Level 10

Player Information
What is your Minecraft username?: Sithness
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes, my discord is Sith#4673
How old are you? (Optional): 18
What is your time zone?: EST
Describe your activity on the server: I am pretty active on the server, I am able to be on nearly everyday in the afternoon. If I have work in real life, I’ll usually be able to get on around 7pm, and if its a school day I can be on much earlier. On weekends and days that I have off from work I’m able to be on for much longer and at a much earlier time.
Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?): No, I have never been banned.
Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, I fully understand this.
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:
Accepted - Science teacher application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Sithness Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): I do have a discord, its Sith#4673 Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do. How old are you? (Optional): I am 18 years old. What is your time zone?: My time zone...
Accepted - Sith's English teacher application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Sithness Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): I have discord! My discord is Sith#4673 How old are you? (Optional): I am 17 years old. What is your time zone?: My timezone is EST. Do you acknowledge...
Denied - Sith's teacher application
Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Sithness Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Sith#4673 How old are you? (Optional): 17 What is your timezone?: EST Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes, and I plan...
What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level): On the account that I am using to apply for the shopkeeper role, I am currently a teacher, specifically a NQT as of when I am filling out this application. On my other two accounts I am on the HS swim-team (Sithpai) and just a regular grade 12 on my other alt (AtomSith).
Shop Information
What shop are you applying for?: Miyage-Hin Mato, I do plan on redoing the theme and name of this shop though.
Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?: I want to become a shopkeeper because I think being able to set up and run my own shop sounds like it could be a fun way of earning money on SRP. I also have some cool ideas for how to decorate my shop so that it looks unique and can provide a unique experience to customers. I also want to provide the server with an active shop that can give plenty of players a chance at getting a job working there, but also just for other players to have yet another store to visit and spend their money at. I also think that I could make a great shopkeeper, especially a great one for a shop like the one I have planned here because I do work at an amusement park in real life and did do retail and games there for a time so I know a proper way to run the gaming area of my shop, not only that, but working at my in real life job I also have helped out my supervisors so I know some good managerial methods. Not only do I have the real world experience of working, but I have owned some small groups on SRP like an unofficial volleyball team that I ran a few years ago, along with running and helping to run multiple families on SRP. I also have experience leading outside of SRP as on other roleplay servers I have operated a few stores, but also have been staff on another roleplay server (that is now shut down) so I know how to be mature when dealing with people and running something like a shop on here.
What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?: I first plan to change the stores name to "Frankenstein's Market" as a play on my characters surname and also a play on "Frankenstein's monster". I also plan on giving the shop a costume store theme and Halloween aesthetic. I think this could be a nice change in the typical gift shops that are around Karakura and make for a more festive experience for players, of course I wouldn’t really turn up the Halloween feel to the store until the fall, but still make sure it at least somewhat has the vibe of a Halloween store year round. I also plan on having a small arcade area in order to give customers other fun things to do, I will also include some other games run by players to have more opportunities to make money in case anyone gets bored of just running a register, at these player run games the /roll command will be used and customers will get a chance at winning a plushie. Along with this arcade and gaming area, I want to have a small snack bar to give the shop a more immersive feel, I think that the immersion of a shop is very important to a roleplay server because it can give a persons characters more opportunities to have fun and just provide extra things to do! Another way I plan on making my shop unique is by having events for the employees such as employee parties in the arcade and snack bar area every so often.
Store logo:
Employee uniforms:
Game hosts/snack bar attendants:
What will you sell in your shop?: At my store I plan to sell a variety of different accessories, plushies, along with toy weapons and other props to tie into the costume shop theme that I am going for. I will also sell a small selection of junk foot to be sold at the snack bar section of my store. And even though its technically not selling something, I also plan to have a small amount (maybe two or three) carnival type games ran at my shop for a small fee from customers, here customers can win a small selection of plushies or one of the cheaper items sold at the shop.
Here's also a list of custom items that I could sell in my shop, I may come up with more and add them here!
Store mascot plushie: (Just like this, but with no tag and in a sitting position, no jacket and instead has the stores signature F on the plushies t shirt, could sit on your head and/or left shoulder.)
Price: 25k
Toy daedric sword (from ES5 Skyrim):
Price: 60k
Knife headband: (Halloween special)
Price: 45k
Yeti plushie: (Christmas special, can sit on head and/or left shoulder)
Price: 25k
How many employees do you plan to have?: Below I have listed the different types of employees that I plan to have, the amount that I plan on hiring, along with a job description of what each employee role will do during a shift.
Owner (1)
First up is the owner of the store, which would obviously be me. I’d mainly focus on managing the shops discord, the money the shop makes, making time to open the shop, along with watching over employees and customers while the shops is open.
Managers (2)
Second position I plan to have is the shop managers, instead of an application like I plan to have standard employees fill out, I plan to reach out to those I Think would make good managers and have a personal OOC interview along with an IC interview to see if they’d be fit for the job. With this position, the worker would help me in managing the shops discord, watching over the shop while its open, specifically whatever section (standard retail area or arcade/snack bar) that they are assigned to for the time the shop is open.
Cashiers (15)
Third position for employees that I will have will be the cashiers. Cashiers are pretty self explanatory, during a shift they’re focus will be on tending registers and managing the main products of the store. During each shift, a cashier will be required to wear their uniform to work and will need to pay their due to me once their shift is over and before they leave the store.
Game hosts/snack bar attendants (9)
The fourth and final position that I plan to have at my store is the game hosts/snack bar attendants. I have these combined as there won’t be as many people needed to run the snack bar area and there won’t be as many games as there will be cashiers. If there are ever problems with staffing, I’d have people temporarily switch roles, and may combine these with the cashiers in the future if I find that it works better. Game hosts will stick to their assigned game for their shift, collecting the pay due from players who want to have a go at the game along with handing out prizes and keeping track of how much money is gained and how many prizes they give out for the night. As for the snack bar attendants, like cashiers all they’d be focusing on is selling food to customers and keeping track of how much food is sold throughout their shift. At the end of their shift, both game hosts and snack bar attendants will pay their due to me.
Employee activity: In order to make sure that there will always be people available to work a shift at my shop, I plan on utilizing activity logs similar to what is used in other SRP groups/discord servers. I plan to do my best to be stern, but not to strict on how active a person may be as I can understand the need to not be online for certain amounts of time. My rules for activity will be simple, if an inactivity log is put up, there will be no strikes against the employee, but if one isn't any someone goes inactive for a long period of time (1-2 OOC weeks) then they will either be removed from the shops work force, or given a strike. If an employee gets three strikes, they will be fired, or they will be approached by me or a manager to see if something can be worked out, though this does depend on why exactly they got a strike. For example, if most of the strikes are for reasons like serving customers who hide their faces, or being rude to customers, they will have a higher chance of just being reached out to rather than fired right away. On the other hand if most of the strikes are for stealing items and/or going inactive for long periods of time without a log, then they will be fired on the spot.
Employee rules:
- No taking merchandise for free, if you want to buy something, wait for the end of the night and then pay me along with your due.
- Must wear your correct uniform during your shift, only exception is during the Halloween season, then you can wear any costum you’d like OR your uniform.
- Be kind to all customers and do your best to help them and provide them with a pleasant experience.
- Do not serve customers who hide their face.
- If a fight occurs in the store, alert the owner or a manager if you can’t diffuse it yourself.
- No hate speech.
Customer rules:
- Must show your face in order to buy something or play a game.
- No weapons inside the store.
- No fighting inside the store.
- No refunds.
- Prices are final, no bargaining.
- No stealing.
- No hate speech or being rude to employees.
Additional notes about your application: N/A
Do you have any questions?: N/A