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SirLump's Psychiatrist Application


Level 8
(Sorry if the font being larger makes it look like I was trying to fill space.. I can't really see that well.)

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):


What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
I believe that my activity on the server is very high. If I had to put it to scale from 1-10, I would put myself at either an 8 or a 9. I consistently play on SRP for around 2-12 hours each day, and I do not plan on quitting the server anytime soon as I enjoy every moment that I am online. If I am not able to be online, I do my best to explain why and if I am in a faction or organization, I will post a detailed inactivity log if needed.

Attached below is a table of what days I am online, and what times I will tend to log on.
2:30 PM - 10:00 PM
12:00 PM - 11:00 PM
12:00 PM - either 3:00 PM or 10:00 PM
2:30 PM - 1:00 AM
12:00 PM - 2:00 AM
11:00 AM - 2:00 AM
12:00 AM - 10:00

Attached below is my total playtime since I joined the server.

What is your timezone?:

CST (GMT -5)

List your current and past applications:

Accepted [HS-Council] [HS-Council] [Lawyer]
Denied [Judge]
Language [JSL] [Russian] [Third language whitelist] [Spanish]

List your current roles on the server:

[Grade-12] SirLump

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
Like most children, I loved pretending as a child. It was something that I found more fun than most games as you don't have a specific ending and the game you play doesn't have to end if you don't want it to. But as I grew older, eventually I grew out of playing such games with my friends and I ended up turning to the internet to find the joy of roleplaying.
In 2020, I started to roleplay on Hypixel Housing, which I enjoyed very much as I didn't know that sort of thing existed in Minecraft. As the years passed, I continued to roleplay on housing, but I also tried to search for other servers as I didn't find housing as fun. But once the pandemic calmed down, I drifted away from roleplay and focused more on my personal life and health.
After a while, I found myself with a new computer. Knowing that I finally had some power behind my setup, I searched for something a game to play that I could previously not play due to my old office computer which could barely handle some servers. After a little searching, I found myself looking for a roleplay server, which eventually led me to discovering SRP.
I joined SRP in the month of July in 2023. Roleplay Hub was the first search that came up whenever I was looking for a roleplay server to join. I was fascinated with the community and the server as a whole. Once I got more of an understanding on how the server worked, I fell in love with the experience that I could not seem to find anywhere else. After a while, I ended up submitting an application to join the High School Council, which was accepted and opened a new door to roleplay experiences.
Soon after I had joined the High School Council, I ended up dipping my toe into GangRP, which ended up being a big part of my roleplay experience. While I loved the student council, it was only something that I really enjoyed during schooltime. So once that ended, I focused more on learning how GangRP worked. I joined the gang that was known as Man'en, an intelligence based gang which helped me learn a lot about the rules of both the server and GangRP. While I was in this gang, I ended up joining a family which helped me learn more about what people call FamilyRP. And while I don't really consider it to be a HUGE faction of RP, I enjoyed it a lot. It helped me develop my roleplay skills and it helped me get more involved with people in the server.
A few months after I joined Man'en, I ended up leaving and joining a gang that some members of a family I was in was a big part of. This gang being Black Dragons. Joining this gang was a big part of my roleplay journey as I focused a lot more on GangRP due to the fact that they were a much more active gang and got into a lot more trouble than my previous one.
In the month of March, I applied for the Lawyer role. Which was accepted but the same day that I was accepted into the faction I was banned for failure to report rule breaking / duping. This put a halt on my roleplay for around five months. It wasn't until August that I was able to join the server again, and I have been very active in roleplay since then.

What is your motivation for applying?

While I love roleplaying on the server and am happy with what I have now, I have always wondered what it would be like to join a faction outside of school. The EMS faction as a whole has always been interesting to me, they seem to play a HUGE part in certain aspects of the server. While every faction plays a big role in the server, this faction appeals to more of the aspects of roleplay that I find more interesting. I have had many roleplay encounters with EMS due to the fact that I always had to visit due to GangRP, and every time I interacted I was fascinated by the aspects of the faction. The people in the faction all seem to have a close bond with each other and have good relationships with each other, the faction seems very experienced in their DetailRP and seems to have great quality in their actions. All of these factors caught my eye and made me wonder what it would be like to join the faction. I also want to develop this character more, I feel that this is a great fit for his personality and I believe that it will open a door for good roleplay opportunities as well as helping me meet and grow closer with some great people within the faction.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)
I am applying for the Psychiatrist role

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
As most factions do, the Hospital Faction has a ladder that you need to climb in order to move up in the chain of command.

The starting point for all employees of the hospital faction, this is where the members will learn how the faction works and all the details and training that they need to know in order to help other people and help the hospital run smoothly. From what I know, all trainee's have a two week training period that is built to their personal schedule in order to be promoted to the next rank.
After a trainee completes their basic training, they are promoted to a resident. Once they have proved they are capable, a resident is given more freedom in order to help the hospital run better and help server the people by getting them the help that they need. Even though they are given more independence, these residents are still under supervision throughout their training.
Senior Resident
Once a resident pass their residency exams, they are promoted to a senior resident. These residents take on more responsibility and help train the residents and trainees as well as supervise them in order to make sure that everything is functioning properly in the hospital. These residents are much more independent and are relied on more, which helps prepare them for harder tasks that come with their training in order to become an attending doctor or psychiatrist.
Once an employee passes their residency exams, they are given the option to pursue additional responsibilities by either being a Paramedic or a Veterinarian. Paramedics are often deployed in order to help in critical situations where someone is injured and might not make it to the hospital. It is a paramedics job to make sure that this person is taken care of and stays alive. Paramedics are often deployed to help KPD with emergency situations. Veterinarian's take on responsibilities that focus mainly on helping animals. They help treat animal wounds and are even deployed into the forest to help take care of the wildlife that may be injured.
These employees are recognized for their hard work and dedication to the medical field as they have completed all of their training and are now trusted with administrative tasks and help mentor those who have not yet completed all of their training. These employees are great examples of what someone should strive to become in the line of public service.
Clinical Supervisor
These employees are directly under the clinical leads and are tasked with helping the leads by taking on major administration duties and help oversee that everyone in the branch is doing what they are supposed to.
Clinical Lead
At the very top of each department is a clinical lead. These employees have proved that they have exceptional leadership skills and are experts at their work. Their job is to make sure that everything is functioning smoothly and that those who need help are receiving it.
At the very top of the hierarchy is the director. This person oversees the entire hospital and makes sure that everything is running smoothly throughout all the departments. The director is also in charge of managing the hospitals finances as well as deciding who should be hired.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
I acknowledge this and I am ready to take full responsibility for this if this happens.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

"Nice to meet you, my name is Oliver Sinclair"
Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
"I am a male, he/him"

Character’s Age (if accepted):
"I'm 28 years old.. Am I old?"

Character’s Academic Background:
"I have a Ph.D. in Psychology and a Bachelors in Medical Science."

Character’s Nationality:
"I was born in the country of France, so naturally I am French."

Character’s Marital Status:
"I am single."

Character’s Religious Denomination:
"I am currently Christian"

Character’s Spoken Languages:

Character Backstory:
Born in the beautiful country of France, Oliver Sinclair was brought into the world only a few minutes after his twin sister, Olivia. Oliver's parents, Jacob and Maria Sinclair, had a very strange relationship with their children. Maria adored Oliver, but she saw Olivia as a broken, imperfect child. This eventually made Jacob, who cared for both of his kids equally, to get into a fight with Maria. Eventually leading to divorce. Maria ended up with custody over Oliver, leaving Olivia with Jacob. All of this happened when Oliver was just four years of age, he didn't understand much at the time. But he eventually grew to hate his mother once he was older and realized how she treated Olivia. Jacob and Olivia ended up moving to a different household. It wasn't too far from where Oliver and his mom were staying, but it still took a toll on Oliver's mental health. Eventually Oliver's mother left him, she figured that she was better off without Oliver and decided to leave Oliver at an orphanage. Soon after this, Oliver's father had to move away due to work, leaving Oliver in France while his sister and his father left the country.

Teen years
As Oliver grew older, he exchanged letters with his sister. He felt obligated to do this, as he felt that he was the reason his parents got divorced. As he grew older, Oliver developed an interest in the medical field, as he felt he could help others and make up for the pain he had caused other people. He wanted to see if he could help his sister, as she suffered from sleep apnea and Oliver wanted to do everything he could to make up for what he thought was his fault. But before he could pursue this dream, he learnt that she and his father had died in a house fire. Now Oliver had just turned 17 when this happened, and he was about to go to college to study sleep medicine. But after learning that his sister had died, he scratched that idea and studied psychiatry in the hopes that he could help ease the pain similar to what he had felt when he learned his sister had passed.

Once Oliver finished his studies, he ended up traveling to Japan. He visited Japan when he was 18, and he had fallen in love with it ever since. Oliver moved to Osaka, eventually getting hired at a clinic. Oliver loved every second of his work, he adored helping people and he enjoyed his time at the clinic. Sadly, it was short lived. The clinic was sadly burned down, leaving Oliver without a job. After a short time, Oliver decided he wanted to move.

Oliver did some traveling around Japan, he figured he wanted to stay on the island, he did love the place after all. Eventually, Oliver visited Karakura. He was instantly fascinated by the history of the town and the people that lived in it, he kept finding himself thinking about it, visiting the town often. After a few months, Oliver decided that he wanted to move there. Once Oliver had settled in, he figured he should try and get a job at the hospital as a psychiatrist.

What is your character’s medical specialty? Why did they choose this focus?

Oliver mainly wanted to focus on Sleep medicine. This was due to the fact that his sister struggled with sleep due to sleep apnea. He had a deep connection with his sister, but after she died, he ended up focusing more on psychiatry. He found himself more interested in psychiatry and ended up focusing on it more since he found no reason to study sleep medicine any more.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Yes. Oliver worked at a psychiatric clinic in Japan. He served as a resident and primarily helped patients who struggled with psychological issues.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Oliver Sinclair is often noticed for his messy reddish-brown hair. At a glance, he seems to have a calm look on his face, giving you a smile as he walks by. He carries himself with a professional demeanor, often speaking with a soothing tone, which compliment his words well. If he was a character in a movie, he would be a side character that everyone would cry about it he died. He doesn't really like being the center of attention, but he enjoys company of other people. He is more of a follower than a leader, but he won't hesitate to correct someone if they are being unreasonable or cruel to someone. He's overall a nice guy, he looks very approachable as he always has a smile on his face, and often compliments others. If you were to grow closer to him, you would find that he's just a guy that wants to make other people feel better. Whether it be by talking to them, or just being a little bit silly. It depends on the person he talks to!


How does your character act around the hospital?
On duty
Oliver keeps his work life VERY professional. Not much can keep him away from whatever his task his, some might say he's a little bit TOO focused sometimes.. But in his line of work, it's a good quality. Even though he tries to keep his work very professional and by the book, you can tell that his job makes him happy. Helping others brings joy to him, and he tries to do that in the best way possible, all while keeping it professional.
Off duty
When Oliver is off duty, he tends to keep to himself. But if you're close, he's VERY friendly, he doesn't love being alone, so if you get close to him and he's not working, he will probably end up sticking close to you. In his free time, he often tries to learn to cook.. Which doesn't turn out great, but it brings him joy whenever he gets it right. He's fairly relaxed when he's off work, but he still feels obligated to try and bring others up, which conflicts with his desire to be left alone sometimes. But his compassion often gets the better of him.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Oliver functions better in a group. While he can work well by himself, he finds it a lot easier and less stressful to work in a team where you can rely on others and have people to help you stay on track during your job. It's easier for him to follow a leader rather than be on his own and keep himself on track, even though he tries to keep everything professional, it's easy for him to lose track of what he was doing if he is working alone.
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