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SirLump's 2nd Lawyer Application


Level 8

In-game Name:

Discord Tag:

Do you have a working microphone?:
I do, and I am comfortable talking in a voice call if needed.

Timezone & Country:
CST (GMT -5), United States of America

Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Describe your activity on the server:
I would describe myself as a very active player on the server, if I had to put it to scale I would place me at an 8/10. I started playing in July of 2023 and I have been on the server consistently since then. I will attach a chart below that shows when I am free and I am able to log on the server when I have school (I'm on fall break as I am writing this.) But to sum it up, I would say I am online for around 2-12 hours each day. I would say I have a good understanding on how the server works, from the specifics of all the different types of roleplay to the rules of the server.

2:30 PM - 10:00 PM
1:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM -10:00 PM
2:30 PM - 2:00 AM
11:00 AM - 2:00 AM
11:00 AM - 1:30 AM
11:00 AM - 10:00 PM

Playtime as of writing this application:


What position are you applying for?:

I am applying for the lawyer position.

What is your motivation for applying?:
I have a few reasons as to why I want to apply for this role. The first being that this is a genuine interest of mine in my personal life. I have always been fascinated by the profession, and since I last applied, my interest in the job has only grown. My family has had a few people who have worked as a lawyer, and I found that I was always interested when they talked about their daily life and how the inner workings of their job worked. For a few years I have found myself thinking more and more about going to college myself and pursuing the job. Focusing more on SRP, I have always been interested in the government faction. Although I still enjoy the variety of roleplay that the server offers, I have always wondered what it would be like to join the government faction. I have experienced a few different types of roleplay on the server, the first of these being joining the High School Council last September, which I enjoyed very much. It was a fun experience to learn more about how the school worked, but eventually I found myself being bored during the times outside of school. After I joined the council, I found myself being thrown into the world of GangRP, and while I enjoyed the thrill of the chase and all the experiences that GangRP had, I found that it was a little bit lacking in terms of roleplay, and while I tried my best to roleplay with others more, I found it rare to have an experience which balanced out the permissions system and roleplay. Seven months ago I applied for the lawyer position, which I was accepted into. In the 40 minutes after I found out that my application was accepted, I was very excited that I finally had the chance to become part of a government faction. Sadly, I was banned the same day I was accepted, which left me wondering what the experience would have been like if I had not been banned. After I returned to the server, I still had my eye on the faction. I was still looking for a chance to join the faction and now seemed to be a better time than ever. To sum it all up, I am applying in hopes to have a new roleplay experience with other people who have the same interests that I do, as well as try and make others have a better roleplay experience.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
Yes, I have read both the Constitution of Karakura and the laws of Karakura and have reviewed them often throughout my time on the server.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I have a couple of goals for both me and the character that I am applying with. I have always enjoyed meeting new people on the server, whether it be someone who is a complete stranger to me or somebody that I have a mutual friend with. I always find it nice to meet people with similar interests, it makes for both good friendships and great roleplay opportunities on the server. I think that joining this faction will help me meet more people that have similar interests as I do and hopefully create good experiences for both me and others on the server. I also think that joining this faction will help me progress further with my roleplaying skills as I will be interacting with more people due to the responsibilities that come with the role. I also would like to experience what it is like to not be restricted to the school as a character and roleplay with other people that are more experienced and have more knowledge on the server than I do.
As far as goals for the character I am applying on, I have a few. While the character I am applying on, Tatsuro, is one of my oldest characters on the server, I find that I haven't played him as much as I would like to due to the fact that I have made more connections on other characters and they are more developed than him. I have found myself wanting to roleplay more as him and bring him into more situations and make more connections with him as I do have a lot of history with him, just not as much as I do with other characters that I have created much later after I joined the server. I hope to bring more life to him and make meet more people as him as I do not wish to forget about him.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
Being a lawyer is no easy task, they have their work cut out for them as they are taking on tasks that require a lot of hard work and dedication to make sure that their client is being treated fairly throughout their legal troubles. Lawyers help provide those who need legal counsel or someone to help fight for them in legal troubles in order to prove their innocence and help them get treated fairly by whoever is handling their case. They spend a lot of time building a case to either help defend their client, or help prove that what they are asking for is reasonable in a court setting. Lawyers can spend a lot of time gathering evidence for a case, they may speak to witnesses involved in a situation that landed their client where they are, as well as keeping in contact with their client in order to bring build a better case, hopefully using all the evidence they gather to build a case and present it in court to help get their client the best possible outcome. Other than attending trials, lawyers have to take on other responsibilities, such as attorney calls and filing restraining orders. Lawyers also do their fair share at the front desk, helping assist those who may need to speak to a lawyer, as well as helping them in any sort of legal problems that they can handle.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
Yes, I understand that this will happen if it is deemed necessary.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, I understand that I am expected to dedicate my time on the server to this role if I am to be accepted.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Yes, I am aware of this and I agree that punishment is due if this is to happen.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read the rules and I agree to follow them.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Yes, as long as it does not conflict with anything major in my life. If that is to happen I will do my best to explain why I can not attend a meeting or event.



Full name:

"My full name is Tatsuro Asai, nice to meet you."

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
"I prefer to go by Mr. Asai."

Current age:
"I am twenty-nine years old."

Date of birth:
"I was born on January 22nd, 1997."

"I am a biological male."

Academic Degree:
"I graduated from Columbia University with a Masters degree."

"I majored in both criminal law and political science."

"I hold a minor degree in philosophy as well as economics."

Work experience:
"I was raised in the Unites States of America, so I was always surrounded by some way to make money. As I grew up with my father, I took on small jobs, such as walking dogs, mowing lawns, cleaning my neighbors houses, fairly simple tasks. During my teen years, I worked mostly in either restaurants or retail stores, it helped pass time when I wasn't working on school, and helped me learn some decent life skills along the way. As soon as I graduated I headed straight into the military. I found it to be the easiest way to help other people, and I had no reason to move away from the states as my father had remarried and I wanted to be able to support him as he grew older. Sadly, he passed away a couple of years after I joined the military, so I eventually resigned from my position as a lieutenant. While serving was good for me, I didn't love what I was doing, I felt I could help others in a way that suited me better. Now that I had some money, I went to college in hopes of becoming a lawyer, which I succeeded in doing. I ended up moving to a town close to where my father grew up, Karakura. I had visited the town before I graduated high school, and I always loved the area, so two years after I graduated from college I ended up moving there in hopes of serving as a lawyer. Sadly, I had to leave due to family reasons soon after I arrived, but during the time away I got some well needed work experience as a lawyer. Serving in a law firm for another two years before I decided to move back to Karakura and try my hand once again.

Political background:
"For as long as I can remember, I have always been interested in politics, my father himself was a lawyer and I was always interested in his conversations with his friends, often throwing myself into it in order to educate myself on how the government worked. I loved learning about all the different laws around the world and I enjoyed keeping up with politics from a variety of countries. As I matured, I often found myself in debates with my father as well as my friends, most of these being about politics in the United States as well as a few other countries that both I and my friends came from, but after a while they told me that they thought my obsession with politics to be annoying, which I disagree with, who doesn't love a good debate, or learning about how the world functions? I took my research to the next level as I went through high school and college, even though I didn't decide to try to become a lawyer until a couple of years after I graduated high school, I still found myself learning about politics, and I don't think I ever found a second of it boring. During my time in college, I found myself writing law reports as a past time, I found it amazing that I could inform other people about my findings and share my beliefs on what I thought was right as well as my hatred for biased and unfair government. As I grew older I did realize that I might have a bit of an obsession over politics, but I'm not sorry for it. It made me happy and got me to where I am now, and that's a good thing."

Nationality & born location:
"I was born in Kazan Russia, my father was Japanese and my mother was Russian, so I suppose I'm a little bit of both."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
"I speak Russian, English, Japanese, and JSL."

Criminal record:
"I have a clean criminal record, and it's going to stay like that for as long as I live."

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"Now I am sure that you will have plenty of great applicants for this position, but I believe I will be a great candidate for this job for a few reasons. I believe that my work experience as well as my knowledge of how the government works will help me rise above others with this position, I have been told that I put a lot of hard work and dedication into my job, but I believe that those traits are needed for any job. I believe that I can establish a good connection with my clients, I make it my priority to help them get the best outcome possible, defending them as if their life counts on it, which can be the case sometimes. With this job comes a lot of things, I am expected to do whatever I can to help take the stress of any clients shoulders as they shouldn't have to worry about legal trouble if they have the right lawyer. I find that with the right motivation, I can get most tasks done, even though I enjoy most of the responsibilities that comes with this job, I find it hard to ignore certain things as it is my responsibility to defend people who have been wronged. I'm very confident in my ability to handle this job, and I believe that everybody should be treated fairly and according to the law. I believe Karakura has a great justice system, but that doesn't mean people aren't hurt by others, which is why I try to do my best to help them. Yes, I do enjoy the job and all the benefits that comes from it. But there isn't any feeling that comes close to the satisfaction of helping someone and making sure they get treated correctly. All of these are aspects of this job that I hold close to my heart, and I believe every lawyer should have some of these qualities to help their clients receive fair treatment.

Thank you for reading this application, I would also like to apologize for what happened last time I applied for this role, and I would like to say that I will try my best to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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