorful Roleplay. If I’m not Roleplaying, then I’m enacting on permissions, and other sorts of criminal activities.

Additionally, if I would to put my activity to a scale, the most accurate response would certainly be a rating of 9/10.

Specify your Discord name:

My Discord Username is not_static

Specify the link to your gang's Discord:

Sinnerous! Brand new theme is being introduced! Something that has been neglected in gangRP for a while is creativity.. Everyone keeps making very serious gangs with intense origins and strong upbringings neglecting the creative areas. Sinnerous is not only a gang ran by teens but it also has a specific fashion sense being introduced. Y2K Is what its going to be known for, not a specific attire but in general the scene they will build around it.

Thats not all developing around this Y2K idea. We will also primarily be doing other things, roleplay with other gangs big or small is a part of the new approach here in Sinnerous. We will be hosting multiple different events for gangs to participate but also for the public to participate, Things that have never been done before will be done here. We will also be introducing a brand new creative team to help bring our ideas to life because truth is the more minds the better.

StaticReality + 0k_1N

Specify the number of members currently in your gang:

As of now we have 35/35. The max capacity for a gang to carry. So as of now, we are full at the time making this application. These members were picked to represent SINNEROUS due to their skill and utmost loyalty to the said gang. Each member has an unique set of talents that benefit the gang in its own way.

Specify one (1) idea for an event your gang would do:



This operation will involve Sinnerous spray painting the 7/11 behind the school, marking what's theirs. We came up with this idea because Sinnerous ICLY is run by delinquent kids who want to spread a message. Another reason why we came to this conclusion is because our general theme is graffiti, marking juvenile behavior. Why is this event unique? I’ll tell you why. It’s unique because a lot of other gang events are all violent involving high risking crimes. But that's not us, we want to do something to represent Sinnerous and something Sinnerous would do Icly, marking the image of Sinnerous in civilians and rival gang members minds.


[ 一 ]
Sinnerous would meet up at the location 7/11. They would all carry spray paint with them, with mischief intent in they’re minds. While they were chilling, awaiting the night to arrive, they occupied their time doing other delinquent activities.

[ 二 ]
While night was starting to take its form, Sinnerous knew it was almost time to get to work. They all would re-group, discussing the plan once again. “Let’s spray this place pink, let them all know our name. Alright, let’s get to work, boys.”

[ 三 ]
Sinnerous would then spend the night painting the 7/11 pink with unique and creative images, representing Sinnerous. Before the night had fallen, the entire 7/11 and the back was all spray painted to match Sinnerous and their beliefs.


This event would be perfect for Sinnerous and their motives would align with the event as well. I hope you like the event idea and I hope to hear your input on it!

What is the name of your gang?:


What are the themes/morals/beliefs/motives of your gang?:

Sinnerous OOCLY is known to be a massive gang in SchoolRp, being classified as a delinquent street gang. We have experimented with projects that wouldn’t be classified as CriminalRp but managed to make it Gang Affiliated. For example, Sinnerous tends to follow fashion trends, liking to be flashy and bright. So, we made a tailoring server due to the fact it revolves around fashion, this server is called Thrift Shop. We’re always working to the best abilities and experimenting with everything possible ICLY and OOCLY. We are very committed to hosting events and making this the most fun gang experience possible. Our theme is graffiti based, making everything flashy and colorful, with the motives to represent Sinnerous and fight for what they believe in is right to them. With that being said, we wanted to input a system that only ICLY teenagers can join, leaving no adult in sight. This is because the leader is a kid that came from a bad background, and he wants to help other kids find hope, just like he did.

[ ! ] You would be at the 7/11, applying gas into your motor vehicle, when you suddenly hear a scream coming in the direction behind the 7/11. You would creep carefully, making sure to not make a sound. Once you made it to the opening, you would slowly creep your eye to see tons of people dressed in pink attires carving a “S” into a male's arm. You gasped, trying to turn away, out of mind and out of sight. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. A man dressed in the similar pink attires pushed you, forcing yourself to reveal yourself to the countless people behind 7/11. In a swift motion, they ran and grabbed you, dragging you further inside, out of the public view [ ! ]

COSMIC - “Well, look what we have here! A rat… We don’t take too kindly to rats around here. So what do you think you were doing around here, hm? SH! Don’t even answer that question because I already know. You were certainly about to run away and call the cops, weren't you?

VICTIM - “Please… I wasn't going to say anything… I swear!

COSMIC - “Oi, will you shut up already? We both know that's a lie and you should know honesty takes you a long way in life. So, know we got to teach you a lesson! Yo, get the knife… We got some carving to do.”

VICTIM - [ ! ] Just sat there, quite, accepting his fate [ ! ]

[ ! ]
Cosmic would then grab the knife, holding with such a firm grasp, aiming the sharp end directly towards the male’s left arm. He’d grin, clearly enjoying this interaction. He’d then leaned forward, slowly bringing the sharp end of the knife into his arm, cutting into the skin. He would begin to work his magic, carving the famous Sinnerous “S” into the male’s left arm. Cosmic would then take out a piece of paper ball out of his hoodie and then stuff it into the male’s mouth [ ! ]

COSMIC - “Take that to the police, will ya?”

[ ! ] The male would nod, quickly getting up and running away to the Police Station. The police will take the paper ball, turning the paper back into its former glory. The police would read the paper, stating this gang called Sinnerous [ ! ]

What differs your gang from the rest of the unverified gang roster and other applicants?:

Sinnerous is different compared to other gangs present and past. For example, Sinnerous isn’t some mysterious gang hiding in the shadows. They are bright and want to get their name out instead of hiding away. Sinnerous is also a delinquent street gang, meaning that they run operations unmasked and rely on their fists majority of the time when it comes to gang brawls. In my time of playing, I’ve never seen a gang input the graffiti style into they’re gang like how Sinnerous managed to do so. Another interesting quality is that this gang was made in Karakura, formed and ran.

Under the following the unique traits Sinnerous has to offer!

The first reason Sinnerous is different, We have want to cover all aspects of crime rp, delinquent rp, and street values. This goes from racing to reeking havoc in Karakura, to fight club and bmd lore. We want to be the most diverse organization out there. We as a team understand that a lot of crime rp is neglected, at certain times like racing, or even actually interacting with bmd and kpd as criminals. We want to cover all aspects while maintaining our own morals for reaching out to all branches.

Sinnerous has a lot of ideas, events and potential. Our lore is already planned along with what we want to accomplish as a community and an ICLY organization. We and only a selected few are one of the only current gangs that have accepted and trained people who have never even known the rules to combat rp. We have trained them and are still training them on strict rules and motives on a Non-Toxic path. This is important to introduce new players to an experience that is initially hard to learn and understand without the help of a veteran. We are committed to that help.

Sinnerous Biggest Enforced Rule is not to be toxic, we are keen on having a different reputation then other gangs in the past, Not only is it enforced but it is taught from the beginning, most of our new players are told immediately how to respond and react to someone saying something outrageous or saying something out of pocket. This is to not engage and to not retaliate back. Along with being forbidden to take things OOCLY unless rules are broken, or someone needs help with questions. We also heavily encourage taking problems up to staff if unable to be dealt with properly.

Sinnerous is up for anything, we enjoy having a variety of events! We don't just want all brawls, we want deep lore throughout our events and we need staff's help with this. All of us know there are sacrifices for events and we understand that we will have to make sacrifices to even the playing fields. We want to make it to the top and we understand it's a long ride of learning throughout all of our members.

Sinnerous is willing to change and overcome challenges we face as a community and as an organization. We want to change crime rp and make an impact and a good one at that. Most of us have been playing for awhile, and have seen huge gangs crumble and also rise. We are a team willing to work for our cause and fight for it. We want it more than everyone else.

What reputation does the gang uphold in-character at the moment? Where are they most actively present?:

Sinnerous is definitely known ICLY in the Karakura city. We tend to do everything out in the open, being able to see by the public eye. Sinnerous members are not secret to their identity due to the simple fact we do everything without a mask, revealing our face to the opposing side when doing a brawl or any criminal activity that's gang related. Another factor is that we tend to spray the gang name everywhere, aligning our motive to get the gang name everywhere and well known ICLY. We are more active behind the school 7/11, due to the fact Sinnerous has called it home and marked it as theirs. In simple terms, Sinnerous is a street gang that doesn’t care about what they do or who knows them, as long as they are representing something they believe in, they are willing to fight to the end, win or lose.

Write a paragraph describing your gang and showcasing what they are capable of: (This is for the unverified gang roster. This section must have under or a maximum of 250 words and cannot go over this number; otherwise, your application will be denied)

Sinnerous is a delinquent street organization, actively doing anything in they’re power to get their name known and feared. Sinnerous is a very fashionable gang that heavily focuses on bright and colorful attire and outfits to wear during they’re mischief. This organization is run by juveniles that came from horrible backgrounds that are still partaking in education. These juveniles come and join Sinnerous due to the fact they see it as a home and a family to find comfort within. Sinnerous is led by a man that came from a horrible background and wanted to step in the darkest areas to help the unfortunate juveniles to find hope. Sinnerous has turned street gangs to a whole new era, forcing other street gangs to adapt and retaliate. This organization takes what they believe belongs to them, and are willing to take it by force. Remember, don’t mess with Sinnerous!Untitled52_20240812201753 (1).png
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Level 204
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Welcome to the UVG roster. DM me on discord so we can set things up.

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